Z.1 - Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to statistical release index pageSkip to Content
Release Date: September 20, 2012
Z.1 Release Preview | Current Code Changes | 2012q1 Changes | 2011q4 Changes | 2011q3 Changes | 2011q2 Changes

Coded Changes

September 20, 2012 Code Changes
Old Code
New Code
Line #
1 713061113 F.209, L.209 16, 16 Monetary authority; Treasury bills; asset
1 713061125 F.209, L.209 17, 17 Monetary authority; Other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills; asset
1 714022405 - - - - Monetary authority; short-term debt securities; asset
1 844022405 - - - - Monetary authority, private depository institutions, and money market mutual funds; short-term debt securities; asset
1 794022405 - - - - Financial business; short-term debt securities; asset
1 884022405 - - - - All domestic sectors; short-term debt securities; asset
1 263061110 F.209, L.209 13, 13 Rest of the world; Treasury bills and certificates; asset
1 263061125 F.209, L.209 14, 14 Rest of the world; Other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills and certificates; asset
1 264022405 - - - - Rest of the world; short-term debt securities; asset
1 513194733 F.128, F.229, L.128, L.229 14, 35, 12, 29 Property-casualty insurance companies; net transactions due to holding companies; liability
1 613163083 - - - - Finance companies; corporate and foreign bond, non-recourse debt; liability
1 613163093 - - - - Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, notes, bonds, and debentures; liability
263061110 263061130 F.106, L.106 24, 11 Rest of the world; Treasury securities held by foreign official institutions; asset
263061120 263061140 F.106, L.106 25, 12 Rest of the world; Treasury securities held by private foreigners; asset
613163003 613163005 F.125, F.212, L.125, L.212 15, 7, 13, 7 Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; liability

Z.1 Release Preview | Current Code Changes | 2012q1 Changes | 2011q4 Changes | 2011q3 Changes | 2011q2 Changes