NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Featured Announcements

NERSC Seeks New Director - Job Position Posted

February 19, 2012 by Francesca Verdier | 0 Comments

Current NERSC Director Kathy Yelick was named Associate Lab Director for Computing Sciences at Berkeley Lab in September 2010.  In order to focus more on strategic planning at the lab, she has opened a search for a new NERSC Division Director.  This position provides vision and strategic leadership to establish and maintain the leading-edge computing capability available to scientists at NERSC while participating in the highest level of management at Berkeley Lab.

You can view the NERSC Director Job Posting.

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User Science Exhibition March 28-29 in Washington DC

February 17, 2012 by Francesca Verdier | 0 Comments

This March 28 and 29 the National User Facilities Organization is holding a User Science Exhibition on Capitol Hill. All major DOE facilities will have posters and representatives there. NERSC users are welcome to attend.

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NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2012 awards have been made

February 16, 2012 by Francesca Verdier | 0 Comments

We received 60 NISE requests this year and have awarded 107.5 million hours to 22 projects.  There were many high quality proposals that we could not make awards to given the high amounts of requested time. See:

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Gaussian now Available on Hopper

February 15, 2012 by Francesca Verdier | 0 Comments

With Cray's new Cluster Compatibility Mode (CCM) users can now run Gaussian jobs on Hopper. See:

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