Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Transportation Security Fees

Research Center

To help finance the increased cost of securing the nation's transportation systems, the Transportation Security Administration has implemented Congressionally legislated security fees. The revenue generated from these security fees is utilized to help ensure the safe and efficient flow of people and commerce. For detailed information regarding each security fee please refer to the following:

Our Office of Revenue is responsible for the establishment;, imposition, collection and regulation of the transportation security fees. For additional information, please contact the Office of Revenue.

Transportation Security Administration
Office of Revenue, TSA-14
601 South 12th Street
West Tower, 12th Floor
Arlington, VA 20598-6014

Phone - (571) 227-2323
E-mail -

Michael Gambone - Director
Rose Kline - Collections
Regina Arnold - Collections
Pamela Pak McMenamin - Compliance
Mary Wiegand - Compliance
Richard Conrad - Implementation

Latest revision: 04 October 2012