8.   Dividends and Other Distributions


Foreign-source income. If you are a U.S. citizen with dividend income from sources outside the United States (foreign-source income), you must report that income on your tax return unless it is exempt by U.S. law. This is true whether you reside inside or outside the United States and whether or not you receive a Form 1099 from the foreign payer.


This chapter discusses the tax treatment of:

  • Ordinary dividends,

  • Capital gain distributions,

  • Nondividend distributions, and

  • Other distributions you may receive from a corporation or a mutual fund.

This chapter also explains how to report dividend income on your tax return.

Dividends are distributions of money, stock, or other property paid to you by a corporation or by a mutual fund. You also may receive dividends through a partnership, an estate, a trust, or an association that is taxed as a corporation. However, some amounts you receive that are called dividends are actually interest income. (See Dividends that are actually interest under Taxable Interest in chapter 7.)

Most distributions are paid in cash (or check). However, distributions can consist of more stock, stock rights, other property, or services.

Useful Items - You may want to see:


  • 514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals

  • 550 Investment Income and Expenses

Form (and Instructions)

  • Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) Interest and Ordinary Dividends

General Information

This section discusses general rules for dividend income.

Tax on investment income of certain children.   Part of a child's 2011 investment income may be taxed at the parent's tax rate. If it is, Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Investment Income of More Than $1,900, must be completed and attached to the child's tax return. If not, Form 8615 is not required and the child's income is taxed at his or her own tax rate.

   Some parents can choose to include the child's interest and dividends on the parent's return if certain requirements are met. Use Form 8814, Parents' Election To Report Child's Interest and Dividends, for this purpose.

  For more information about the tax on investment income of children and the parents' election, see chapter 30.

Beneficiary of an estate or trust.    Dividends and other distributions you receive as a beneficiary of an estate or trust are generally taxable income. You should receive a Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., from the fiduciary. Your copy of Schedule K-1 and its instructions will tell you where to report the income on your Form 1040.

Social security number (SSN).    You must give your name and SSN (or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)) to any person required by federal tax law to make a return, statement, or other document that relates to you. This includes payers of dividends. If you do not give your SSN or ITIN to the payer of dividends, you may have to pay a penalty.

For more information on SSNs and ITINs, see Social Security Number in chapter 1.

Backup withholding.   Your dividend income is generally not subject to regular withholding. However, it may be subject to backup withholding to ensure that income tax is collected on the income. Under backup withholding, the payer of dividends must withhold, as income tax, 28% of the amount you are paid.

  Backup withholding may also be required if the IRS has determined that you underreported your interest or dividend income. For more information, see Backup Withholding in chapter 4.

Stock certificate in two or more names.   If two or more persons hold stock as joint tenants, tenants by the entirety, or tenants in common, each person's share of any dividends from the stock is determined by local law.

Form 1099-DIV.   Most corporations and mutual funds use Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions, to show you the distributions you received from them during the year. Keep this form with your records. You do not have to attach it to your tax return.

Dividends not reported on Form 1099-DIV.   Even if you do not receive Form 1099-DIV, you must still report all your taxable dividend income. For example, you may receive distributive shares of dividends from partnerships or S corporations. These dividends are reported to you on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) and Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S).

Reporting tax withheld.   If tax is withheld from your dividend income, the payer must give you a Form 1099-DIV that indicates the amount withheld.

Nominees.   If someone receives distributions as a nominee for you, that person will give you a Form 1099-DIV, which will show distributions received on your behalf.

Form 1099-MISC.   Certain substitute payments in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest received by a broker on your behalf must be reported to you on Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, or a similar statement. See Reporting Substitute Payments under Short Sales in chapter 4 of Publication 550 for more information about reporting these payments.

Incorrect amount shown on a Form 1099.   If you receive a Form 1099 that shows an incorrect amount (or other incorrect information), you should ask the issuer for a corrected form. The new Form 1099 you receive will be marked “Corrected.

Dividends on stock sold.   If stock is sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of after a dividend is declared but before it is paid, the owner of record (usually the payee shown on the dividend check) must include the dividend in income.

Dividends received in January.   If a mutual fund (or other regulated investment company) or real estate investment trust (REIT) declares a dividend (including any exempt-interest dividend or capital gain distribution) in October, November, or December payable to shareholders of record on a date in one of those months but actually pays the dividend during January of the next calendar year, you are considered to have received the dividend on December 31. You report the dividend in the year it was declared.

Ordinary Dividends

Ordinary (taxable) dividends are the most common type of distribution from a corporation or a mutual fund. They are paid out of earnings and profits and are ordinary income to you. This means they are not capital gains. You can assume that any dividend you receive on common or preferred stock is an ordinary dividend unless the paying corporation or mutual fund tells you otherwise. Ordinary dividends will be shown in box 1a of the Form 1099-DIV you receive.

Qualified Dividends

Qualified dividends are the ordinary dividends subject to the same 0% or 15% maximum tax rate that applies to net capital gain. They should be shown in box 1b of the Form 1099-DIV you receive.

Qualified dividends are subject to the 15% rate if the regular tax rate that would apply is 25% or higher. If the regular tax rate that would apply is lower than 25%, qualified dividends are subject to the 0% rate.

To qualify for the 0% or 15% maximum rate, all of the following requirements must be met.

  • The dividends must have been paid by a U.S. corporation or a qualified foreign corporation. (See Qualified foreign corporation , later.)

  • The dividends are not of the type listed later under Dividends that are not qualified dividends.

  • You meet the holding period (discussed next).

Holding period.   You must have held the stock for more than 60 days during the 121-day period that begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date is the first date following the declaration of a dividend on which the buyer of a stock is not entitled to receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will get the dividend.

  When counting the number of days you held the stock, include the day you disposed of the stock, but not the day you acquired it. See the examples later.

Exception for preferred stock.   In the case of preferred stock, you must have held the stock more than 90 days during the 181-day period that begins 90 days before the ex-dividend date if the dividends are due to periods totaling more than 366 days. If the preferred dividends are due to periods totaling less than 367 days, the holding period in the previous paragraph applies.

Example 1.

You bought 5,000 shares of XYZ Corp. common stock on July 8, 2011. XYZ Corp. paid a cash dividend of 10 cents per share. The ex-dividend date was July 15, 2011. Your Form 1099-DIV from XYZ Corp. shows $500 in box 1a (ordinary dividends) and in box 1b (qualified dividends). However, you sold the 5,000 shares on August 11, 2011. You held your shares of XYZ Corp. for only 34 days of the 121-day period (from July 9, 2011, through August 11, 2011). The 121-day period began on May 16, 2011 (60 days before the ex-dividend date), and ended on September 13, 2011. You have no qualified dividends from XYZ Corp. because you held the XYZ stock for less than 61 days.

Example 2.

Assume the same facts as in Example 1 except that you bought the stock on July 14, 2011 (the day before the ex-dividend date), and you sold the stock on September 15, 2011. You held the stock for 63 days (from July 15, 2011, through September 15, 2011). The $500 of qualified dividends shown in box 1b of your Form 1099-DIV are all qualified dividends because you held the stock for 61 days of the 121-day period (from July 15, 2011, through September 13, 2011).

Example 3.

You bought 10,000 shares of ABC Mutual Fund common stock on July 8, 2011. ABC Mutual Fund paid a cash dividend of 10 cents a share. The ex-dividend date was July 15, 2011. The ABC Mutual Fund advises you that the portion of the dividend eligible to be treated as qualified dividends equals 2 cents per share. Your Form 1099-DIV from ABC Mutual Fund shows total ordinary dividends of $1,000 and qualified dividends of $200. However, you sold the 10,000 shares on August 11, 2011. You have no qualified dividends from ABC Mutual Fund because you held the ABC Mutual Fund stock for less than 61 days.

Holding period reduced where risk of loss is diminished.   When determining whether you met the minimum holding period discussed earlier, you cannot count any day during which you meet any of the following conditions.
  1. You had an option to sell, were under a contractual obligation to sell, or had made (and not closed) a short sale of substantially identical stock or securities.

  2. You were grantor (writer) of an option to buy substantially identical stock or securities.

  3. Your risk of loss is diminished by holding one or more other positions in substantially similar or related property.

  For information about how to apply condition (3), see Regulations section 1.246-5.

Qualified foreign corporation.   A foreign corporation is a qualified foreign corporation if it meets any of the following conditions.
  1. The corporation is incorporated in a U.S. possession.

  2. The corporation is eligible for the benefits of a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States that the Treasury Department determines is satisfactory for this purpose and that includes an exchange of information program. For a list of those treaties, seeTable 8-1.

  3. The corporation does not meet (1) or (2) above, but the stock for which the dividend is paid is readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States. See Readily tradable stock, later.

Exception.   A corporation is not a qualified foreign corporation if it is a passive foreign investment company during its tax year in which the dividends are paid or during its previous tax year.

Readily tradable stock.   Any stock (such as common, ordinary stock, or preferred stock) or an American depositary receipt in respect of that stock is considered to satisfy requirement (3) if it is listed on one of the following securities markets: the New York Stock Exchange, the  
NASDAQ Stock Market, the American Stock Exchange, the Boston Stock Exchange, the Cincinnati Stock Exchange, the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, or the Pacific Exchange, Inc.

Dividends that are not qualified dividends.   The following dividends are not qualified dividends. They are not qualified dividends even if they are shown in box 1b of Form 1099-DIV.
  • Capital gain distributions.

  • Dividends paid on deposits with mutual savings banks, cooperative banks, credit unions, U.S. building and loan associations, U.S. savings and loan associations, federal savings and loan associations, and similar financial institutions. (Report these amounts as interest income.)

  • Dividends from a corporation that is a tax-exempt organization or farmer's cooperative during the corporation's tax year in which the dividends were paid or during the corporation's previous tax year.

  • Dividends paid by a corporation on employer securities held on the date of record by an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) maintained by that corporation.

  • Dividends on any share of stock to the extent you are obligated (whether under a short sale or otherwise) to make related payments for positions in substantially similar or related property.

  • Payments in lieu of dividends, but only if you know or have reason to know the payments are not qualified dividends.

  • Payments shown in Form 1099-DIV, box 1b, from a foreign corporation to the extent you know or have reason to know the payments are not qualified dividends.

Table 8-1. Income Tax Treaties

Income tax treaties the United States has with the following countries satisfy requirement (2) under Qualified foreign corporation.
Australia Indonesia Romania
Austria Ireland Russian
Bangladesh Israel Federation
Barbados Italy Slovak
Belgium Jamaica Republic
Bulgaria Japan Slovenia
Canada Kazakhstan South Africa
China Korea Spain
Cyprus Latvia Sri Lanka
Czech Lithuania Sweden
Republic Luxembourg Switzerland
Denmark Malta Thailand
Egypt Mexico Trinidad and
Estonia Morocco Tobago
Finland Netherlands Tunisia
France New Zealand Turkey
Germany Norway Ukraine
Greece Pakistan United
Hungary Philippines Kingdom
Iceland Poland Venezuela
India Portugal  

Dividends Used to Buy More Stock

The corporation in which you own stock may have a dividend reinvestment plan. This plan lets you choose to use your dividends to buy (through an agent) more shares of stock in the corporation instead of receiving the dividends in cash. Most mutual funds also permit shareholders to automatically reinvest distributions in more shares in the fund, instead of receiving cash. If you use your dividends to buy more stock at a price equal to its fair market value, you still must report the dividends as income.

If you are a member of a dividend reinvestment plan that lets you buy more stock at a price less than its fair market value, you must report as dividend income the fair market value of the additional stock on the dividend payment date.

You also must report as dividend income any service charge subtracted from your cash dividends before the dividends are used to buy the additional stock. But you may be able to deduct the service charge. See chapter 28 for more information about deducting expenses of producing income.

In some dividend reinvestment plans, you can invest more cash to buy shares of stock at a price less than fair market value. If you choose to do this, you must report as dividend income the difference between the cash you invest and the fair market value of the stock you buy. When figuring this amount, use the fair market value of the stock on the dividend payment date.

Money Market Funds

Report amounts you receive from money market funds as dividend income. Money market funds are a type of mutual fund and should not be confused with bank money market accounts that pay interest.

Capital Gain Distributions

Capital gain distributions (also called capital gain dividends) are paid to you or credited to your account by mutual funds (or other regulated investment companies) and real estate investment trusts (REITs). They will be shown in box 2a of the Form 1099-DIV you receive from the mutual fund or REIT.

Report capital gain distributions as long-term capital gains, regardless of how long you owned your shares in the mutual fund or REIT.

Undistributed capital gains of mutual funds and REITs.    Some mutual funds and REITs keep their long-term capital gains and pay tax on them. You must treat your share of these gains as distributions, even though you did not actually receive them. However, they are not included on Form 1099-DIV. Instead, they are reported to you in box 1a of Form 2439, Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains.

  Report undistributed capital gains (box 1a of Form 2439) as long-term capital gains on Schedule D (Form 1040), column (h), line 11.

  The tax paid on these gains by the mutual fund or REIT is shown in box 2 of Form 2439. You take credit for this tax by including it on Form 1040, line 71, and checking box a on that line. Attach Copy B of Form 2439 to your return, and keep Copy C for your records.

Basis adjustment.   Increase your basis in your mutual fund, or your interest in a REIT, by the difference between the gain you report and the credit you claim for the tax paid.

Additional information.   For more information on the treatment of distributions from mutual funds, see Publication 550.

Nondividend Distributions

A nondividend distribution is a distribution that is not paid out of the earnings and profits of a corporation or a mutual fund. You should receive a Form 1099-DIV or other statement showing the nondividend distribution. On Form 1099-DIV, a nondividend distribution will be shown in box 3. If you do not receive such a statement, you report the distribution as an ordinary dividend.

Basis adjustment.   A nondividend distribution reduces the basis of your stock. It is not taxed until your basis in the stock is fully recovered. This nontaxable portion is also called a return of capital; it is a return of your investment in the stock of the company. If you buy stock in a corporation in different lots at different times, and you cannot definitely identify the shares subject to the nondividend distribution, reduce the basis of your earliest purchases first.

  When the basis of your stock has been reduced to zero, report any additional nondividend distribution you receive as a capital gain. Whether you report it as a long-term or short-term capital gain depends on how long you have held the stock. See Holding Period in chapter 14.


You bought stock in 1998 for $100. In 2001, you received a nondividend distribution of $80. You did not include this amount in your income, but you reduced the basis of your stock to $20. You received a nondividend distribution of $30 in 2011. The first $20 of this amount reduced your basis to zero. You report the other $10 as a long-term capital gain for 2011. You must report as a long-term capital gain any nondividend distribution you receive on this stock in later years.

Liquidating Distributions

Liquidating distributions, sometimes called liquidating dividends, are distributions you receive during a partial or complete liquidation of a corporation. These distributions are, at least in part, one form of a return of capital. They may be paid in one or more installments. You will receive Form 1099-DIV from the corporation showing you the amount of the liquidating distribution in box 8 or 9.

For more information on liquidating distributions, see chapter 1 of Publication 550.

Distributions of Stock and Stock Rights

Distributions by a corporation of its own stock are commonly known as stock dividends. Stock rights (also known as “stock options”) are distributions by a corporation of rights to acquire the corporation's stock. Generally, stock dividends and stock rights are not taxable to you, and you do not report them on your return.

Taxable stock dividends and stock rights.   Distributions of stock dividends and stock rights are taxable to you if any of the following apply.
  1. You or any other shareholder have the choice to receive cash or other property instead of stock or stock rights.

  2. The distribution gives cash or other property to some shareholders and an increase in the percentage interest in the corporation's assets or earnings and profits to other shareholders.

  3. The distribution is in convertible preferred stock and has the same result as in (2).

  4. The distribution gives preferred stock to some common stock shareholders and common stock to other common stock shareholders.

  5. The distribution is on preferred stock. (The distribution, however, is not taxable if it is an increase in the conversion ratio of convertible preferred stock made solely to take into account a stock dividend, stock split, or similar event that would otherwise result in reducing the conversion right.)

  The term “stock” includes rights to acquire stock, and the term “shareholder” includes a holder of rights or of convertible securities.

If you receive taxable stock dividends or stock rights, include their fair market value at the time of distribution in your income.

Preferred stock redeemable at a premium.   If you hold preferred stock having a redemption price higher than its issue price, the difference (the redemption premium) generally is taxable as a constructive distribution of additional stock on the preferred stock. For more information, see chapter 1 of Publication 550.

Basis.   Your basis in stock or stock rights received in a taxable distribution is their fair market value when distributed. If you receive stock or stock rights that are not taxable to you, see Stocks and Bonds under Basis of Investment Property in chapter 4 of Publication 550 for information on how to figure their basis.

Fractional shares.    You may not own enough stock in a corporation to receive a full share of stock if the corporation declares a stock dividend. However, with the approval of the shareholders, the corporation may set up a plan in which fractional shares are not issued but instead are sold, and the cash proceeds are given to the shareholders. Any cash you receive for fractional shares under such a plan is treated as an amount realized on the sale of the fractional shares. Report this transaction on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets. Enter your gain or loss, the difference between the cash you receive and the basis of the fractional shares sold, in column (h) of Schedule D in Part I or Part II, whichever is appropriate.

Report these transactions on Form 8949 with the correct box (A, B, or C) checked.

  For more information on Form 8949 and Schedule D (Form 1040), see chapter 4 of Publication 550. Also, see the Instructions for Schedule D.


You own one share of common stock that you bought on January 3, 2002, for $100. The corporation declared a common stock dividend of 5% on June 30, 2011. The fair market value of the stock at the time the stock dividend was declared was $200. You were paid $10 for the fractional-share stock dividend under a plan described in the above paragraph. You figure your gain or loss as follows:

Fair market value of old stock $200.00
Fair market value of stock dividend (cash received) +10.00
Fair market value of old stock and stock dividend $210.00
Basis (cost) of old stock after the stock dividend (($200 ÷ $210) × $100) $95.24
Basis (cost) of stock dividend (($10 ÷ $210) × $100) + 4.76
Total $100.00
Cash received $10.00
Basis (cost) of stock dividend − 4.76
Gain $5.24

Because you had held the share of stock for more than 1 year at the time the stock dividend was declared, your gain on the stock dividend is a long-term capital gain.

Scrip dividends.   A corporation that declares a stock dividend may issue you a scrip certificate that entitles you to a fractional share. The certificate is generally nontaxable when you receive it. If you choose to have the corporation sell the certificate for you and give you the proceeds, your gain or loss is the difference between the proceeds and the portion of your basis in the corporation's stock allocated to the certificate.

  However, if you receive a scrip certificate that you can choose to redeem for cash instead of stock, the certificate is taxable when you receive it. You must include its fair market value in income on the date you receive it.

Other Distributions

You may receive any of the following distributions during the year.

Exempt-interest dividends.   Exempt-interest dividends you receive from a mutual fund or other regulated investment company are not included in your taxable income. Exempt-interest dividends should be shown in box 8 of Form 1099-INT.

Information reporting requirement.   Although exempt-interest dividends are not taxable, you must show them on your tax return if you have to file a return. This is an information reporting requirement and does not change the exempt-interest dividends to taxable income.

Alternative minimum tax treatment.   Exempt-interest dividends paid from specified private activity bonds may be subject to the alternative minimum tax. See Alternative Minimum Tax in chapter 29 for more information.

Dividends on insurance policies.    Insurance policy dividends the insurer keeps and uses to pay your premiums are not taxable. However, you must report as taxable interest income the interest that is paid or credited on dividends left with the insurance company.

   If dividends on an insurance contract (other than a modified endowment contract) are distributed to you, they are a partial return of the premiums you paid. Do not include them in your gross income until they are more than the total of all net premiums you paid for the contract. Report any taxable distributions on insurance policies on Form 1040, line 21.

Dividends on veterans' insurance.   Dividends you receive on veterans' insurance policies are not taxable. In addition, interest on dividends left with the Department of Veterans Affairs is not taxable.

Patronage dividends.   Generally, patronage dividends you receive in money from a cooperative organization are included in your income.

  Do not include in your income patronage dividends you receive on:
  • Property bought for your personal use, or

  • Capital assets or depreciable property bought for use in your business. But you must reduce the basis (cost) of the items bought. If the dividend is more than the adjusted basis of the assets, you must report the excess as income.

  These rules are the same whether the cooperative paying the dividend is a taxable or tax-exempt cooperative.

Alaska Permanent Fund dividends.    Do not report these amounts as dividends. Instead, report these amounts on Form 1040, line 21; Form 1040A, line 13; or Form 1040EZ, line 3.

How To Report Dividend Income

Generally, you can use either Form 1040 or Form 1040A to report your dividend income. Report the total of your ordinary dividends on line 9a of Form 1040 or Form 1040A. Report qualified dividends on line 9b of Form 1040 or Form 1040A.

If you receive capital gain distributions, you may be able to use Form 1040A or you may have to use Form 1040. See Exceptions to filing Form 8949 and Schedule D (Form 1040) in chapter 16. If you receive nondividend distributions required to be reported as capital gains, you must use Form 1040. You cannot use Form 1040EZ if you receive any dividend income.

Form 1099-DIV.   If you owned stock on which you received $10 or more in dividends and other distributions, you should receive a Form 1099-DIV. Even if you do not receive Form 1099-DIV, you must report all your taxable dividend income.

  See Form 1099-DIV for more information on how to report dividend income.

Form 1040A or 1040.    You must complete Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040), Part II, and attach it to your Form 1040A or 1040, if:
  • Your ordinary dividends (Form 1099-DIV, box 1a) are more than $1,500, or

  • You received, as a nominee, dividends that actually belong to someone else.

If your ordinary dividends are more than $1,500, you must also complete Schedule B, Part III.

  List on Schedule B, Part II, line 5, each payer's name and the ordinary dividends you received. If your securities are held by a brokerage firm (in “street name”), list the name of the brokerage firm shown on Form 1099-DIV as the payer. If your stock is held by a nominee who is the owner of record, and the nominee credited or paid you dividends on the stock, show the name of the nominee and the dividends you received or for which you were credited.

  Enter on line 6 the total of the amounts listed on line 5. Also enter this total on Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 9a.

Qualified dividends.   Report qualified dividends (Form 1099-DIV, box 1b) on line 9b of Form 1040 or Form 1040A. The amount in box 1b is already included in box 1a. Do not add the amount in box 1b to, or substract it from, the amount in box 1a.

  Do not include any of the following on line 9b.
  • Qualified dividends you received as a nominee. See Nominees under How to Report Dividend Income in chapter 1 of Publication 550.

  • Dividends on stock for which you did not meet the holding period. See Holding period earlier under Qualified Dividends.

  • Dividends on any share of stock to the extent you are obligated (whether under a short sale or otherwise) to make related payments for positions in substantially similar or related property.

  • Payments in lieu of dividends, but only if you know or have reason to know the payments are not qualified dividends.

  • Payments shown in Form 1099-DIV, box 1b, from a foreign corporation to the extent you know or have reason to know the payments are not qualified dividends.

  If you have qualified dividends, you must figure your tax by completing the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the Form 1040 or 1040A instructions or the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the Schedule D instructions, whichever applies. Enter qualified dividends on line 2 of the worksheet.

Investment interest deducted.   If you claim a deduction for investment interest, you may have to reduce the amount of your qualified dividends that are eligible for the 0% or 15% tax rate. Reduce it by the qualified dividends you choose to include in investment income when figuring the limit on your investment interest deduction. This is done on the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet or the Schedule D Tax Worksheet. For more information about the limit on investment interest, see Investment expenses in chapter 23.

Expenses related to dividend income.   You may be able to deduct expenses related to dividend income if you itemize your deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040). See chapter 28 for general information about deducting expenses of producing income.

More information.    For more information about how to report dividend income, see chapter 1 of Publication 550 or the instructions for the form you must file.

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