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Women's Health

Senior Girl Scout Resource List

Senior Girl Scouts


Car Sense

Recognize and meet the challenges you’ll face as the driver and caretaker of a car.

Teen Drivers

Teen Drivers: Safe to and from Prom… and Beyond

Teens behind the Wheel: Graduated Driver Licensing

Child Care

Find suggestions for taking care of children.

Child Development

Injuries among Children and Adolescents

Learn the Signs. Act Early

Safe and Healthy Kids and Teens

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Family Living

Learn more about how your family influences you in many ways, including your health.

Family Health

Family Health History: Resources and Tools

Family Reunion Health and Safety Tips

From Fitness to Fashion

Looking your best has a lot to do with taking care of your body. The fashions you wear only complement your healthy habits of good nutrition, physical activity, and rest.

Nutrition Topics

Physical Activity

Healthy Style

Healthy Weight

Sleep and Sleep Disorders

From Stress to Success

Learn about sources of stress, how to manage it, and even how to turn it into a positive asset.

Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event

Mental Health

Stress at Work

Suicide Prevention

Tips for Coping with Stress

Generations Hand in Hand

Bridge the “generation gap” as you get to know older people.

Family Health History

Healthy Aging for Older Adults

Home Improvement

Learn more about home improvement, including how to make it safer.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Prevention Guidelines

Check for Safety: A Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults

Emergency Preparedness and You

Fire Deaths and Injuries: Prevention Tips

Lead Information: Questions and Answers

Protect Yourself from Mold

Law and Order

Learn more about how laws guide and protect civilized societies.

Public Health Law Program


A leader is someone who can accomplish great things with others.

Tips for Planning Health Events

Women Inspiring Hope and Possibility in Health


Explore the world- even if your dream trip may not happen right away.

Air Travel and Cruise Ships

Travelers’ Health

Understanding Yourself and Others

Reflect on your unique self, set and work on personal goals, and develop helpful ways to influence others.

Are You a Working Teen? What You Should Know about Safety and Health on the Job

Choose Respect

Family Health History: Resources and Tools

Kids’ Quest on Disability and Health

Youth Tobacco Prevention

Your Best Defense

Learning to defuse conflict before it starts is a great self-defense tool. Planning ahead, good communication skills, and a sincere effort to work out a solution can go a long way toward squelching hostile encounters.

Choose Respect

Violence Prevention


All about Birds

Birds are an “indicator species” for environmental health, meaning that if a species of birds get sick, there is something wrong in the entire ecosystem.

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Diseases from Birds

West Nile Virus and Birds: Questions and Answers

Creative Cooking

If you can’t visit a faraway place now, you can still take a “taste-full” journey by enjoying international cuisine right in your own kitchen.

Fight BAC! Keep Food Safe from Bacteria

Foodborne Illness: Frequently Asked Questions

Get Smart with Fruits and Veggies

Nutrition Topics



Learn about ways to “walk the talk” for a quality of life that includes caring for the earth.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

CDC Joins EPA in Partnership to Protect Nation’s Water Supply

Climate Change: Prevention and Preparedness

Diseases from Wildlife

Environmental Health

Environmental Health for Kids

Green and Healthy: An Initiative Built to Last

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

Water Conservation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food Connection

Learn more about making healthy food choices.

Fight BAC! Keep Food Safe from Bacteria

Foodborne Illness: Frequently Asked Questions

Get Smart with Fruits and Veggies

Nutrition Topics

From Shore to Sea

The oceans of the world cover over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and have an impact on the entire planet.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Climate Change and Health Effects

Environmental Health

Drinking Water

Healthy Swimming

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

Inventions and Inquiry

From pencils to computers, inventions begin with someone asking some very simple questions: “How can I solve this problem for myself or others?” “How can I make this better or easier to do?”

A Timeline of CDC/ATSDR Contributions to Women’s Health

Inventions Improving Women’s Lives: Milestones in History

Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the 20th Century

Math, Maps, and More

Discover why people in all walks of life- from chefs to geographers- need to know some math to succeed at their jobs.

EXCITE: Excellence in Curriculum Integration through Teaching Epidemiology

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at CDC


Provide the animals in your life with all the advantages of a healthy home.

Healthy Pets, Healthy People

Plant Life

Growing and caring for plants are enjoyable and productive ways to beautify and enrich the environment. Explore the plant world.

Gardening Health and Safety Tips

Safe Gardening, Safe Play, and a Safe Home

Why in the World?

Be the scientific investigator, exploring the world from weather to watch parts, and from microbes to minerals.

CDC Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Cell Phones and Your Health

Healthy Youth: Health Topics

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather


Make wildlife observations in your own backyard, a town wood lot, a city street, a national park, a forest, or a field.

Diseases from Wildlife

Women’s Health

Become informed about your body so that you can enjoy good health today and tomorrow.

Women’s Health

Safe and Healthy Kids and Teens

Tips for a Healthy Life



Get the message, explore the net, learn the lure of language, or be media savvy.

CDC Online Newsroom

E-Health Marketing



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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health

Page last modified: March 16, 2011
Page last reviewed: March 16, 2011