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Extended Measures of Well-being: Living Conditions in the United States, 1998

Detailed Tables

Consumer Durables by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 1A. Households with Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer, Dish Washer, and Refrigerator [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 2A. Households with Food Freezer, Television, Stove, and Microwave [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 3A. Households with Videocassette Recorder, Air Conditioner, Computer, and Cellular Phone [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 4A. Households Air Conditioner, Telephone, Electronic Appliances, and Basic Appliances [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Consumer Durables by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 1B. Households with Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer, Dish Washer, and Refrigerator [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 2B. Households with Food Freezer, Television, Stove, and Microwave [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 3B. Households with Videocassette Recorder, Air Conditioner, Computer, and Cellular Phone [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 4B. Households Air Conditioner, Telephone, Electronic Appliances, and Basic Appliances [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Housing Conditions by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 5A. Households with No Roof or Ceiling Leaks, No Problem with Pests, No Broken Windows, and No Exposed Wires [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table6A . Households with No Cracks in Walls, No Plumbing Problems, No Holes in Floor, and Satisfactory Repair [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 7A. Households with Satisfactory Coolness, Satisfactory Warmth, Satisfactory Furniture, and Satisfactory Privacy [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 8A. Households with More Than One Room per Person, Satisfactory Space, Satisfactory Housing, and Housing Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Housing Conditions by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 5B. Households with No Roof or Ceiling Leaks, No Problem with Pests, No Broken Windows, and No Exposed Wires [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 6B. Households with No Cracks in Walls, No Plumbing Problems, No Holes in Floor, and Satisfactory Repair [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 7B. Households with Satisfactory Coolness, Satisfactory Warmth, Satisfactory Furniture, and Satisfactory Privacy [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 8B. Households with More Than One Room per Person, Satisfactory Space, Satisfactory Housing, and Housing Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Fear of Crime by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 9A. Households with No Staying at Home for Safety, No Carrying Something for Protection, No Going With Others for Safety, and Not afraid to Walk [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 10A. Households with a Dog in the Household, Dog in Household for Safety, and Alarm or Safety Lights [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 11A. Households with Home Considered Safe, Neighborhood Considered Safe, and Crime Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Fear of Crime by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 9B. Households with No Staying at Home for Safety, No Carrying Something for Protection, No Going With Others for Safety, and Not afraid to Walk [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 10B. Households with a Dog in the Household, Dog in Household for Safety, and Alarm or Safety Lights [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 11B. Households with Home Considered Safe, Neighborhood Considered Safe, and Crime Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Neighborhood Conditions by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 12A. Households with No Trash or Litter in Area, No Street Repair Problems, No Abandoned Buildings, and No Traffic Noise Problems [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 13A. Households with Good Relations with Neighbors, No Smoke or Odors, No Problem Industry or Business, and No Overall Neighborhood Problems [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Neighborhood Conditions by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 12B. Households with No Trash or Litter in Area, No Street Repair Problems, No Abandoned Buildings, and No Traffic Noise Problems [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 13B. Households with Good Relations with Neighbors, No Smoke or Odors, No Problem Industry or Business, and No Overall Neighborhood Problems [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Community Services by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 14A. Households with Children Under 18 with Children in Public School, Children in Magnet School, Children in Private School, and Children Home Schooled [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 15A. Households with Children Under 18 with No Children in School, Satisfactory Public Schools, Preference for Different School for a Child, and Children Eating Enough [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 16A. Households with Satisfactory Public Transportation, Satisfactory Fire Protection, Satisfactory Police Services, and Satisfactory Health Services [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 17A. Households with Satisfactory Neighborhood, Neighborhood Not so Bad Would Move, Satisfactory Public Services, and Services Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Community Services by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 14B. Households with Children Under 18 with Children in Public School, Children in Magnet School, Children in Private School, and Children Home Schooled [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 15B. Households with Children Under 18 with No Children in School, Satisfactory Public Schools, Preference for Different School for a Child, and Children Eating Enough [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 16B. Households with Satisfactory Public Transportation, Satisfactory Fire Protection, Satisfactory Police Services, and Satisfactory Health Services [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 17B. Households with Satisfactory Neighborhood, Neighborhood Not so Bad Would Move, Satisfactory Public Services, and Services Not so Bad Would Move [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Meeting Basic Needs by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 18A. Households with No Unmet Essential Expenses, No Unpaid Rent or Mortgage, No Unpaid Utility Bills, and Not Evicted for Non-payment [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 19A. Households with No Disconnected Utility Service, No Disconnected Phone Service, No Unmet Need for Doctor, and No Unmet Need for Dentist [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 20A. Households with Difficulty Meeting Basic Needs Who Received Help, Received Help From Family, Received Help From Friends, and Received Help From Others [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Meeting Basic Needs by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 18B. Households with No Unmet Essential Expenses, No Unpaid Rent or Mortgage, No Unpaid Utility Bills, and Not Evicted for Non-payment [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 19B. Households with No Disconnected Utility Service, No Disconnected Phone Service, No Unmet Need for Doctor, and No Unmet Need for Dentist [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 20B. Households with Difficulty Meeting Basic Needs Who Received Help, Received Help From Family, Received Help From Friends, and Received Help From Others [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Help Expected When in Need by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 21A. Households with Expectation of Help If Needed, Expect Help from Friends, Expect Help from Family, and Expect Help from Others [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Help Expected When in Need by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 21B. Households with Expectation of Help If Needed, Expect Help from Friends, Expect Help from Family, and Expect Help from Others [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Food Security by Social Characteristics 
  • Table 22A. Households with Enough of Kinds of Food, Enough of Food Wanted, Food Security, and Not Worried Food Run Out [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 23A. Households with Ability to Afford Balanced Meals, No Skipped Meals, Not Eating Less, and Not Skipping Food for Day [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
Food Security by Economic Characteristics 
  • Table 22B. Households with Enough of Kinds of Food, Enough of Food Wanted, Food Security, and Not Worried Food Run Out [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]
  • Table 22B. Households with Ability to Afford Balanced Meals, No Skipped Meals, Not Eating Less, and Not Skipping Food for Day [PDF - 12K] [XLS - 12K] [TXT - 12K] [CSV - 12K]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Well-Being |  Last Revised: 2012-05-22T15:23:58.93-04:00