U.S. Department of Justice

Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee

Publication year: 2002 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 017232


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  • 2002
  • 50 pages.

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  • Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The development, implementation, and operation of a local criminal justice coordinating committee (CJCC) are described. In particular, this guide provides a look at how a CJCC can alleviate jail crowding and accomplish other system improvements. The following sections comprise this guide: executive summary; introduction; a framework for justice planning and coordination; coordinating mechanisms -- a developmental view; and guiding principles for CJCCs. Appendixes provide: a checklist for forming a CJCC; contact information for jurisdictions mentioned; other CJCC resources; a sample charge; and sample bylaws.

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