Marion White, Senior physicist

Marion White

Senior physicist
- Advanced Photon Source

Marion M. White received a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from MIT, studying electroweak interactions at electron-positron colliders at DESY and CERN. She remained with the MIT group until 1991 when she returned to the USA and joined the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne. As linear accelerator (linac) group leader, Marion was responsible for construction and commissioning of the APS electron-positron injector linac. Marion then served as section head and senior scientific advisor for the superconducting linac at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source during its design and production with oversight responsibility for front end and linac construction. In 2004, Marion assumed responsibility for production of the magnets and supports of the LCLS undulator system. Components were delivered to SLAC, installed, and as of 2008, commissioning is underway.

Marion has served on program and organizing committees for PAC and LINAC conferences, is a frequent participant in outreach programs to students and women, and is a member of the American Physical Society (APS) and a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Awards, Honors and Memberships

  • American Physical Society
  • AAAS
  • IEEE Senior Member
  • University of Chicago Distinguished Performance Award