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Michael Russ

Patricia Thompson (thompson.patricia@epa.gov) 312-886-7517


U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office provides funding pursuant to pursuant to:

  1. §104 of the Clean Water Act
  2. §118 of the Clean Water Act

which call for the achievement of the goals in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The agreement's main goal is the restoration and maintenance of the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes basin.

Projects are expected to advance protection and restoration of the Great Lakes ecosystem in support of

  1. Goal 4 (Healthy Communities and Ecosystems), Objective 3 (Ecosystems), Subobjective 3 (Improve the Health of Great Lakes Ecosystems) of USEPA's Strategic Plan
  2. the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes Exit EPA Disclaimer

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