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Historic Buildings

More than one fourth of GSA’s 1600 owned buildings are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, the nation’s listing of historic properties, and approximately half are more than 50 years old. GSA’s public building legacy includes custom houses, courthouses, post offices, border stations, and federal agency offices across the United States and its territories. Many are grand structures with ceremonial spaces designed to symbolize the permanence and stature of the federal government, as well as to serve functional purposes. As part of its commitment to historic preservation, GSA is working to maintain the architectural excellence of America’s public buildings.

Explore GSA Historic Buildings


Architectural Style
Explore by Architectural Styles Screen

Research and learn about the styles that influenced America’s public buildings — from stately Greek Revival monuments to bold Modern masterpieces, GSA’s buildings reflect 200 years of architectural design.



U.S. States
Explore by State Screen

Trace the development of the United States as you browse through GSA buildings in large cities and small towns across the country.



Image of Explore by Timeline Screen

Journey through 400 years of public building architecture as it evolved alongside the nation.




Building Search

Search the Historic Buildings Database to find architectural descriptions, building histories, and photographs.


Posters, Videos, and Photographs

More than 100 buildings have been featured in GSA’s Historic Building Poster & Brochure Series.

Historic Building Poster Historic Building Poster Historic Building Poster

Download high-resolution photographs of GSA historic buildings.

Historic Building Film Series

Watch award-winning documentary films about some of our most significant buildings.

Image of a sample video you can watch online

From: 100 Years of Grandeur: Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House

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