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Legacy Act links
Great Lakes Legacy Act

Program Information

Underway and Completed  Projects

Information for Applicants

Contaminated Sediments

Program Information

This page provides the links to general information about the Act, including the official text of the “Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002” and the Final Rule; Notice of Implementation Policy entitled “Implementation of the Great Lakes Legacy Act (May 2006). A brief PowerPoint is included that summarizes the key aspects of GLLA projects

The “Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002” was enacted in January of 2002 and provides the guidelines for the types of projects that can be undertaken and establishes the program as a partnered, cost shared program.

GLLA projects require a non-federal partner to cost share the project. Projects require a negotiated project agreement to be signed by the U.S. EPA and the non-federal partner; this is not a grant program.

Frequently Asked Questions Maintenance of Effort Requirements

Final rule: Implementation of the Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002

Proposed Legacy Act Projects and Proposal Executive Summaries

Great Lakes Legacy Act




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