The Material Measurement Laboratory is the major operating unit within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) focused on measurement research, standards,and data in the chemical, biological and materials sciences. To learn more, see What We Do.

MML Organization

Dr. Laurie Locascio

Dr. Laurie E. Locascio

Michael Fasolka
Acting Deputy Director
Dr. Michael Fasolka

Dr. Robert L. Watters, Jr., Assoc. Dir. for Meas. Serv.

Associate Director for
Measurement Services
Dr. Robert L. Watters, Jr.

 Neil Alderoty

Executive Officer
Neil Alderoty



Applied Chemicals and Materials Division

Dr. Stephanie Hooker  Dr. Stephanie Hooker, Chief

Biomolecular Measurement Division

Dr. Mike Tarlov

 Dr. Michael Tarlov, Chief

Biosystems and Biomaterials Division

Anne L. Plant

 Dr. Anne Plant, Chief

Chemical Sciences Division

Dr. Carlos Gonzalez Dr. Carlos Gonzalez, Chief 

Materials Measurement Science Division 

Dr. John Small Dr. John Small, Chief  

Materials Science and Engineering Division

Dr. Eric Lin

Dr. Eric Lin, Chief


Measurement Services Division

Dr. Robert L. Watters, Jr.

Dr. Robert L. Watters, Jr., Chief


  • Information Technology Services - Alec Belsky, Group Leader
  • Materials and Physical Services - Mark Cronise, Group Leader
  • Sales and Customer Services - Teressa Rush-Cover, Group Leader
  • Documentation and Quality Services - Dinis Camara, Group Leader
  • Web, Marketing, and Data Dissemination Services - Joan Sauerwein, Group Leader


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Technical Program Directors

 Dr. Daniel Friend

Dr. Daniel Friend 

 Frank Gayle

Dr. Frank Gayle

 Debbie Kaiser 

Dr. Debra Kaiser

Advanced Materials
Nanoparticles and Environment, Health and Safety
 Dr. Stephen Wise 

Dr. Stephen Wise

Environment and Climate
Food Safety and Nutrition

Additional Staff Members



General Information:
301-975-8300 Telephone
301-975-3845 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8300
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8300