U.S. Department of Justice

Interventions to Promote Successful Re-Entry Among Drug-Abusing Parolees [and] Response: Pathways to Recovery and Reintegration

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Dec. 15, 2009

Library ID

  • 024158

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  • 2009
  • 13 pages.

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  • Interventions to Promote Successful Re-Entry Among Drug-Abusing Parolees

  • Response: Pathways to Recovery and Reintegration

ANNOTATION: “This article reviews research findings on principles of effective correctional treatment and the interventions that have been shown to be effective with drug abusing parolees or that have been tested with general drug-abusing populations and shown promise for use with parolees” (p.1). Sections contained in this publication include: principles of effective correctional treatment; re-entry interventions for drug-abusing parolees—cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), case management, contingency management, residential treatment, pharmacotherapy, programs for women, and continuing care; clinical issues in providing treatment to parolees—assessment, implementation, and mandated treatment; and conclusion.

Also included is “Response: Pathways to Recovery and Reintegration” by Deanne Benos, Flo Stein, and Harry K. Wexler.
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