U.S. Department of Justice

Arkansas Youth Justice: The Architecture of Reform

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jul. 02, 2012

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “Arkansas leaders, like their counterparts in other states, have embarked on a planned course to transform the state’s juvenile justice system. They aim to ensure that youth are not inappropriately or unnecessarily held in costly secure confinement, and that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely on services that actually produce good outcomes for youth, families, and the community” (p. 1). This report documents their efforts in this endeavor. It is a useful tool if your state is looking to reform your own juvenile justice system. Sections comprising this document include: introduction; the past; on the road to reform; building the vision; successes so far; the road ahead; hypothetical future reform scenarios; and conclusion and recommendations. Arkansas has reduced commitments to state custody by 20%, average length of stay by 19%, and secure juvenile facility beds by 30%.

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