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Interested Parties


EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office oversees and helps the efforts of many stakeholders, listed below.

Information Partners

Name Web Address
Great Lakes/Baltic Sea Partnership epa.gov/greatlakes/baltic
binational.net binational.net
Great Lakes Information Network www.great-lakes.net

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Commission Web Address
Great Lakes Cities Initiative www.greatlakescities.org
Great Lakes Commission www.glc.org
International Joint Commission www.ijc.org

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Public Participation (Lake Forums)

All of these links leave EPA's Web site Exit EPA Disclaimer.

Name Web Address
Lake Superior Binational Forum
Lake Michigan Forum www.lkmichiganforum.org
Lake Erie Forum erieforum.org

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Education and Research

All of these links leave EPA's Web site Exit EPA Disclaimer.

Name Web Address
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory www.glerl.noaa.gov
Calumet Environmental Resource Center www.csu.edu/cerc
Chicago Academy of Sciences www.chias.org
International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) www.iaglr.org

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