U.S. Department of Justice

Justice Reinvestment in New Hampshire: Reducing Spending on Corrections and Reinvesting in Strategies to Increase Public Safety

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 23, 2009

Library ID

  • 024017

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  • 2009
  • 4 pages.

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  • Justice Reinvestment in New Hampshire: Reducing Spending on Corrections and Reinvesting in Strategies to Increase Public Safety

ANNOTATION: Information regarding the growth in New Hampshire’s prison population is provided. Topics covered in an issue snapshot are: the drain on the state budget due to an increasing prison population; reincarceration of a growing number of parole violators; increases in recidivism also driving prison population increases; and additional prisons and expanding expenditures will occur if nothing is done. Also included is an overview of the Justice Center’s three phases of technical assistance—analysis and policy development, policy implementation, and accountability strategies.

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