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Unemployment Drops in September

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Unemployment dropped to 7.8 percent in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That marks the first time unemployment has dropped below 8 percent since January 2009. NCSL provides month-to-month rates from 2008-2012. More

Dateline Washington

Supreme Court: A Look at the Cases That
Could Impact States

Podcast interview with the executive director of the State and Local Legal Center. More

Letter to Senate Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources

NCSL urges committee to develop a program
for the long-term treatment and disposal of
high-level radioactive waste. More

Federal Deficit Reduction Overview
NCSL is closely monitoring the debate
over federal deficit reduction with an
eye toward what the effects might
be on states .  More

State Legislatures

Massachusetts Representative Jeffrey SanchezUnhealthy Differences

"We don’t understand all the aspects of health disparities—what
drives them and how to eliminate them—so we need the data to build a system where prevention and health promotion are at the
—Massachusetts Representative Jeffrey Sanchez (D)

NCSL Fall Forum

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