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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Progress Reports

The FDA intends to provide regular updates to inform the public and Congress on its progress in implementing the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This summary does not reference all actions taken by FDA.

FDA Progress Report on Implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act

January – March 2012


First-year anniversary of enactment of the Food Safety Modernization Act.


Sprouts Safety Alliance Established
FDA has embraced a strategy of creating alliances for various foods aimed at education, training and technical assistance for industry and government food safety officials. The latest alliance is the Sprouts Safety Alliance, announced February 28, 2012. Housed at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute for Food Safety and Health, the alliance will develop a core curriculum on sprout safety as well as training and outreach programs.

FDA Issues Interim Final Rule and Guidance on FDA’s Access to Records
Because the records access provisions of FSMA became effective on passage, FDA decided to issue an interim final rule to expedite industry’s understanding of and compliance with those provisions. In addition to the interim final rule, FDA also published draft guidance and questions and answers for industry. The FSMA amendment simply expands FDA’s former records access beyond records related to the specific suspect article of food which FDA reasonably believes is adulterated and presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals to now include records relating to any article of food that is reasonably likely to be affected in a similar manner. In addition, the FSMA amendment permits FDA to access records related to articles of food for which FDA believes that there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to the article of food, and any other article of food is likely to be affected in a similar manner, will cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animal. Once either of the above mentioned circumstances are met, FDA may request all existing records needed to assist the agency in determining whether the circumstances, which gave rise to the records request, exist.

Report to Congress on FDA Foreign Offices
FSMA requires FDA to issue a number of reports to Congress on various topics. FDA issued its latest report, “Report to Congress on FDA Foreign Offices,” in February, 2012. The report describes the Agency’s progress in establishing its foreign offices – 13 to date – as well as their accomplishments and the challenges faced by FDA in the increasingly globalized marketplace it oversees. 

Food Safety Collaboration in a Global Food System
Michael R. Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for Foods, presented remarks at the Global Food Safety Conference, Orlando, Florida, February 16, 2012


FDA Announces Foods for Product Tracing Pilots
In a series of Frequently Asked Questions and blog by Sherri McGarry, Senior Advisor, Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network, FDA announced the types of foods that will be part of the pilot projects on product tracing.

Identifying High-Risk Facilities
A Frequently Asked Question and fact sheet describe how FDA identifies a high-risk facility and how this approach will be updated.

Ensuring Produce Safety in a Global Food System
Michael R. Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for Foods, presented remarks at the America Trades Produce Conference, Tubac, Arizona, March 22, 2012

April - June 2012


Deputy Commissioner Blogs on Produce Safety
On April 17, Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael R. Taylor posted the blog, “Succeeding on Produce Safety,” to discuss what he heard from stakeholders from the U.S. and Mexico at the America Trades produce conference in Tubac, Arizona.

Deputy Commissioner Speaks on Pet Food Safety
On April 4, Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael R. Taylor addressed the Pet Food Forum on what FSMA principles mean for the manufacturing of safe pet food.


FDA To Survey State and Local Government Agencies on Food Safety Capacity
On May 31, FDA announced that it had submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review a survey it intends to field of 1,400 state and local agencies to assess state and local food safety capacity. FDA is required under FSMA to make a report to Congress on the needs for enhancement in the areas of staffing levels, laboratory capacities and information technologies at the state and local levels. View the
Federal Register Notice on the survey of State and Local Government Agencies on Food Safety Capacity.

FDA Provides Information on Food Facility Registration and Categorization
In May, FDA updated the FSMA webpage with a number of new Frequently Asked Questions on risk characterization for domestic food facilities and the registration process for food facilities. 

June 2012

FDA’s Plan to Build Foreign Food Safety Capacity
On June 19, FDA held a public meeting for stakeholders to discuss FDA's comprehensive plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory capacity of foreign governments and their respective food industries in countries that export foods to the United States. FDA is also establishing a docket to collect comments,
data, and information relevant to the capacity-building plan.


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