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The following are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Joint Family Support Assistance Program (JFSAP) travel.  Please click on the question and the answer will appear. Click again to hide the answer.


How often do JFSAP teams plan travel and how is it approved?
  • JFSAP team members work with the Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ) point of contact (POC) to plan travel and then coordinate their travel arrangements through their respective companies. The vendors then coordinate any required authorizations with the government program manager. All travel is subject to government approval and is based on the most cost effective utilization of the contracted resources. Contract JFSAP team members are reimbursed for travel expenses according to their contract and employer’s policies. 
  • Out-of-state travel is authorized on a case-by-case basis if the travel directly benefits members and families within the state. Prior to planning out-of-state travel for JFSAP team members, the JFHQ POC should first contact the appropriate vendor and provide the location, timeframe, purpose, and estimated cost. Once the vendor approves, the travel request information should be forwarded to appropriate government program managers for final approval and provide a copy to the JFSAP director. 
  • Existing contracts do not permit JFSAP team members to drive General Services Administration (GSA) vehicles. Contract Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC), Children and Youth Behavior-MFLCs, and Personal Financial Counselors have access to a shared rental vehicle. Military OneSource Consultants may rent a car or use personal vehicles which are reimbursed by contract. The contract program managers identify a point of contact in each state to be responsible for all issues regarding the vehicle and its usage. Each contract supporting the JFSAP has a provision for in-state travel expenses.