• Double O Arch


    National Park Utah

Be A Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger Program
Free Junior Ranger booklets are available at the visitor center, or they may be downloaded below. Filled with fun activities, these books reveal the wonders of Arches to kids and parents alike. By completing five or more exercises, participants earn a Junior Ranger badge and signed certificate. Activities are designed for ages 6 to 12.

Junior Ranger Booklet
[5mb PDF File]


Explorer Packs
These packs are designed for families who like to learn together while they explore the park. They contain binoculars, a hand lens, a naturalist guide, a notebook and activity ideas. Completing at least three activities is another way to earn a Junior Ranger badge. Packs may be checked out and returned at the Arches or Island in the Sky visitor centers.

Did You Know?

Common Raven

The common raven displays abilities to play and problem-solve that are rare among animals. This member of the crow family is also very vocal, communicating with over a dozen sounds. Perhaps because of these qualities, ravens have achieved a certain stature in both European and Native American folklore.