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Climate and Land Use Change Research and Development Program

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Fact Sheet Fact Sheets

USGS publication that provides a short (1-4 pages) summary about scientific research, programs, projects, or products written specifically for the general public.
Cover of a Journal Journal

Scientific research information published in non-USGS publications targeted to the journals specific audience.

Open File Report Open File Reports

USGS series that contains more general and non-technical information, including more interpretive information and preliminary findings (pending a final map or report).
Scientific Investigation Scientific Investigations

USGS series containing significant data and interpretations of lasting scientific interest aimed at a more scientific audience.

Data Series Data Series

USGS series for release of basic data sets, databases, and multimedia or motion graphics. This series can be used for videos, computer programs, and collections of digital photographs.
Other USGS publications Other USGS

Various other USGS publications aimed at enhancing knowledge and understanding among general audiences, decision makers, university students, and scientists in related fields.

These pages may not contain a complete listing of all related publications.
For a complete inventory of all USGS publications, please see: USGS Maps, Products, and Publications.

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, July 19, 2012