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CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement
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  CIPM MRA documents |   |  CIPM and regional key comparisons |  Calibration and Measurement Capabilities of NMIs |  Participation in the CIPM MRA |  Use of the CIPM MRA logo |  JCRB |  Symposium to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the CIPM MRA |   
At a meeting held in Paris on 14 October 1999, the directors of the national metrology institutes (NMIs) of thirty-eight Member States of the BIPM and representatives of two international organizations signed a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA) for national measurement standards and for calibration and measurement certificates issued by NMIs. A number of other institutes have signed since then.

This Mutual Recognition Arrangement is a response to a growing need for an open, transparent and comprehensive scheme to give users reliable quantitative information on the comparability of national metrology services and to provide the technical basis for wider agreements negotiated for international trade, commerce and regulatory affairs.

The CIPM MRA has now been signed by the representatives of 90 institutes – from 51 Member States, 35 Associates of the CGPM, and 4 international organizations – and covers a further 144 institutes designated by the signatory bodies.

Click here for the full list of participants.
CIPM MRA documents
: The BIPM key comparison database, containing Appendices A, B, C and D of the CIPM MRA
CIPM and regional key comparisons: CC, BIPM and RMO key comparisons
Calibration and Measurement Capabilities of NMIs: CMCs
Participation in the CIPM MRA
Use of the CIPM MRA logo
JCRB: Joint Committee of the Regional Metrology Organizations and the BIPM (role, composition, documents and membership)
Symposium to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the CIPM MRA: 8-9 October 2009

The essential points of the CIPM MRA
Historical development of the CIPM MRA
Organizational structure of the CIPM MRA
Potential economic impact of the CIPM MRA
KCDB leaflet: Overview of the CIPM MRA and the KCDB  (PDF file)
Reports on the KCDB: biannual reports from the KCDB Office