NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
About NREL Energy Analysis Science and Technology Technology Transfer Applying Technologies Energy Systems Integration

Ray Grout

HPC Applications Researcher

Photo of Ray Grout
(303) 384-6447

Dr. Grout's current research interests as part of the Computational Science Center include algorithmic advances to facilitate integrating partial differential equations (PDEs) numerically on future architectures and development of future computation fluid dynamics (CFD) capabilities with particular emphasis on reacting flows. Dr. Grout has expertise in development of turbulent combustion submodels and has a wealth of experience developing several combustion codes at different institutions. His recent work has focused on the development of DNS (direct numerical simulation) databases for jets in cross flow from peta-scale, high-fidelity simulations in collaboration with the gas turbine industry. A key outcome of this work has been insight into the importance of low-velocity recirculation zones and stratified combustion in the stabilization of flames above a jet in cross flow. Earlier work involved using DNS to probe fundamental understanding of stratified combustion, to investigate appropriate flame markers (progress variables, tracers), and to propose new models for the combined effects of flame propagation and mixing. Dr. Grout also has experience deploying models for gaseous auto-ignition using commercial CFD codes.


  • Postdoctoral appointment with the reacting flow research group at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, California

  • Ph.D., engineering, University of Cambridge, England

  • M.S., mechanical engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

  • B.S., mechanical engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Selected Publications 

  1. Grout, R.W.; Gruber, A.; Yoo, C.S.; Chen, J.H. (2011). "Direct Numerical Simulation of Flame Stabilization Downstream of a Transverse Fuel Jet in Cross-flow." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (33:1); pp. 1629-1637.
  2. Grout, R.W.; Swaminathan, N.; Cant, R.S. (2009). "Effects of Compositional Fluctuations on Premixed Flames." Combustion Theory and Modeling (13:5); pp. 823-852.
  3. Bennett, J.; Grout, R.W.; Pèbay, P.; Roe, D.; Thompson, D. (August 2009). "Numerically Stable, Single-pass, Parallel Statistics Algorithms." IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2009); August 31-September 4, 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  4. Spafford, K.; Meredith, J.; Vetter, J.; Chen, J.; Grout, R.W.; Sankaran, R. (August 2009). "Accelerating s3d: A gpgpu Case Study." In HeteroPar'2009: Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms; August 25, 2009, Delft, Netherlands.
  5. Mascarenhas, A.; Grout, R.W.; Bremer, P.-T.; Pascucci, V.; Hawkes, E.; Chen, J. (February 2009). "Topological Feature Extraction for Comparison of Length Scales in Terascale Combustion Simulation Data." Presented at TopoInVis: Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications; February 23, 2009, Snowbird, Utah.
  6. Grout, R.W.; Chen, J.H.; Hawkes, E.R.; Mascarenhas, A.; Bremer, P.-T.; Pascucci, V. (2008). "Analysis of the Relationship Between High Scalar Dissipation Rate Features, Flow, and Combustion." 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, Work-in-Progress Poster Session, number WiPP05-23;
  7. Grout, R.W. (2007). "An Age-extended Progress Variable for Conditioning Reaction Rates." Physics of Fluids (19); pp. 105107-105111.
  8. Grout, R.W.; Bushe, W.K.; Blair, C. (2007). "Predicting the Ignition Delay of Turbulent Methane Jets Using Conditional Source-term Estimation." Combustion Theory and Modeling
  9. Grout, R.W.; Swaminathan, N.; Cant, R.S. (2007). "Assessment of Conditional Source-term Estimation for Temporally Developing Flame Dernels Using DNS Results." Proceedings of the 21st ICDERS, number 0179; Poitiers, France.
  10. Swaminathan, N.; Grout, R.W. (2006). "Interaction of Turbulence and Scalar Fields in Premixed Flames." Physics of Fluids (18:4);