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Doha Climate Change Conference - November 2012

Image Christiana Figueres addresses AMCEN meeting
13 September 2012
Arusha, United Repulic of Tanzania
Speaking to Ministers at the 14th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment in Arusha, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres said that a strong COP18 outcome could both help Africa adapt to climate change and speed up its crucial low-carbon development.
pdf-icon Statement (108 kB)
image The one billionth certified emission reduction (CER) credit under the Kyoto
7 September 2012
Bonn, Germany
Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will be issued today, marking an impressive milestone for the world's leading greenhouse gas offset mechanism. The CER will be issued to a project at a manufacturing plant in India that has switched its fuel source from coal and oil to locally gathered biomass.
pdf-icon Press release (159 kB)

Previous News and Events

Implementation Updates
Workshop First meeting of the Adaptation Committee held in Bangkok
13 September 2012
The Adaptation Committee successfully concluded its inaugural meeting in Bangkok. The four-day meeting achieved its objective of developing activities for its three-year work programme, evolving a sense of common purpose and a vision for the committee among its members, and establishing good working relationships between members. Discussion focused on articulating the strategic vision of the Committee, ranging from accelerating climate-resilient investment and fostering synergies across all classes of adaptation actors, to achieving coherence of adaptation considerations within and outside the Convention process. More on the Adaptation Committeë
windmill Workshop focused on strengthening technology needs assessment process
13 September 2012
Assisting developing countries in identifying and analysing priority technology needs was the focus of a three-day workshop in Bangkok. The experience-sharing workshop on technology needs assessments was held in response to a request by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and in conjunction with the fourth Technology Executive Committee meeting. It was jointly organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNFCCC. The Technology Needs Assessment Project provided a useful forum for participating countries to pinpoint the way forward using environmentally sustainable technologies. Press release

Previous Implementation Updates

From the Podium
image Message from the ADP Co-chairs
1 September 2012

The Co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) are encouraged that substantive work under the Durban Platform at the Bangkok climate talks has been launched in roundtable discussions. The discussions include the design of the new agreement to be adopted by 2015 which is to come into effect from 2020. Governments have started to outline how they envisage the broad contours and architectural features of this agreement, and how the principles of the Convention will shape it. They are identifying the main challenges and areas of work that need to be considered to ensure an effective, fair and ambitious agreement.

Furthermore, governments have started identifying concrete actions to enable staying on track to hold the global average temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius.

The discussions in the ADP have been thoughtful, constructive and rich in the exchange of ideas and views. All governments have emphasized the importance of the successful completion of the Bali Road Map and that the new agreement needs to build on successes in domestic implementation of climate policies.

Roundtable discussions will continue during the course of the Bangkok climate talks with the aim of building confidence in these discussions among governments to provide a strong basis for further work in subsequent years.
H.E. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiyah President Designate of COP 18/CMP 8
1 September 2012

As nominated by the Asia-Pacific Group, the President-Designate for the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol is H.E. Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah of the Government of Qatar. For more information on the President-Designate:
pdf-icon Read Biography (56 kB)

News of the Convention and Protocol Bodies

Other meetings
Image Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, 30th meeting
26-28 September 2012
Bonn, Germany
The provisional agenda and its annotations for the 30th meeting of the JISC are available online.

View webcast (Available as of 26 September 2012)
Workshop Second webinar on long-term finance
21 September 2012
The second webinar on long-term finance took place on 21 September. Building on the topics covered during the first workshop and first webinar, this second webinar covered a range of key issues related to adaptation finance in developing countries.


Latest Headlines
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Latest Documents

Information from Parties on their experience with the implementation of the least developed countries work programme, including the updating and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action, and in accessing funds from the Least Developed Countries Fund. Submissions from Parties.
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Activities to implement the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under decision 2/CP.7. Submissions from Parties.
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Italy. Report of the individual review of the annual submission of Italy submitted in 2011.
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25 Sep 2012 17:36

Submissions from Parties to the SBI in 2011
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25 Sep 2012 17:16

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25 Sep 2012 17:16