U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2002

Disabled Beneficiaries Receiving Social Security, SSI, or Both

Table 56.
Number aged 18-64, by program, December 1996-2002
Year Number Average monthly benefit a
Total monthly benefits b
(millions of dollars)
Total Social
SSI only Both
and SSI
SSI only Both
and SSI
SSI only Both
and SSI
1996 7,689,664 4,122,152 2,559,750 1,007,762 744.60 456.00 546.90 3,072 1,222 584
1997 7,811,748 4,250,155 2,550,105 1,011,488 762.80 458.10 557.10 3,245 1,257 604
1998 8,086,259 4,440,264 2,618,615 1,027,380 775.00 467.90 564.30 3,444 1,313 622
1999 8,399,309 4,703,774 2,650,586 1,044,949 784.10 477.60 576.70 3,691 1,346 643
2000 8,599,465 4,850,835 2,690,446 1,058,184 818.80 489.00 594.90 3,975 1,408 675
2001 8,791,338 4,979,844 2,732,020 1,079,474 862.60 506.80 615.20 4,299 1,491 719
2002 9,106,014 5,228,262 2,768,782 1,108,970 884.60 522.50 625.20 4,629 1,544 747
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file; Supplemental Security Record file.
NOTE: SSI counts include recipients of federal SSI, federally administered state supplementation, or both. Social Security beneficiaries who are entitled to both a primary and a secondary benefit (dual entitlement) are counted only once in this table.
a. Excludes retroactive payments for both programs.
b. Includes retroactive SSI payments.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 or di.asr@ssa.gov for further information.
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Table 57.
Number aged 18-64, by state or other area, December 2002
State or area Workers Widow(er)s Adult children
Total Number with SSI Average
benefit a
Total Number with SSI Average
benefit a
Total Number with SSI Average
benefit a
All areas 5,539,597 801,351 178.60 122,571 34,671 186.00 675,064 272,948 232.10
Alabama 139,276 21,793 147.10 3,620 1,264 162.90 15,375 8,181 211.80
Alaska 8,197 1,369 155.60 156 41 194.40 664 292 225.70
Arizona 97,886 10,433 156.40 1,656 335 175.70 7,830 2,945 206.90
Arkansas 85,310 12,154 146.90 1,945 663 148.00 8,139 4,111 216.20
California 470,665 128,183 264.40 8,755 3,609 282.80 57,576 36,571 339.60
Colorado 63,770 8,262 150.70 974 211 182.20 5,241 2,109 198.10
Connecticut 58,123 6,078 149.70 877 280 172.80 8,366 2,138 212.00
Delaware 16,492 1,711 156.50 234 48 174.60 1,720 586 192.60
District of Columbia 8,608 1,614 169.70 216 81 163.10 1,247 440 239.50
Florida 339,296 42,526 152.50 5,864 1,487 166.00 30,249 12,139 204.60
Georgia 171,333 23,952 141.60 3,943 1,445 157.40 18,374 9,207 200.00
Hawaii 15,844 1,885 205.30 310 76 215.20 2,023 988 363.00
Idaho 23,513 3,420 161.10 398 74 156.00 2,256 887 188.60
Illinois 191,744 22,011 166.60 4,565 1,078 178.60 28,820 7,529 208.70
Indiana 120,126 14,110 164.10 2,460 445 159.30 15,206 3,736 200.00
Iowa 51,446 7,584 163.60 851 204 154.90 7,499 2,391 182.10
Kansas 45,339 6,242 159.60 778 173 168.40 5,388 1,770 196.40
Kentucky 137,541 22,239 154.60 4,614 1,532 173.90 14,629 7,451 222.70
Louisiana 98,302 15,321 156.00 4,173 1,335 167.70 16,680 7,841 224.40
Maine 38,926 6,126 152.80 662 183 148.50 3,867 1,863 203.80
Maryland 76,354 9,018 151.40 1,501 349 163.20 9,764 3,212 187.50
Massachusetts 132,229 24,155 181.90 2,001 773 231.00 15,839 6,553 229.10
Michigan 203,632 25,305 170.50 4,745 1,025 164.20 29,955 11,967 198.50
Minnesota 75,509 9,449 157.10 915 185 189.90 10,027 3,047 193.40
Mississippi 93,231 15,401 145.30 2,652 1,075 171.90 10,687 6,021 228.20
Missouri 135,948 17,924 159.80 2,874 767 170.60 14,455 5,648 207.80
Montana 18,077 2,434 155.20 328 90 173.70 1,915 832 193.40
Nebraska 27,999 3,945 153.20 423 79 195.50 3,620 1,306 194.30
Nevada 37,072 3,901 154.60 545 83 179.50 2,192 731 206.60
New Hampshire 25,971 2,340 149.80 296 52 147.70 2,319 731 189.10
New Jersey 133,918 15,654 161.50 2,146 572 188.00 17,789 5,518 210.50
New Mexico 35,601 5,541 154.90 837 264 171.00 3,865 1,971 221.10
New York 359,653 57,682 204.80 7,507 2,651 213.40 50,406 23,593 272.70
North Carolina 213,194 26,932 148.60 3,795 1,315 163.10 20,290 9,245 200.90
North Dakota 9,654 1,360 151.20 170 48 156.50 1,735 633 195.50
Ohio 208,282 28,495 169.70 6,086 1,333 169.80 31,660 9,280 202.60
Oklahoma 72,737 9,317 161.30 1,843 510 164.20 8,107 3,191 207.60
Oregon 63,547 9,141 155.60 1,050 200 160.50 6,322 2,262 193.00
Pennsylvania 241,917 33,472 178.50 5,973 1,596 190.40 33,979 13,016 226.90
Rhode Island 25,225 4,665 172.50 331 117 208.10 2,635 1,293 231.20
South Carolina 112,264 12,505 148.70 2,498 859 167.90 11,995 5,553 199.60
South Dakota 12,754 1,904 160.50 214 76 185.70 1,759 825 191.80
Tennessee 155,631 21,540 152.90 4,189 1,341 172.80 16,478 7,916 209.60
Texas 296,565 42,985 153.40 8,117 2,392 171.50 36,285 14,980 212.90
Utah 24,186 3,063 161.80 360 75 183.70 2,975 919 194.90
Vermont 13,543 2,524 179.10 246 91 165.60 1,638 956 223.10
Virginia 139,695 16,548 149.30 3,167 880 153.70 15,272 6,293 202.60
Washington 101,078 14,141 157.50 1,672 319 187.00 10,214 3,357 191.70
West Virginia 67,905 8,357 155.80 2,663 613 161.40 8,976 3,975 219.70
Wisconsin 91,892 13,388 159.00 1,324 338 162.50 13,725 4,603 180.40
Wyoming 8,379 1,039 156.50 127 23 184.50 808 247 187.00
Outlying areas b 144,218 213 197.80 4,925 16 222.40 26,229 99 314.10
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file; Supplemental Security Record file.
NOTE: SSI counts include recipients of federal SSI, federally administered state supplementation, or both. Social Security beneficiaries who are entitled to both a primary and a secondary benefit (dual entitlement) are counted only once in this table.
a. Does not include retroactive payments.
b. Includes American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and foreign countries.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 or di.asr@ssa.gov for further information.
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Table 58.
Number aged 18-64 as a percentage of the resident population aged 18-64, by state, December 2002
State Resident population a Beneficiaries
Number Percentage of
resident population
United States 179,872,304 8,930,403 5.0
Alabama 2,790,858 223,378 8.0
Alaska 412,158 13,649 3.3
Arizona 3,278,354 145,069 4.4
Arkansas 1,656,170 127,324 7.7
California 21,946,806 921,118 4.2
Colorado 2,920,952 92,842 3.2
Connecticut 2,115,336 90,892 4.3
Delaware 512,199 23,449 4.6
District of Columbia 390,236 19,895 5.1
Florida 9,976,040 508,449 5.1
Georgia 5,478,181 272,762 5.0
Hawaii 782,474 26,952 3.4
Idaho 819,551 34,844 4.3
Illinois 7,846,848 348,371 4.4
Indiana 3,806,760 179,801 4.7
Iowa 1,805,930 77,814 4.3
Kansas 1,664,271 67,241 4.0
Kentucky 2,651,827 242,292 9.1
Louisiana 2,776,526 192,450 6.9
Maine 829,023 57,271 6.9
Maryland 3,461,513 126,398 3.7
Massachusetts 4,100,766 220,757 5.4
Michigan 6,248,262 342,593 5.5
Minnesota 3,165,854 116,231 3.7
Mississippi 1,764,784 155,342 8.8
Missouri 3,517,921 203,746 5.8
Montana 570,327 26,875 4.7
Nebraska 1,057,653 40,890 3.9
Nevada 1,360,646 51,728 3.8
New Hampshire 814,108 34,340 4.2
New Jersey 5,341,712 209,463 3.9
New Mexico 1,133,099 60,144 5.3
New York 12,070,771 668,825 5.5
North Carolina 5,252,915 306,975 5.8
North Dakota 393,222 14,629 3.7
Ohio 7,027,968 371,403 5.3
Oklahoma 2,159,695 115,225 5.3
Oregon 2,222,440 96,027 4.3
Pennsylvania 7,562,677 424,070 5.6
Rhode Island 678,191 39,779 5.9
South Carolina 2,624,764 168,374 6.4
South Dakota 457,116 19,415 4.2
Tennessee 3,673,451 245,870 6.7
Texas 13,524,681 498,388 3.7
Utah 1,404,203 37,115 2.6
Vermont 397,689 20,321 5.1
Virginia 4,696,693 209,503 4.5
Washington 3,878,104 163,984 4.2
West Virginia 1,136,728 119,967 10.6
Wisconsin 3,396,714 144,264 4.2
Wyoming 317,137 11,899 3.8
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file; Supplemental Security Record file; U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 estimates of resident population.
NOTE: Excludes United States territories and other areas.
a. Population estimates for the United States as of July 1, 2002, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 or di.asr@ssa.gov for further information
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