NTIA Launches National Broadband Map

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Today Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) launched the first-ever public, searchable nationwide map of broadband access.  

The National Broadband Map is an unprecedented project created by NTIA, in collaboration with the FCC, and in partnership with each state, territory and the District of Columbia. The map was created at the direction of Congress, which recognized that economic opportunities are driven by access to 21st century infrastructure.

With funding from NTIA’s State Broadband Data & Development Program, state partners have gathered and worked to validate broadband data from thousands of providers across the country. Together, a dataset and website were developd that includes more than 25 million searchable records displaying where broadband Internet service is available, the technology used to provide the service, the maximum advertised speeds of the service, and the names of the broadband providers. Whether you are a consumer seeking more information on the broadband options available to you, a researcher or policymaker working to spur greater broadband deployment, a local official aiming to attract investment in your community, or an application developer with innovative ideas, the National Broadband Map can help.  And if you don’t find the answer you’re looking for on the map itself, you can download the entire dataset.  NTIA press release  |  Broadband map

While the launch of this map is a huge accomplishment, today is just the beginning. Our partners in the states are working to expand and update this important dataset, and we will update the map with new data every six months. In the meantime, you can help. Each time you search the map, you have the opportunity to tell us about the data you’re seeing. This crowdsourced feedback will be an important tool to improve and refine the data.

We invite you to explore the many features and functionalities the National Broadband Map offers at www.broadbandmap.gov. To start, search for broadband by address. Or go straight to our analysis tools and compare one area to others, and make sure you spend some time with our maps.  Want more? Download the dataset, use our APIs and please tell us how you’re using the data.

We expect the map will be a valuable tool as we work to bridge the technological divide, expand economic opportunities, and leverage the power of broadband to address many of the nation’s most pressing challenges.  We hope you will make full use of its capabilities and let us know what you think and how we can improve. BroadbandUSA

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Can not access broadband map on a Mac

I have tried several browsers and only get a blank page using
Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or Opera on an iMac running OSX 10.6.6

Heavy Server Load

The broadband map was a top search on Google the day it was launched and the website wasn't able to handle the demand. However, things have been upgraded to handle the demand and you should be able to access the website now.

Broadband map.

I have to commend the Commerce Dept for a good try. However even at my library with high speed internet I found it to be hard to use. I tried to access the map at my home and found I could not even view it with my available internet connection.

I agree that there are many internet connections but why go into the detail? I would even be satisfied with a dial up connection that approached 56Kb. As for satellite, if it is so good and dependable why is it not competitive in major metro areas. Nope it is the last resort of rural users.

So how about a map that shows broadband / high speed internet, period. You didn't provide me with information I can use, but you did placate internet providers who don't care about their rural customers.

This reminds me of the "Rural Electrification Project" under FDR. If the USA had left the task to the electric utilities, the rural farms would still be without electricity or phones.