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The following are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Joint Family Support Assistance Program (JFSAP) personnel issues.  Please click on the question and the answer will appear. Click again to hide the answer.


Who is responsible for supervising consultants and contractors?

Contract consultants and counselors shall be at all times under the direction and control of their contract supervisors or vendor. The vendor shall at all times be responsible for the supervision of its employees in the performance of the services required under the vendor’s contracts.

Who do I contact if I have questions about a contractor's scope of work?

If the vendor finds that clarification with respect to the scope of services to be performed is necessary, they can request, in writing, clarification from the government program manager or the contracting officer representative (COR)/contractor officer's technical representative (COTR), or the contracting officer.

How do I handle the removal of a contract personnel?

It is understood that all contract personnel assigned to perform the work must be acceptable to the government in terms of personal and professional conduct and must successfully initiate a full background investigation before obtaining access to the premises. Any person in the contractor’s organization, or in any subcontractor’s organization, who is deemed by the government program manager or COR/COTR to conflict with the interest of the government shall immediately be removed from this contract. The reason for removal shall be fully documented in writing to the contracting officer by the vendor. Any security violations or denials or revocations of security clearances may be construed as grounds for immediate removal from the premises and the contract. Further, the government shall have the right to compel the vendor to replace any individual who is determined by the government to be a security risk, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or physically or mentally impaired to the extent that they cannot perform the tasks established by the contract. Such determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ) point of contact (POC), who will then report to the government program manager, who will then subsequently report the finding to the contracting officer. Such determination shall not relieve the contractor from meeting the performance requirements of the contracts.

What do I do if I notice a personnel issue with contracted personnel?

Should a JFHQ POC identify a personnel issue with a particular contract JFSAP team member, he or she should notify the appropriate government program manager, COR/COTR, or government contracting officer, in writing, via letter or e-mail. The government program managers are responsible for interfacing with the vendor on issues related to personnel performance. The government program managers perform all necessary oversight and monitoring of the contractors and will work to resolve the issue.

If involuntary termination of a team member becomes necessary, the government program manager or COR/COTR will coordinate with the appropriate vendor POC to collect all documentation and discuss expectations for returning equipment and cleaning the workspace. The vendor will process the removal action in accordance with their respective company policies and will immediately begin the search for a replacement to fulfill the obligations of their respective contractual deliverables.