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Great Lakes Legacy Act

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Underway and Completed  Projects

Information for Applicants

Contaminated Sediments 

exit EPA (About PDF)

Contaminants removed from the Black Lagoon

Contaminant               Removed
PCBs                             160
Mercury                         360
Oil and grease             300,000
Lead                             38,000
Zinc                             140,000

Underway and Completed Projects

Detroit River's Black Lagoon Project

Photo showing the slit curtain that was constructed around the Black Lagoon to keep re-suspended sediment from entering the river
This photo shows the silt curtain that was
constructed around the Black Lagoon to keep
re-suspended sediment from entering the river.

More than 470,000 pounds of contaminants were removed from the Black Lagoon inlet on the Detroit River, completing the first cleanup project made possible by the Great Lakes Legacy Act. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes National Program Office and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality coordinated the removal of 115,000 cubic yards of polluted sludge from the small bay during the $9.3 million project.

Dredging of the polluted mud began in October 2004 and took thirteen months. The sediment was dredged out of the lagoon and the sludge was solidified before being transferred by truck or barge to the Pointe Mouille Confined Disposal Facility. After the dredging phase was completed, the bottom of the lagoon was covered with 6 inches of sand and 3 inches of stone to protect fish and wildlife from any remaining contamination in the river mud. Approximately 160 lb of PCBs; 360 lb of Mercury, 300,000 pb of Oil and Grease, 38,000 lb of lead and 140 lb of zinc were removed from the inlet.  /more/



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