Table 7. Employed persons 18 years and over by veteran status, presence of service-connected disability, period of service, and class of worker, August 2011, not seasonally adjusted

Table 7. Employed persons 18 years and over by veteran status, presence of service-connected disability, period of service, and class of worker,
August 2011, not seasonally adjusted
                                                                                 Percent distribution by class of worker                        
                                                                                                   Nonagricultural industries                   
 Veteran status, presence of disability,       employed                                           Wage and salary workers (1)                   
   and period of service                     (thousands)             Agricul-                                                            Self-  
                                                          Total      ture and                                                          employed,
                                                                      related                                   Government              unicor- 
                                                                    industries    Total                                                porated, 
                                                                                            Private                                   and unpaid
                                                                                            sector                            State     family  
                                                                                                        Total     Federal      and      workers 
Veterans, total (2)..........................   10,497     100.0        2.3       97.7       69.7       21.0        8.3       12.7        7.1   
  With service-connected disability..........    1,310     100.0         .8       99.2       59.5       33.6       18.4       15.2        6.1   
  Without service-connected disability.......    7,246     100.0        2.8       97.2       71.3       19.0        6.3       12.7        6.9   
  Gulf War era, total (2)....................    4,071     100.0         .7       99.3       70.7       25.5       11.0       14.5        3.1   
    With service-connected disability........      824     100.0         -       100.0       59.3       36.6       20.9       15.6        4.1   
    Without service-connected disability.....    2,547     100.0         .8       99.2       74.1       22.7        7.8       14.8        2.4   
    Gulf War era II (2)......................    1,759     100.0         .4       99.6       70.4       26.2       13.0       13.2        3.1   
      With service-connected disability......      445     100.0         -       100.0       61.0       35.3       20.9       14.4        3.7   
      Without service-connected disability...    1,036     100.0         .6       99.4       74.1       22.9        9.8       13.1        2.4   
    Gulf War era I (2).......................    2,312     100.0        1.0       99.0       70.9       25.0        9.5       15.5        3.2   
      With service-connected disability......      379     100.0         -       100.0       57.3       38.1       21.0       17.1        4.6   
      Without service-connected disability...    1,511     100.0        1.0       99.0       74.1       22.5        6.5       16.0        2.4   
  WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era (2).....    3,332     100.0        4.5       95.5       68.9       16.0        5.7       10.3       10.7   
    With service-connected disability........      253     100.0        4.1       95.9       59.8       26.6       14.3       12.3        9.5   
    Without service-connected disability.....    2,441     100.0        5.2       94.8       69.0       14.8        4.9        9.9       11.0   
  Other service periods (2)..................    3,094     100.0        1.9       98.1       69.4       20.4        7.5       12.9        8.3   
    With service-connected disability........      233     100.0         -       100.0       60.1       30.5       13.7       16.8        9.4   
    Without service-connected disability.....    2,258     100.0        2.4       97.6       70.5       19.5        6.1       13.4        7.5   
Nonveterans..................................  128,265     100.0        1.7       98.3       78.4       13.7        2.1       11.6        6.2   

   1 Includes self-employed workers whose businesses are incorporated.
   2 Includes veterans who did not report presence of disability.
   NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were not on active duty at the time of the survey.
Nonveterans never served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans could have served anywhere in the world during these periods of
service: Gulf War era II (September 2001-present), Gulf War era I (August 1990-August 2001), Vietnam era (August 1964-April 1975), Korean War
(July 1950-January 1955), World War II (December 1941-December 1946), and other service periods (all other time periods). Veterans are counted
in only one period of service, their most recent wartime period. Veterans who served in more than one wartime period are classified in the most
recent one. Veterans who served in both a wartime period and any other service period are classified in the wartime period. A service-connected
disability is a health condition or impairment caused or made worse by military service. The associated disability rating, which can range from
0 to 100 percent, is determined from a rating schedule published in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Title 38." More information appears
in the Technical Note of this release. Dash represents or rounds to zero.

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Last Modified Date: March 20, 2012