U.S. Department of Justice

"Someone Who's Been There But Isn't Too Far Away": Findings from a Study of the Mentoring Component of a Young Adult Reentry Program

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Nov. 04, 2008

Library ID

  • 023375

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  • 2008
  • 6 pages.

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  • "Someone Who's Been There But Isn't Too Far Away": Findings from a Study of the Mentoring Component of a Young Adult Reentry Program

ANNOTATION: The impact adult mentors have on community reintegration by young adults involved in the Self-Development Reentry Program is examined. Sections of this report include: introduction -- program description and mentoring component description; approach; findings according to mentor recruitment, matching and connections, training and program support, and meanings that mentors and mentees attach to the mentoring relationship; and discussion. "Our findings suggest that , with proper programmatic support, both mentors and program participants can receive benefits from their mentoring relationships that may facilitate reintegration" (p. 5).

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