NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Hopper Cray XE6

Hopper Login Status: Up
Hopper Compute Status: Up

Hopper is NERSC's first peta-flop system, a Cray XE6, with a peak performance of 1.28 Petaflops/sec, 153,216 compute cores, 217 Terabytes of memory, and 2 Petabytes of disk.  Hopper placed number 5 on the November 2010 Top500 Supercomputer list. 

Petaflops Power to NERSC

From left to right: Horst Simon (Berkeley Lab deputy director), Kathy Yelick (NERSC division director), Dan Hitchcock (DOE), Paul Alivisatos (Berkeley Lab director) standing in front of the Hopper supercomputer system recently accepted by NERSC. The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) recently marked a major milestone, putting its first petascale supercomputer into the… Read More »

Hopper Among World’s Top 10 Fastest Computers

June 17, 2011 | Tags: Hopper, NERSC

There are only 10 computers in the world with petaflops power—capable of calculating quadrillions of calculations in one second. According to the 37th edition of the Top500 List, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center’s (NERSC’s) Cray XE6 “Hopper” system is one of them.   All of the systems on the TOP500 List are ranked on how fast they run Linpack, a benchmark… Read More »