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NDDHS logo ND Child Support Enforcement image

Child Support Enforcement (CSE)

What's New

The child support Lien Registry was implemented on March 1, 2012.

Administrator Sets 2012 Judgment Interest Rate at 6.50% (97.56kb pdf)

E-payment is now available. Child Support accepts payment by credit card or debit card.

Amended Child Support Guidelines effective July 1, 2011 (2.68kb pdf)

For more information about guidelines click here

Parents may receive e-mail notice of payments (113 kb pdf)

Letter to United Steelworkers Union (133 kb pdf)

Child Support help for parents impacted by layoffs (13.3 kb pdf)

Child support enforcement pilot project to address parent layoffs (97kb pdf)

Information for Non custodial Parents (13.52 kb pdf)

Information for Employers (19 kb pdf)

North Dakota Child Support Reaches One Billion in Collections (20.3 kb pdf)

For a list of obligors held in contempt of court in North Dakota and a list of criminal nonsupport click here



Little could be accomplished without dedicated parents taking care of their kids with help from employers, clerks of court, the Judiciary, the Legislature, County Social Service Boards, the Department of Human Services Executive office, and dedicated staff.

James Fleming


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