BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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Homicide Trends in the U.S.

Family homicides

Family homicides most often involve spouses or ex-spouses although such crimes declined recently

  • After spousal killing, children killed by their parents are the most frequent type of family homicide.

  • Siblings are murder victims less often than other family members.

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Number of family homcides by victim/offender relationship [D]

For additional detail on spousal homicides, see Intimate homicides.

For blacks and whites, homicides involving all family relationships have been declining.

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Number of famiily homicides by race of victim[D]

Fathers are more likely than mothers to be killed by their children

Teenage sons are most often the perpetrator in parental killings.

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Number of homicides of parents by age and gender of the offender[D]

Brothers are more likely than sisters to kill a sibling

Older teen and young adult males are most often the perpetrator in killings of brothers. Males who kill their sisters tend to be younger than males who kill their brothers.

Sisters rarely kill their siblings.

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Number of homicides of siblings by age and gender of the offender[D]

Note: Includes only single victim homicides.

Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-2005.
     See also Additional information about the data.

Note: The victims of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks are not included in this analysis.

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