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1-10 HS 10-digit harmonized commodity classification code (HTSUSA number).
11-12 FILLER 2-digit filler
13-16 COUNTRY 4-digit country of origin code (Schedule C).

2-digit country subcode.

2004 Data
- '00' = Country of origin
- '01' = Country of shipment, country of origin unknown
- 'A ' = All Developing Beneficiary Countries; Eligible for All Articles (GSP)
- 'A*' = Certain Develping Beneficiary
Countries; Not Eligible for Specific Articles (GSP)
- 'A+' = All Least Develped Beneficiary
Countries; Eligible for All Articles (GSP)
- 'B ' = Automotive Products Trade Act (APTA)
- 'C ' = Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
- 'CA' = NAFTA goods marked as Canada
- 'CL' = Products of Chile under designated
provision of the HTSUSA (New 01/2004)
- 'D ' = African Growth and Opportunity Act (New 01/2001)
- 'E ' = All articles elibible under designated provision of the HTSUSA (CBI)
- 'E*' = Articles or specific countries not eligible under the designated provision of the
- 'IL' = Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act
- 'J ' = Articles eligible from beneficiary countries under provision of the HTUSA (ATPA)
- 'J*' = Articles eligible from beneficiary countries under provision of the HTUSA with
- 'J+' = Articles elsibible from beneficiary countries under provision of the HTSUSA (ATPA)
- 'JO' = Jordon free Trade Act of 2002
- 'K ' = Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products
- 'L ' = Concessions on Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes
- 'MX' = NAFTA goods marked as Mexico
- 'N ' = Duty-free code for West Bank and Gaza Strip
- 'R ' = Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (New 01/2001)
- 'SG' = Products of Singapore under designated provision of the HTSUSA (New 01/2004)
- 'W ' = Puerto Rican product under
Customs and Trade Act of 1990
- 'Z' = Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia Compact of Free Association Act

2003 & 2002 Data
- '0 ' = Country of origin
- '1 ' = Country of shipment, country of origin unknown
- '4 ' = Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- '9 ' = Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)
- 'B ' = Automotive Products Trade Act (APTA)
- 'C ' = Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
- 'D ' = African Growth and Opportunity Act (New 01/2001)
- 'I ' = Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act
- 'J ' = Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) or Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)
- 'K ' = Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products
- 'L ' = Concessions on Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes
- 'N ' = Duty-free code for West Bank and Gaza Strip
- 'P ' = Jordon free Trade Act of 2002
- 'R ' = Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (New 01/2001)
- 'W ' = Puerto Rican product under Customs and Trade Act of 1990
- 'X ' = Canada Free Trade Agreement ***Discontinued 01/94
- 'Y ' = North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- 'Z ' = Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia Compact of Free Association Act

19-22 STAT_YEAR 4-digit statistical year.
23-24 STAT_MO 2-digit statistical month.
25 TYPE 1-digit transaction type code.
- '1' = Consumption entry
- '2' = Warehouse withdrawal
- '3' = Warehouse entry
- '5' = Customs bonded warehouse entry or withdrawal
* Note: Imports for consumption = types '1', '2' and '5'. General imports = types '1', '3' and '5'.
26 FILLER 1-digit filler
27 QUANTITY SELECT 1-digit code designating the category quantity.
28 FILLER 1-digit filler
29-31 CATEGORY CODE 3-digit Textiles Category code.
32 FILLER 1-digit filler
33 REVISE 1-digit flag to indicate if the data has been revised since first released.
- ' ' = no revision
- '*' = revisions applied
34 FILLER 1-digit filler
35-44 QUANTITY1 10-digit numeric primary quantity.
45-46 FILLER 2-digit
47-56 QUANTITY2 10-digit numeric secondary quantity.
57-58 FILLER 2-digit filler
59-68 VALUE 10-digit numeric Customs value (in dollars).
69-70 FILLER 2-digit
71-80 US VALUE 10-digit numeric value of the merchandise portion originating in the U.S. (in dollars).
81-82 FILLER 2-digit
83-92 CHARGES 10-digit numeric aggregate charges (in dollars).
93-96 FILLER 4-digit.
97-102 TSUS2CAT 6-digit factor to be applied to convert unit of quantity to category unit of quantity.
103 FILLER 1-digit.
104-109 CAT2TOT 6-digit factor to be applied to convert category unit of quantity to square meters.

2-digit primary special program indicator.

2004 Data
'00' = Special Customs processing fee for a Canadian or Mexican import
- 'A ' = Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- 'B ' or 'B#' = Automotive Products Trade Act (APTA)
- 'C ' or 'C#' = Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
- 'CA' = Canada NAFTA
- 'D' = African Growth and Opportunity Act (New 01/2001)
- 'E ' = Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)
- 'I ' or 'IL' = Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act
- 'J ' = Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) or Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)
- 'J+' = Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)
- 'JO' = Jordon Free Trade Act of 2002
- 'K ' or 'K#' = Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products
- 'L ' or 'L#' = Concessions on Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes
- 'MX' = Mexico NAFTA
- 'N ' = Duty-free code for West Bank and Gaza Strip
- 'R ' = Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (New 01/2001)
- 'W ' = Puerto Rican product under Customs and Trade Act of 1990
- 'Y ' = Product of insular possession ***Discontinued 01/94
- 'Z ' = Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia Compact of Free Association Act

2003 & 2002 Data
'00' = Special Customs processing fee for a Canadian or Mexican import
- 'A ' = Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- 'B ' or 'B#' = Automotive Products Trade Act (APTA)
- 'C ' or 'C#' = Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
- 'CA' = Canada NAFTA
- 'D' = African Growth and Opportunity Act (New 01/2001)
- 'E ' = Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)
- 'I ' or 'IL' = Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act
- 'J ' = Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) or Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)
- 'J+' = Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)
- 'JO' = Jordon Free Trade Act of 2002
- 'K ' or 'K#' = Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products
- 'L ' or 'L#' = Concessions on Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes
- 'MX' = Mexico NAFTA
- 'N ' = Duty-free code for West Bank and Gaza Strip.
- 'R ' = Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (New 01/2001)
- 'W ' = Puerto Rican product under Customs and Trade Act of 1990
- 'Y ' = Product of insular possession ***Discontinued 01/94
- 'Z ' = Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia Compact of Free Association Act

112 PROGRAM INDICATOR 2 1-digit secondary special program indicator.
- 'F' = Certified hand-loomed or folklore product.
- 'G' = Made to measure Hong Kong suits.
- 'H' = Special regime commodity.
- 'M' = Fashion Samples and Chinese Floor Coverings.
- 'S' = Outward Processing Program for textiles and apparel. (eff 01-2000)
- 'V' = Set components.
- 'X' = Sets  ***Discontinued 07/93
113-114 US_GOODS

2-digit Census special program indicator.

2004 Data
- '01' = HTSUSA 9802.00.5010 articles repaired or assembled abroad.
- '02' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8040 articles repaired or assembled abroad.
- '03' = HTSUSA 9802.00.6000 articles of metal manufactured in the .which were exported for
further processing abroad and returned to the U.S. for more processing
- '04' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8015 textile articles assembled abroad and entered under a special access program. (9802.00.8010 before January 1, 1994)
- '05' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8016 textile articles assembled abroad and entered under a special access program. (Effective January 1, 2000)
- '06' = HTUSA 9802.00.8042 Apparel articles
- '07' = HTUSA 9802.00.8044 Apparel articles
- '08' = HTUSA 9802.00.8046(CBTPA)
- '09' = HTUSA 9802.00.8048(ATPDEA)
- '10' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8055 textile or apparel goods assembled in Mexico.
- '11' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8068 articles
assembled abroad and enteredunder a Special Access Program. (9802.00.8066 before November 2002 and 9802.00.8065 before January 2002
- '12' = HTSUSA 9802.00.9000 textile and apparel goods assembled in Mexico from U.S. formed and cut fabric.

2003 & 2002 Data
- '2 ' = HTUSA 9802.00.8042 or HTUSA 9802.00.8044
- '3 ' = HTUSA 9802.00.8046 (CBTPA) or HTUSA 9802.008048 (ATPDEA)
- '4 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8055 textile or apparel goods assembled in Mexico.
- '5 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.9000 textile and apparel goods assembled in Mexico from U.S. formed and cut fabric.
- '6 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.6000 articles of metal manufactured in the U.S. which were exported for further processing abroad and returned to the U.S. for more processing.
- '7 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8015 textile articles assembled abroad and enterd under a special acess program.
- '8 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.8065 articles assembled abroad from components produced in the U.S. not elsewhere reported.
- '9 ' = HTSUSA 9802.00.5010 or 9802.00.8040 articles repaired or assembled abroad.

FTD Web News

- U.S. Census Bureau will modify the structure of several data products to accommodate changing technology and user demand.

- The export environment has dramatically changed. Come and understand what it takes to remain compliant, aware and out of trouble.
- See Seminar and Workshop Schedule

2003 AES Option 4 Moratorium
Option 4 Filing Review Process Suspended

AES Compliance Best Practices:
Best Practices for maintaining AES Compliance are now available.

Related Party Database Application:
Time series RELATED PARTY data for specific commodities and countries.

- Online Order Form - FTD DropBox
- Merchandise Trade Downloads

NEW Schedule B Search Engine:
It's new. It's flexible. It has more options.

NEWEST TRADE DATA! Get the basics! Learn more!

Source: FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Location: MAIN: REFERENCE: [Sub-category]
Created: [day] [month] [year]
Last modified: 09 March 2004 at 11:53:33 AM