NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Damian Hazen

Damian Hazen
Storage Systems Group, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Phone: (510) 495-2599 , Fax: (510) 486-4316
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 943-256
Berkeley, CA 94720 US


D. Hazen, J. Hick, W. Hurlbert, M. Welcome, Media Information Record (MIR) Analysis, LTUG 2011, April 19, 2011,

Presentation of Storage Systems Group findings from a year-long effort to collect and analyze Media Information Record (MIR) statistics from our in-production Oracle enterprise tape drives at NERSC.  We provide information on the data collected, and some highlights from our analysis. The presentation is primarily intended to declare that the information in the MIR is important to users or customers to better operating and managing their tape environments.

D. Hazen, J. Hick, HPSS v8 Metadata Conversion, HPSS 8.1 Pre-Design Meeting, April 7, 2010,

Provided information about the HPSS metadata conversion software to other developers of HPSS.  Input was important to establishing a design for the version 8 HPSS metadata conversions.


N. Balthaser, D. Hazen, “HSI Best Practices for NERSC Users”, May 2, 2011,


In this paper we explain how to obtain and install HSI, create a NERSC authentication token, and transfer data to and from the system. Additionally we describe methods to optimize data transfers and avoid common pitfalls that can degrade data transfers and storage system performance.