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News and Press Releases from Committee Members

Looking for news and press releases from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee?  Visit the press contacts page for links to Committee members' newsrooms.

News and Press
Patrick Leahy

News and Press
Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley


Results of Executive Business Meeting - September 20, 2012
The Senate Judiciary Committee held an executive business meeting to consider pending nominations and legislation on September 20, 2012.


I. Nominations

William Joseph Baer, to be an Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Ordered Reported By Roll Call Vote, 12-5

II. Bills

H.R. 2471, A bill to amend section 2710 of title 18, United States Code
Held Over

Substitute Amendment HEN12711 (Leahy)
Adopted By Unanimous Consent

S.3486, Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act (Leahy, Grassley, Hatch)
Ordered Reported By Voice Vote

Substitute Amendment ALB12732 (Leahy)
Adopted By Voice Vote

S.1894, Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (Schumer, Hatch, Whitehouse, Kyl, Cornyn, Graham, Klobuchar, Coons, Feinstein)
Ordered Reported By Voice Vote

Substitute Amendment JEN12607 (Schumer)
Adopted By Unanimous Consent

S.3250, SAFER Act (Cornyn, Klobuchar, Franken)
Ordered Reported By Voice Vote

S.3523, Innovative Design Protection Act of 2012 (Schumer, Hatch, Whitehouse, Graham, Blumenthal, Kohl)
Ordered Reported By Voice Vote, Four Senators Recorded As No

Amendment ABL12735 (Lee)
Failed By Voice Vote

Judiciary Committee Website Awarded 2010 "Gold Mouse"

GoldMouseAwardThe Senate Judiciary Committee was recognized by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) for having one of the best websites in Congress.  The Committee's website was awarded a 2010 Gold Mouse Award.  To learn more about the Congressional Management Foundation and the Congressional Mouse Awards, click here.

*NOTE:  Historical Judiciary Committee Photographs:  You can find information about the historical photographs featured at the top of this page by visiting the Committee's photo gallery. 

*NOTE: Camp Lejeune documents available here.


Did You Know?  The longest serving members in the history of the Senate have served on the Judiciary Committee: Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia served as Senator from Jan. 3, 1959, until June 28, 2010, and served on the Committee from Jan. 14, 2969, until Jan. 3, 1980; Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina served as Senator from Dec. 24, 1954, until April 4, 1956, and from Nov. 7, 1956, until Jan. 3, 2003, and served on the Committee from Jan. 16, 1967, until Jan. 3, 2003; and Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts served as Senator From Nov. 7, 1962, until Aug. 25., 2009, and served on the Committee from Feb. 15, 1963, until Jan. 21, 2009.

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