Company Profile

Firm Name:
Evolving Resources, Inc.
Street Address:
5284 Adolfo Road, Ste. 150
Camarillo, CA 93012
Business Categories:
Small Business
Small Disadvantaged Business
NAICS Codes:
Description of the company:
With offices located in Ventura Country, California (60 miles north-west of Loss Angeles) and ST Mary's Country, Maryland (45 minutes from DC and 10 Minutes from NAVAIR), ERI is an engineering and logistics services company that was incorporated in January 1994 and is a Small Business Administration (SBA) certified company. ERI was recently ranked 68th in the list of top 100 diversity owned businesses in California. ERI specializes in a full range of engineering and logistics disciplines. Our professionals use methodologies and state-of-the-art technical tools to insure adherence to stringent standards while maximizing productivity. ERI is affiliated with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA), National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), and the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE). ERI uses proven methods and introduces new, creative, and economical strategies to satisfy client needs.
Christopher Sacco
(410) 231-1909

Company POCs

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