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Mass Wasting Following the 2002 Missionary Ridge Fire near Durango, Colorado, a Field Trip Guidebook

Guidebook with photos, maps, and diagrams explaining how forest fires have affected the likelihood of mass wasting, with discussions of steps taken to minimize future impacts.

by Coe, Jeffrey A. (Editor); Bigio, Erica R.; Blair, Robert W. Jr.; Burke, Michael; Cannon, Susan H.; deWolfe, Victor G.; Ey, John; Gartner, Joseph E.; Gillam, Mary L.; Knowlton, N. D.; Santi, Paul M.; and Schulz, William H.
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1289
Related topics:
Engineering geology, Fires, Geomorphology, Guidebooks, Hazards, Land surface characteristics, Mass wasting
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