Category Archives: Headlines

College Students Discuss Higher Education Affordability with Secretary Duncan

Students are a crucial voice in education, particularly when it comes to policy debates. To continue its transparency efforts and ensure students have a seat at the table, the Obama Administration has engaged youth, parents, and higher education leaders regarding … Continue reading

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Indoor Air Quality Management Helping to Improve Academic Achievement

Every school district values educational achievement, low absentee rates, high grades and test scores, and an active and engaged student body. To achieve these aims, schools across the country are focusing on creating healthy indoor environments. With two 2012 ED-Green … Continue reading

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White House Honors Parents as Champions of Change

In a recent speech, Secretary Duncan noted that parents understand better than anyone how important it is that schools prepare students for success in life—not just with academic knowledge, but with the skills needed to succeed in jobs and to … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Parent & Family Engagement | 3 Comments

5 Ways to Help Your Child Prevent Bullying this School Year

As children head back to the classroom, now is a great time for parents and guardians to talk with your kids about bullying. Here are five tips to help your child prevent bullying and to help them deal with bullying: … Continue reading

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Arne on Cost of College and Pell Grants

Secretary Arne Duncan sat down recently to answer questions he received via social media, email and mail. Zack wanted to know if Arne thought the rising cost of college would keep Americans from a post-secondary education. Arne says that college … Continue reading

Posted in Arne Answers Questions, College Completion, Headlines, News | Tagged | 9 Comments

5 Questions to Ask the Financial Aid Office as You Head Back to School

Time to hang up the bathing suits and hit the books: It’s back-to-school season! For many of you, it’s probably been months since you’ve completed the FAFSA or submitted your school’s financial aid application. Have you checked in with the … Continue reading

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Indian Tribal Leaders Give ED Input on Needs of Urban Indian Students

Named in honor of Chief Seattle of the Duwamish tribe, Seattle was a fitting site for a recent U.S. Department of Education (ED) learning session on improving urban Indian education. William Mendoza, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on … Continue reading

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Duncan Tells Teachers: Change is Hard

Teaching is really hard work, Secretary Duncan told a group of more than 800 teachers this morning in Baltimore County, and the job is becoming more challenging as education reforms take hold in classrooms. The Secretary spoke frankly about the … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Teachers, Teaching Profession | 20 Comments

Call With Education Grantmakers

On August 21, the Department of Education hosted a quarterly conference call for education funders with Secretary Arne Duncan. Secretary Duncan talked about two of the Department’s grant competitions, Investing in Innovation (i3) and Race to the Top District, and … Continue reading

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First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts First-Ever Kids’ State Dinner

Click here for an alternate version of the video with an accessible player. Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Yesterday, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the first-ever Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House, welcoming 54 budding chefs to a formal luncheon … Continue reading

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Recognizing “Champions of Change” School Turnaround Leaders

Earlier today the White House welcomed more than 100 state, district, and school leaders and educators to honor 12 distinguished school turnaround leaders as “Champions of Change.” The educators were recognized for their roles in building a culture of high … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers | Tagged | 3 Comments

Sitting Higher Upon Camelback

As with any good school, it’s all about the students. At Imagine Elementary at Camelback in Phoenix, Marcos, a 7th-grader, says, “Being in this school really helped me out with my future . . . becoming a better student, becoming … Continue reading

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