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There are three items in This Week in IPEDS:

This Week in IPEDS  September 12, 2012

  • Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is Now Open
  • Fall 2012 Data Collection Online Tutorials Available
  • Update to 2012-13 Human Resources Import Specifications

1. Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is Now Open

The Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is now available to keyholders for purposes of revising data submitted during the 2011-12 data collection year, and is located at: Survey components currently available for revision include Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-Month Enrollment, and these components will be available for revision through October 17, 2012. Winter and Spring Survey components from 2011-12 will be available for revision beginning December 5 and will remain open concurrently with the survey components in the 2012-13 data collection system.

2. Fall 2012 Data Collection Online Tutorials Available

The Association for Institutional Research (AIR), with support from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), has produced and posted several new online tutorials related to the Fall 2012 data collection. The web tutorials available on AIR’s website ( are around 3 minutes in length and provide an overview of key concepts, such as Distance Education, Who Counts as a First-time Student, and Completers vs. Completions. Please note that links to these tutorials are also available from the survey screens, so keyholders can easily view them while submitting data.

3. Update to 2012-13 Human Resources Import Specifications

The import specifications for the 2012-13 Human Resources survey component have recently been updated and re-posted under the Survey Materials link available from within the collection system and also from the Data Provider Center page ( The update was necessary to correct an error in the field length for two of the data items. Please contact the Help Desk if more information is needed regarding this update.

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This Weeks in IPEDS - September 26, 2012

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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education