Fundamental Interactions

The theoretical Chemical Physics program at Ames Laboratory supports integrated efforts in electronic structure theory and non-equilibrium statistical mechanical & multiscale modeling. The primary focus is on the development and application of methods that enable the study of surface phenomena, heterogeneous catalysis, cluster science and nucleation theory, and mechanisms in organometallic chemistry.

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Effective date: Oct. 2012

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Document number: Form 10200.160

Contact:                                                                                        For release: Oct. 5, 2012
Tom Lograsso, Ames Lab, 515-294-8452
Breehan Gerleman Lucchesi, Public Affairs, 515-294-5643


Ames, IA – Thomas Lograsso has been named Interim Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory.  The appointment is for one year.

Lograsso replaces Bruce Harmon, who stepped down from the position of Ames Laboratory Deputy Director on September 1 to return to research and teaching at Ames Lab and Iowa State University.  Harmon had been the Deputy Director for 17 years.

ImageLograsso will serve as Interim Deputy Director while the Laboratory evaluates its senior leadership structure.  Lograsso will add the duties to his current position as Director of the Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering at the Ames Laboratory, a position he’s held since 2010.  Lograsso has been a research scientist at the Ames Laboratory since 1988. 

“Tom has a long and distinguished record of service to the Ames Laboratory, including the leadership of its largest and most complex scientific division, and I am very pleased that he has agreed to serve as our Deputy Director during a period that has great potential for changing the Lab,” said Ames Laboratory Director Alex King.   “His familiarity with the Lab's operations will be immensely valuable, and his understanding of the Lab's scientific programs will make him a strong spokesman for our scientific agenda.”

Lograsso’s research interests include solid-liquid phase equilibria, solid-solid phase interactions, quasicrystalline alloys, kinetics of phase transitions, and synthesis of single crystals of intermetallics, magneto-responsive alloys and compounds.   Lograsso received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from Michigan Technological University. 

“I am honored and excited to serve the Ames Laboratory in this position as it begins the search for a new Deputy Director.” Lograsso said. 

The Ames Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory operated by Iowa State University. The Ames Laboratory creates innovative materials, technologies and energy solutions. We use our expertise, unique capabilities and interdisciplinary collaborations to solve global problems.

Company uses Ames Laboratory-developed technology to make titanium powder

Contacts:                                                                                          For release: Oct.2, 2012
Breehan Gerleman Lucchesi, Ames Laboratory, 515-294-9750
Andy Heidloff, IPAT, 515-294-9159
Joel Rieken, IPAT, 515-294-9159


AMES, Iowa -- Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies, a start-up company based on technology developed at the Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory, has won the 2012 John Pappajohn Iowa Business Plan Competition. 

The competition honors top business plans of companies in business for four years or less, with an aim of stimulating business development. The prize includes $25,000 in seed money.

“This competition was a great opportunity to develop our commercialization pathway, and the assistance we received from the Iowa State University John Pappajohn Entrepreneurship Center was invaluable,” said Joel Rieken, co-founder of Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies.  “The award certainly reaffirms our business model and provides us with more confidence as we move forward.”

Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies plans to

From left: IPAT co-founder Andrew Heidloff, IPAT business developer Doug Moore, John Pappajohn and IPAT co-founder Joel Rieken.

use several Ames Lab-developed technologies to make fine spherical titanium powder for use in military, biomedical and aerospace applications. Their process will increase the efficiency of the titanium powder making process and, thus, lower the cost of the powder to manufacturers.

Titanium’s strength, light weight, biocompatibility and resistance to corrosion make it ideal for use in a variety of parts. But, working with titanium can be difficult when casting parts because molten titanium tends to react with the materials used to form machine molds. To address that, Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies will instead use gas atomization of titanium, which makes a fine, spherical powder form of titanium. Manufacturers can then press the powder together at high temperatures.

“In addition to getting around the difficulties with using molten titanium, using titanium powder has the benefits of conserving processing time and energy, and it produces less waste material,” said Andy Heidloff, co-founder of Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies. “The overall process is better, except for the current problems of higher cost and lower availability of titanium powder. But those are the two problems IPAT is seeking to solve.”

In Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies’ process for titanium atomization, the metal is melted using a standard commercial process then heated and precisely guided by an Ames Laboratory-developed pour tube into a high intensity atomization nozzle, also developed at Ames Lab. The metal is then sprayed out in a fine droplet mist. Each droplet quickly cools and solidifies, creating a collection of many tiny spheres, forming fine titanium powder.

“IPAT’s technology allows lightweight, high-strength parts to be fabricated at low cost,” said Ames Laboratory Director Alex King. “These parts can be used in biomedical implants as well as in energy-efficient cars, planes and trains.”

Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies plans to use the John Pappajohn Iowa Business Plan Competition prize winnings to further develop its business strategy, including a series of tests to determine how large they can scale the operation. 

Earlier this year IPAT also was a winner of the Department of Energy’s America’s Next Top Energy Innovator Challenge, which recognizesd some of the most innovative and promising startup companies that took an option to license DOE-funded technologies through the America’s Next Top Energy Innovator program.

The DOE Office of Science, the DOE Office of Fossil Energy, and the Iowa State University Research Foundation funded the original research on the gas atomizer technologies developed at Ames Laboratory.

To learn about Ames Laboratory technologies available for licensing, visit the ISU Research Foundation’s web site at Enter “Ames Lab” in the search field. DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy also sponsors a searchable database of the national laboratories' energy technologies available for licensing, and patents and patent applications: Enter “Ames Laboratory” in the search field.

The Ames Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory operated by Iowa State University. The Ames Laboratory creates innovative materials, technologies and energy solutions. We use our expertise, unique capabilities and interdisciplinary collaborations to solve global problems.

Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies is an Iowa-based start-up company whose goal is to use advanced processing techniques to create a paradigm shift in the cost and availability of high-quality spherical titanium powders.

Spring 2013 - Synthesis of Nanstructured Materials

The physical properties and performance of materials depends on their structure as much as their composition. For example, a relatively minor change in interface chemistry improves the power efficiency of a prototype PbS quantum dot-based solar cell by an order of magnitude.

Despite this premise and the remarkable advances in materials processing and chemistry, we still cannot design and manufacture materials with a monodisperse and controllable micro- and nano-structure in a way that is scalable, versatile, inexpensive and practical.

Lead-free solder in "Green" Electronic Assembly

Development for Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) Pb-free Solders for Broad Application and High Reliability in “Green” Electronic Assembly

Analyzing Plant Biochemical Makeup

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Spring 2013 - Fast Pyrolysis

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Spring 2013 - Catalysts

Developing a Sustainable Catalyst Toolbox

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Spring 2013 - Using Aptamers to Detect Gene Expression

Bacteria contribute significantly to our well-being.  They constitute our microbiome that is involved in digesting food and delivering information to the brain regarding the food content.  They are essential for degrading materials in the soil and waters of our planet to maintain a stable and healthy environment for us.