USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

500.3 - Policy on Work for Other Federal Agencies


OPR: Assistant Director For Programs

1. Purpose. This chapter describes USGS policy for performing work for other Federal agencies.

2. Policy. Insofar as possible, work for other Federal agencies will be financed initially by the USGS direct appropriation. In all cases, with the exception of instances where the costs to initiate a transfer of funds exceed those necessary in performing the work, all or part of the cost of performing work for other Federal agencies will be recovered from the agency as follows:

A. In cases where work is important in meeting the objectives of the USGS but where sufficient directly appropriated funds are not available, a project can be funded by a combination of directly appropriated funds and funds provided by the other agency.

B. Funds will be transferred, in total, from another Federal agency when the work performed significantly benefits USGS programs and:

(1) Has no adverse impact on the continuing USGS program(s), including the availability of personnel. However, if the reimbursable work is of a higher priority than ongoing USGS program(s), the reimbursable work would be undertaken and the ongoing programs would be adjusted accordingly; or,

(2) Requires the professional and technical expertise of the USGS to perform or manage on behalf of the requesting agency; or,

(3) Does not compete with proposals from the non-Federal sector having the capability to perform the work (this judgement will have to be made primarily by the funding agency); or,

(4) Is the most cost-effective way of accomplishing the work for the Federal Government (this judgement will have to be made primarily by the funding agency).

C. Funds will also be transferred from another Federal agency when the USGS has specialized equipment, such as computers, that are not being fully utilized by the USGS. (Paragraphs 2B(1), (3) and (4) are applicable to this category of work).

D. Funds will not be accepted for obligation under a USGS contract unless the resultant procurement complies fully with the competition requirements of 48 CFR Part 6.

3. Availability of Data. Results of work performed for other Federal agencies will be available for use by the USGS in connection with their ongoing programs. This includes publication of results where appropriate, except in cases prohibited by security considerations.

4. Transfer of Function. Where work performed for another Federal agency is of a long-term nature and is suitable for inclusion in the USGS program, consideration should be made to request a transfer of the budget authority to the USGS.

5. Requirements. Prior to initiating any agreement to perform work for another Federal agency, approval must be obtained by the Division Chief and/or designee, and the agreement must adhere to appropriation law regulations. The other Federal agency should be aware of the following restrictions prior to entering into an agreement with the USGS:

A. Apportionment Authority. Funds received from other Federal agencies as reimbursements (as opposed to working funds) must be approved by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in an apportionment, prior to allotment or obligation (see SM 327.2).

B. Assessment of Funds. All funds transferred from other Federal agencies will be assessed to support the "General Administrative" budget activity unless specifically allowed an exception in writing from the Associate Director. The assessment will be at the rate of 5.5 percent of funds.

C. Authorizing Statute. When funds provided by the other Federal agency are to be expended through a grant or cooperative agreement, the other agency must identify the statute authorizing use of these funds for Federal assistance purposes.

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