Site Last Updated: October 4, 2012

SOC: Providing Educational Opportunities for Servicemembers

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Kathy Snead
SOC Consortium President and
SOC Director

Andrea Baridon
Associate Director

SOC Staff

For More Information:
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges
1307 New York Avenue, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20005-4701



(202) 667-0079
(800) 368-5622
(202) 667-0622



Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) was created in 1972 to provide educational opportunities to servicemembers who, because they frequently moved from place to place, had trouble completing college degrees. SOC functions in cooperation with 15 higher education associations, the Department of Defense, and Active and Reserve Components of the Military Services to expand and improve voluntary postsecondary education opportunities for servicemembers worldwide. SOC is funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) through a contract with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The contract is managed for DoD by the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES).


SOC Operating Programs

SOC Consortium
Approximately 1,900 institutional members that enroll hundreds of thousands of servicemembers, their family members, and veterans annually in associate, bachelor’s, and graduate-level degree programs on school campuses, armories, and military installations within the United States and overseas, and through a variety of distance learning methods.






SOC Degree Network System
A subgroup of SOC Consortium member institutions selected by the military Services to deliver specific associate and bachelor’s degree programs to servicemembers and their families.

SOCAD — Associate and bachelor’s degree programs for Army personnel and their families.

SOCNAV — Associate and bachelor’s degree programs for Navy personnel and their families.

SOCMAR — Associate and bachelor’s degree programs for Marine Corps personnel and their families.

SOCCOAST — Associate and bachelor’s degree programs for Coast Guard personnel and their families.

A partnership between the Army Recruiting Command and participating SOC Consortium colleges and universities to link new soldiers to a college at the time of enlistment.