U.S. Department of Justice

Development of an Objective Classification System: Final Report

Publication year: 1992 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Development of an Objective Classification System: Final Report

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This final report presents the results of a one-year effort to design an objective, point-based system of initial inmate classification for the Massachusetts Department of Correction (MDOC). The present study found age to be a strong correlate of institutional misconduct with younger inmates having significantly higher rates of disciplinary reports than older inmates. A second major finding is that the current classification system results in overclassification of inmates with respect to the groups defined by the analysis. Two possibilities for improving the validity of the classification scores would be to improve the measurement of institutional misconduct, and to improve the measurement of the predictor variables and incorporate new variables found by other research to be related to institutional misconduct.

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