Tag: usmc

Afghan National Army soldiers take a quick break during up-armored humvee training at the Regional Military Training Center Sept. 14 in Kandahar. During the five-week course, the ANA soldiers learned how to operate and maintain both light tactical vehicles as well as up-armored humvees.  (Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Brandon Cross)

Up-armored Humvee training improves ANA driving safety

2011/10/13 • Comments

“Prior to the course, none of the Afghan soldiers have received any type of formal driver education,” said Marine Staff Sgt. Clayton Covel, 205th Corps adviser. “Many have never driven before at all, especially not very large and heavy vehicles like an up-armored humvee.”

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Category: News - Afghan National Army, News - News

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An Afghan National Army soldier speaks to a village elder during a recent patrol. The soldiers are learning the skills necessary to gather information from and build rapport with local citizens. The soldiers took the lead in communicating with area residents during the patrol, while Marines from Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, provided support and guidance when necessary.

Afghan National Army takes lead, Marines lend support

2011/09/05 • Comments

“They know that we’re out there on a regular basis. They know we’re out here in our mission trying to take care of them.”

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Category: News - Afghan National Army, News - News

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Coalition mentors direct Provincial Response Company Course students in proper tactical entry and positioning during a training exercise held at the Joint Sustainment Academy Southwest, Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Aug. 23. The PRC Course prepares policemen to deploy rapidly to combat high risk criminal activity in an urban environment.

Marines and the ANP – Special Tactics Mission Training

2011/08/30 • Comments

“The [Provincial Response Company] unit’s training gives it the ability to respond at a moment’s notice and to handle situations…”

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Category: News - Afghan National Police, News - News, Uncategorized

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GARMSIR DISTRICT, Helmand province, Afghanistan - U.S. Marine Corps. Lt. Col. Sean Riordan speaks with District Governor Mohammed Fahim during iftar, or "breaking of fast," which is the nightly meal during the month-long Islamic holiday Ramadan, Aug. 8. Riordan, a native of Montclair, Va., is the commanding officer of 1st battalion, 3rd Marines. Marines from 1/3 are regularly invited to Iftar with their Afghan National Army and Police counterparts during Ramadan.

Faith sustains Afghan soldiers during Ramadan

2011/08/21 • Comments

Without food, water or relief from 120-plus degree temperatures, an Afghan National Army soldier patrols…

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