User Facilities

Plan Your Trip

Entrance Instructions

Entering ORNL

418462.jpgAs you approach the security gate, slow down and make sure you are in the visitor lane.

You must stop at the security portal and provide the guard with your User Entry Pass and photo identification.  The security staff will scan the User Entry Pass barcode and verify your identity.

If you do not have your User Entry Pass, the guard will use your Photo Identification to confirm your approval for access.

You will be instructed to proceed to the Visitors Center (Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 5:00 pm) or to the Laboratory Shift Superintendent (LSS) office, if after hours or on weekends.

Please observe the speed limits as you drive at ORNL.  Seat belt usage in vehicles on the ORNL campus is mandatory.

The staff at the Visitors Center will assist with badging and other services and information you may need.