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— A recent sampling of outside press reports that relate to scientific activities at the Agricultural Research Service.

NOTE: Some websites require free registration to view or play their content.

Tree Nut Research May Unexpectedly Lead to Medical Advances
Web page of Lab Manager   October 5, 2012

Hormone therapy against the Mexican fruit fly
Web page of Teatro Naturale  September 30, 2012

It's time to raise a stink over US invasion by this bug
Web page of MSNBC.com  September 25, 2012

Sorghum Eyed as a Southern Bioenergy Crop
Web page of PoliticalNews.me  September 19, 2012

Researchers use 'banker plants' to help battle whitefly pests
Web page of Labspaces.net   September 19, 2012

USDA Establishes National Watershed Research Network
Web page of KTIC AM.com   September 6, 2012

It's the berries!
Web page of Williamson Daily News   August 30, 2012

New Study Reveals Fewer Calories in Almonds
Web page of Food Network Blog  August 30, 2012

Termite Species May be in for Rude Awakening
Web page of KTIC.com   August 21, 2012

Minerals in water could interfere with poultry sanitization
Web page of American Society of Animal Science   August 10, 2012

No-Till and snow can help crops grow
Web page of Bokashicomposting.com   August 8, 2012

Climate change could see rise in grasslands
Web page of Horsetalk.com   August 4, 2012

Getting your kids to eat vegetables
Web page of Mountain Mail   July 25, 2012

President Obama Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists
Web page of Whitehouse.gov   July 23, 2012

Homeland Security Department develops foot-and-mouth disease vaccine
Web page of Los Angeles Times   July 5, 2012

Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Health
Web page of Engormix.com June 2012

New USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map reflects warmer growing climates with increased accuracy
Web page of NJ.com   June 2012

Satellite Tool Maps Water Use, Drought
Web page of Pork Network    June 6, 2012

US scientists use new technique to discover new viruses in poultry
Web page of Food Business Review    May 2012

New Tool for Tracking a Voracious Pest
Web page of Presszoon.com    May 2012

New Treatments Could Reduce Odors In Cotton Fabric
Web page of Nanatechnologytimes.com    May 2012

Alternative Strategies for Keeping Animals Healthy
Web page of The Fish Site    May 2012

Really? A Longer Allergy Season as Climate Warms
Web page of New York Times    April 2, 2012

Common pesticide may harm honeybees
Web page of CBS News   March 29, 2012

Breeding Ozone-Tolerant Crops
Web page of Cambodia Herald    March 28, 2012

USDA Researches Ways To Make Cherry Blossom Trees Hardier
Web page of Huffington Post    March 22, 2012

The Stealth Sodium Revolution
Web page of Lab Manager    March 5, 2012

Commerical Vaccine Protects Against Leptospirosis
Web page of Farm and Ranch Guide    February 13, 2012

New Way to Map Drought and Water Use
Web page of ThePigSite.com    February 9, 2012

Southern Plants Find Fertile Ground Farther North
Web page of USA Today    January 26, 2012

Antibiotics Breed Drug-Resistant Bacteria in Pigs
Web page of Discovery News    January 16, 2012

U.S. to ship papayas to Japan
Web page of American Shipper   January 12, 2012

Get health down to a tea
Web page of Monterey County Herald    January 11, 2012

What's In That Food? The SuperTracker Knows
Web page of NPR   January 6, 2012

Using whole-grain flour
Web page of High Plains Journal   January 2, 2011

New Red Imported Fire Ant Enemies in Place for Combat
Web page of PhysOrg   January 5, 2011

Mild weather redefines winter landscape
Web page of Washington Post   December 30, 2011


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