Videos from April, 2012

  • Training allied nurses for deployment

    April 13, 2012

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    NATO allies often train together to strengthen their skills and enhance our ability to work side by side. A1C Shane Mitchell tells us about a class in Landstuhl, Germany, that helps prepare Belgian nurses to be ready for any emergency situation.
  • Navy aviators share skills with Italian air force academy cadets

    April 10, 2012

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    We head to Naples, Italy, where members of the Air Force are sharing their skills and experience with their counterparts from the Italian air force academy.
  • Hit the deck

    April 10, 2012

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    Getting the mission done is easier with help from our partner nations. A1C Erin Mills takes us to RAF Lakenheath in the United Kingdom where U.S. helicopter pilots and members of the Royal Navy teamed up to take on one of the most difficult kinds of landings.
  • U.S. Ambassador to Italy visits Dal Molin construction site

    April 10, 2012

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    The construction of a new military installation in Italy has caught the attention of one very special person. SPC Adam Dineen tells us more.
  • Agile Spirit 2012

    April 5, 2012

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    Service members have a knack for overcoming and adapting. SSgt Nathan Parry tells us how 250 Marines handled training Georgian Soldiers during exercise "Agile Spirit 2012". It meant overcoming the language barrier and a few snags courtesy of "Mother Nature."
  • Third Air Force has a new Boss

    April 4, 2012

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    The 3rd Air Force has a new boss. Lt Gen Craig Franklin assumes command after a tour at the Pentagon as the Vice Director of the Joint Staff. SSgt Paul Gonzales has more from Ramstein Air Base.