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The NAEP 2000 Grade 4 Reading Report Card

Chat Host, Peggy Carr, Associate Commissioner Hello, and welcome to today's StatChat. I'm sure that you have many questions regarding today's release of the NAEP Reading Report, so let's get right to them...

Amie from San Antonio, Texas asked:
I would like to know how the reading subtests for 4th grade Hispanic students compare with those for the general population and with Anglo and African American students. I would also like to know how English language learners fared on the NAEP, compared with the general population. If separate figures are available for Hispanic students who are English language learners, that would be very helpful. How do these outcomes compare with previous cohorts of 4th graders in the same populations mentioned above? Thank you very much for the information.
Peggy Carr: Thanks for the question Amie. Good question! (1) The 2000 NAEP Reading data show that Hispanics and Black students scored significantly below White students. However, Hispanic and Black students did not differ. (2) The gaps between these groups and white students are large and have not changed since 1992. (3) Separate results are not reported for LEP students in the report, although these data available on the web. Similarly, you can explore the relationship between LEP status and Hispanics on the web. The N's may be too small however.

Blake from Upper Marlboro, Md. asked:
Since the Information Age is upon us, do we know what impact computers and the Internet has had on our children's reading accomplishments in general?
Peggy Carr: Another good question. We did not explore the impact of technology on achievement in the 2000 assessment, but we plan to do for the upcoming 2002 assessment.

John from Newark, DE asked:
How do these most recent NAEP results fit in with the findings of the National Reading Panel about the teaching of reading?
Peggy Carr: The NAEP report does not address the specific topics referenced in the National Reading Panel report. However, we are planning a special study on reading fluency for 2002. It will be a follow-up from a 1992 study. Stay tuned!

NED from Baltimore, Maryland asked:
GREAT REPORT-A RESOURCE FOR ALL! Can you provide a hypothesis to account for the NAEP performance differences found between Hispanic students for whom Accommodations were not permitted & Hispanic students for whom Accommodations were permitted? Also could you provide any thoughts regarding why these differences were not found in other race/ethnicity groups?
Peggy Carr: NED. Our data show that students who require accommodations, regardless of their race/ethnicity, generally scored lower on the NAEP. Since Hispanics are more likely to be classified as LEP than other students, it is reasonable to expect that the impact of accommodations would be more evident on that group. Peggy

Sally from Lehi, Utah asked:
Will a similar assessment be undertaken for secondary students? If so, when and what instruments will be used?
Peggy Carr: Sally, In 2002, NAEP is planning a reading assessment for 4th, 8th, and 12th graders at the national level and 4th and 8th graders at the state level. Peggy

sheila from washington, dc asked:
What new information in this report is shared regarding what teachers do around reading to help students? Also, Are there any new findings about what students do during out-of-school activities (leisure and at home)? Thank you
Peggy Carr: Excellent question Sheila! NAEP respondents complete a background questionnaire about instructional practices (e.g., writing in response to reading, time spent reading in school, and learning new words) in the classroom as well as activities (e.g., reading for fun, discussing what you read, T.V. watching) outside the school environment. Generally students are watching less T.V., doing more homework, reading more pages for school. However, they are not reading more for fun. See the website for more neat findings. Peggy

John from Boston, MA asked:
How do these reading assessments compare to anything that is done internationally.
Peggy Carr: In 1992 4th grade American students were second best in the world according to an international reading assessment. However,these results are not directly comparable to NAEP findings for many reasons. For example, the NAEP reading assessment is a comprehension test with high standards, the international assessment focused more on basic skills. Peggy

Bill Carlson from Yucaipa, CA asked:
Our state university system has been producing reading teachers equipped with flawed teaching methods for over a decade. This has been disasterous for many children (and teachers!). What is being done to correct this injustice which is still being perpetrated in much of the university system?
Peggy Carr: Bill, I understand your concern, but the NAEP assessment does not address this issue. Check the Department of Education's website for information on new initatives. Peggy

Sheila from S.F., California asked:
Is there a way to put the scale numbers that you use into a more easily understandable terminology? For example what is excellent, good, fair, poor as far as reading scales go?
Peggy Carr: Sheila, have you seen the NAGB achievement levels featured in the report? The Basic, Proficient, and Advanced levels are described in great detail and have been superimposed onto the NAEP scale. You might also find it interesting to see our description of what items are charactertic of certain scale scores (see page 22 of the report). Finally, on page 17 thru 20 you will see how students at each achievement level score on exemplar items. Peggy

Ben from Springfield, Illinois asked:
Are the students who are tested picked randomly or does the school select who takes the tests?
Peggy Carr: Ben, Students are select randomly! The schools have no idea who will be selected. If you would like to know more about the NAEP complex sampling procedure, see a publication entitled How Does NAEP Select Schools and Students?" Peggy

Michael from Syracuse, NY asked:
Are there any plans to begin testing students more often? Also can we get scores for schools and school districts?
Peggy Carr: Michael...two good questions! The National Assessment Governing Board has a published schedule for NAEP assessments available on their website Currently, a NAEP assessment is planned every year, although state assessements are planned for even years only. However,President Bush's plan "No Child Left Behind" proposes to test children annually at the state level in reading and math in 4th and 8th grades using NAEP. No final decision has been reached as of yet. Peggy

Laura Barrett from Massachusetts asked:
When will the state-by-state results for this test be released, and do you know if they show anything notable regarding different state approaches to reading?
Peggy Carr: Laura, We did not conduct a state assessment for reading in 2000. We plan to conduct a reading assessment for 4th and 8th grades in 2002 for states. With regard to your question about different approaches to reading, there are a few questions about instructional practices. I suggest you visit our summary data tables available on the web to explore such data for the previous assessments for states (92,94,98) Please note that in July and September of this year, we anticipate publishing state results for math and science. Peggy

James from Ft Worth, TX asked:
Do ELL students take a Spanish version of the test? Are these results available?
Peggy Carr: Not for reading. The NAEP reading assessment is a measure of reading in English. Peggy

Jonathan from Topeka, Kansas asked:
Is there some place on your website where I can find samples of the questions used in this test and in other tests that you do? Could I use them in my local school district if I wanted to?
Peggy Carr: Yes, there are hundreds of released items on our website. We also have item results and sample responses at Use them... they are a great resource! Peggy

Tom from Bangor, Maine asked:
Following up on an earlier question. Is there any possibility that we can assess the negative impact (if one exists) on how computer work adversely effects traditional reading skills?
Peggy Carr: Tom, we are currently conducting several technology-based assessment instruments (in math and writing). They are in the early stages of development. Once again, stay tuned for what we discover. Peggy

Thanks for all of your excellent questions. Unfortunately, I could not get to all of them, but please feel free to contact the NAEP staff if you need any assistance. I hope that you found this session to be helpful and the report to be interesting.

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