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Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer (PDQ®)     
Last Modified: 04/24/2009
Health Professional Version

Breast Cancer
        Risk modification
        Breast conservation therapy for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers
        Role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in response to chemotherapy
Ovarian Cancer
        Risk Modification

Few data exist on the outcomes of interventions to reduce risk in people with a genetic susceptibility to breast or ovarian cancer. As a result, recommendations for management are primarily based on expert opinion.[1-5] In addition, as outlined in other sections of this summary, uncertainty is often considerable regarding the level of cancer risk associated with a positive family history or genetic test. In this setting, personal preferences are likely to be an important factor in patients’ decisions about risk reduction strategies.

Breast Cancer


Refer to the PDQ summary on Screening for Breast Cancer 1 for information on screening in the general population, and to the PDQ summary Cancer Genetics Overview 2 for information on levels of evidence related to screening and prevention.

Breast Self-Examination

In the general population, evidence for the value of breast self-examination (BSE) is limited. Preliminary results have been reported from a randomized study of BSE being conducted in Shanghai, China.[6] At 5 years, no reduction in breast cancer mortality was seen in the BSE group compared with the control group of women, nor was a substantive stage shift seen in breast cancers that were diagnosed. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Screening for Breast Cancer 1 for more information.)

Little direct prospective evidence exists regarding BSE among female carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 high-risk mutation, male carriers of a BRCA2 mutation, or women at inherited risk of breast cancer. In the Canadian National Breast Screening Study, women with first-degree relatives with breast cancer had statistically significantly higher BSE competency scores than those without a family history. In a study of 251 high-risk women at a referral center, five breast cancers were detected by self-examination less than a year after a previous screen (as compared with one cancer detected by clinician exam and 11 cancers detected as a result of mammography). Women in the cohort were instructed in self-examination, but it is not stated whether the interval cancers were detected as a result of planned self-examination or incidental discovery of breast masses.[7] In another series of BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, four of nine incident cancers were diagnosed as palpable masses after a reportedly normal mammogram, further suggesting the potential value of self-examination.[8] A task force convened by the Cancer Genetics Studies Consortium has recommended “monthly self-examination beginning early in adult life (e.g., by age 18-21) to establish a regular habit and allow familiarity with the normal characteristics of breast tissue. Education and instruction in self-examination are recommended.”[9]

Level of evidence: 5

Clinical Breast Examination

Few prospective data exist regarding clinical breast examination (CBE) among female carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 high-risk mutation, male carriers of a BRCA2 mutation, or women at inherited risk of breast cancer.

The Cancer Genetics Studies Consortium task force concluded, “as with self-examination, the contribution of clinical examination may be particularly important for women at inherited risk of early breast cancer.” They recommended that female carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 high-risk mutation undergo annual or semiannual clinical examinations beginning at age 25 to 35 years.[9]

Level of evidence: 5


In the general population, strong evidence suggests that regular mammography screening of women aged 50 to 59 years leads to a 25% to 30% reduction in breast cancer mortality. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Screening for Breast Cancer 1 for more information.) For women who begin mammographic screening at age 40 to 49 years, a 17% reduction in breast cancer mortality is seen, which occurs 15 years after the start of screening.[10] Observational data from a cohort study of more than 28,000 women suggest that the sensitivity of mammography is lower for young women. In this study, the sensitivity was lowest for younger women (aged 30-49 years) who had a first-degree relative with breast cancer. For these women, mammography detected 69% of breast cancers diagnosed within 13 months of the first screening mammography. By contrast, sensitivity for women younger than 50 years without a family history was 88% (P = .08). For women aged 50 years and older, sensitivity was 93% at 13 months and did not vary by family history.[11] Preliminary data suggest that mammography sensitivity is lower in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers than in noncarriers.[8] Subsequent observational studies have found that the positive predictive value (PPV) of mammography increases with age and is highest among older women and among women with a family history of breast cancer.[12] Higher PPVs may be due to increased breast cancer incidence, higher sensitivity, and/or higher specificity.[13] One study found an association between the presence of pushing margins, a histopathologic description of a pattern of invasion, and false-negative mammograms in 28 women, 26 of whom had a BRCA1 mutation and two of whom had a BRCA2 mutation. Pushing margins, characteristic of medullary histology, is associated with an absence of fibrotic reaction.[14] In addition, rapid tumor doubling times may lead to tumors presenting shortly after an apparently normal study. In one study, mean tumor doubling time in BRCA1/2 carriers was 45 days, compared with 84 days in noncarriers.[15] Another study that evaluated mammographic breast density in women with BRCA mutations found no association between mutation status and mammographic density; however, in both carriers and noncarriers, increased breast density was associated with increased breast cancer risk.[16]

The randomized Canadian National Breast Screening Study-2 (NBSS2) compared annual CBE plus mammography to CBE alone in women aged 50 to 59 years from the general population. Both groups were given instruction in BSE.[17] Although mammography detected smaller primary invasive tumors and more invasive as well as ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS) than CBE, the breast cancer mortality rates in the CBE-plus-mammography group and the CBE- alone group were nearly identical, and compared favorably with other breast cancer screening trials. After a mean follow-up of 13 years (range 11.3–16.0 years), the cumulative breast cancer mortality ratio was 1.02 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.78–1.33). One possible explanation of this finding was the careful training and supervision of the health professionals performing CBE.

In a prospective study of 251 individuals with BRCA mutations who received uniform recommendations regarding screening and risk-reducing, or prophylactic, surgery, annual mammography detected breast cancer in six women at a mean of 20.2 months after receipt of BRCA results.[7] The Cancer Genetics Studies Consortium task force has recommended for female carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 high-risk mutation, “annual mammography, beginning at age 25 to 35 years. Mammograms should be done at a consistent location when possible, with prior films available for comparison.”[9] Data from prospective studies on the relative benefits and risks of screening with an ionizing radiation tool versus CBE or other nonionizing radiation tools would be useful.[18-20]

Certain observations have led to the concern that BRCA mutation carriers may be more prone to radiation-induced breast cancer than women without mutations. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins are known to be important in cellular mechanisms of DNA damage repair, including those involved in repairing radiation-induced damage. Mouse embryos lacking Brca1 or Brca2 are hypersensitive to the effects of ionizing radiation. Some studies have suggested intermediate radiation sensitivity in cells that are heterozygous for a BRCA mutation, but this is not consistent and varies by experimental system and endpoint. A large international case-control study of 1,601 mutation carriers described an increased risk of breast cancer (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.54) among women who were ever exposed to chest x-rays, with risk being highest in women age 40 years and younger, born after 1949, and those exposed to x-rays only before age 20 years.[21] In contrast, two studies of the effect of mammogram exposure on carriers (n = 1,600, n = 162) did not support an association between such exposure and subsequent breast cancer risk.[22,23] In a small study,[23] there was a modest association between lifetime mammogram exposure and risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers (HR = 1.08, P = .03). No significant effect was seen after exclusion of postdiagnosis mammograms. At this time there is insufficient evidence to suggest that mutation carriers should avoid mammography.

Level of evidence: 3

The limited sensitivity of mammography and an interest in methods of screening that do not involve ionizing radiation has led to evaluation of other screening techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), breast ultrasound, breast ductal lavage, and digital mammography.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Because of the relative insensitivity of mammography in women at hereditary risk for breast cancer, a number of screening modalities have been proposed and investigated in high-risk women, including BRCA mutation carriers. Several studies have described the experience with breast MRI screening in women at risk for breast cancer, including descriptions of relatively large multi-institutional trials.[24-30] Several considerations must be kept in mind when reviewing these reports:

  • The studies are variable in terms of the underlying population being studied, equipment and signal processing protocols, the manner of reporting results, and the manner in which sensitivity and specificity are calculated.
  • The different screening tests (MRI and mammogram with or without ultrasound) are performed nearly simultaneously in these studies, and the screening modalities are compared to each other. Therefore, sensitivity is defined somewhat differently in these studies than in the American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) of follow-up and outcome reporting.
  • The number of screening rounds is limited, and the distinction between prevalent (first round) and incident cancer detection rates is often unclear.

Despite these caveats, the reported studies consistently demonstrate that breast MRI is more sensitive than either mammography or ultrasound for the detection of hereditary breast cancer. The results of four large studies are presented in Table 6 3, Summary of MRI Screening Studies in Women at Hereditary Risk for Breast Cancer.[24-28] Most cancers in these programs were screen detected with only 6% of cancers presenting in the interval between screenings. The sensitivity of MRI (as defined by the study methodology) ranged from 71% to 100%. Of the combined studies, 82% of the cancers were identified by MRI compared with 40% by mammography.

Concerns have been raised about the reduced specificity of MRI compared with other screening modalities. In one study, after the initial MRI screen, 16.5% of the patients were recalled for further evaluation, and 7.6% of subjects were recommended to undergo a short-interval follow-up examination at 6 months.[28] These rates declined significantly during later screening rounds, with fewer than 10% of the subjects recalled for more detailed MRI and fewer than 3% recommended to have short interval follow-up. In a second study, Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Breast Screening (MARIBS), the recall rate for additional evaluation was 10.7% per year.[27] The benign biopsy rates in the first study were 11% at first round, 6.6% at second round, and 4.7% at third round.[28] In the MARIBS study, the aggregate surgical biopsy rate was 9 per 1,000 screening episodes, though this may underestimate the burden because follow-up ultrasounds, core-needle biopsies, and fine-needle aspirations have not been included in the numerator of the MARIBS calculation.[27] The PPV of MRI has been calculated differently in the various series and fluctuates somewhat, depending on whether all abnormal examinations or only the examinations that result in a biopsy are counted in the denominator. Generally, the PPV of a recommendation for tissue sampling (as opposed to further investigation) is in the range of 50% in most series.

These trials appear to establish that MRI is superior to mammography in the detection of hereditary breast cancer, and that women participating in these trials including annual MRI screening were less likely to have a cancer not detected by screening.[31] However, mammography clearly identifies some cancers that are not identified by MRI. Most of these mammographically detected cancers in women with a negative MRI appear to be ductal carcinomas in situ, presumably presenting as microcalcifications without significant ductal enhancement. While MRI does appear to be more sensitive than mammogram, it is unknown whether MRI screening results in a survival benefit or even in downstaging compared to mammography alone. One screening study demonstrated that patients were more likely to be diagnosed with small tumors and node-negative disease than women in two nonrandomized control groups.[25] However, a randomized study of screening with or without MRI using tumor stage or mortality as an endpoint has not been performed. Despite the apparent sensitivity of MRI screening, some women in MRI-based programs will nevertheless develop life-threatening breast cancer. The American Cancer Society and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) have recommended the use of annual MRI screening for women at hereditary risk for breast cancer.[3,32]

Table 6. Summary of MRI Screening Studies in Women at Hereditary Risk for Breast Cancer
Series  Kriege [25]  Warner [28]  MARIBS [27]  Kuhl [33]  Totals 
N Patients Overall 1,909 236 649 529 3,323
BRCA1/2 Carriers 354 236 120 43 753
N Screening Episodes 4,169 457 1,881 1,542 8,049
N Cancers Baseline 22 13 20 14 69
Subsequent 23 9 15 29 76
Annual Incidence 9.5/1,000 19/1,000 25/1,000
Detected at Planned Screening 41 21 33 40a 135 (93%)
N Detected by Each Modality Mammography 18 8 14 14 54 (37%)
MRI 32 17 27 39 115 (79%)
Ultrasoundb 7 17 24 (37%)

aTwo additional cancers detected at planned 6-month interval ultrasound screening (not included in ultrasound detection proportion).
bRestricted to studies in which ultrasound was performed.

Level of evidence: 3


Several studies have reported instances of breast cancer detected by ultrasound that were missed by mammography, as discussed in one review.[34] In a pilot study of ultrasound as an adjunct to mammography in 149 women with moderately increased risk based on family history, one cancer was detected, based on ultrasound findings. Nine other biopsies of benign lesions were performed. One was based on abnormalities on both mammography and ultrasound, and the remaining eight were based on abnormalities on ultrasound alone.[34] A large study of 2,809 women with dense breast tissue (ACRIN-6666) demonstrated that ultrasound increased the detection rate due to breast cancer screening from 7.6 per 1,000 with mammography alone to 11.8 per 1,000 for combined mammography and ultrasound.[35] However, ultrasound screening increases false-positive rates and appears to have a limited benefit in combination with MRI. In a multicenter study of 171 women (92% of whom were BRCA1/2 mutation carriers) undergoing simultaneous mammography, MRI, and ultrasound, no cancers were detected by ultrasound alone.[29] Uncertainties about ultrasound include the effect of screening on mortality, the rate and outcome of false-positive results, and access to experienced breast ultrasonographers.

Level of evidence: None assigned

Digital Mammography

Digital mammography refers to the use of a digital detector to detect and record x-ray images. This technology improves contrast resolution,[36] and has been proposed as a potential strategy for improving the sensitivity of mammography. A screening study comparing digital with routine mammography in 6,736 examinations of women aged 40 years and older found no difference in cancer detection rates;[37] however, digital mammography resulted in fewer recalls. In another study (ACRIN-6652 5) comparing digital mammography to plain-film mammography in 42,760 women, the overall diagnostic accuracy of the two techniques was similar.[38] When Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were compared, digital mammography was more accurate in women younger than 50 years, in women with radiographically dense breasts, and in premenopausal or perimenopausal women.

Level of evidence: 3

Risk modification

Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Breast Cancer 6 for information on prevention in the general population, and to the PDQ summary Cancer Genetics Overview 2 for information on levels of evidence related to screening and prevention.

Reproductive Factors

Pregnancy and Lactation

In the general population, breast cancer risk increases with early menarche and late menopause, and is reduced at early first full-term pregnancy. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Breast Cancer 6 for more information.) In the Nurses’ Health Study, these were risk factors among women who did not have a mother or sister with breast cancer.[39] Among women with a family history of breast cancer, pregnancy at any age appeared to be associated with an increase in risk of breast cancer, persisting to age 70 years.

One study evaluated risk modifiers among 333 female carriers of a BRCA1 high-risk mutation. In women with known mutations of the BRCA1 gene, early age at first live birth and parity of three or more have been associated with a lowered risk of breast cancer. A relative risk (RR) of 0.85 was estimated for each additional birth, up to five or more; however, increasing parity appeared to be associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer.[40,41] In a case-control study from New Zealand, investigators noted no difference in the impact of parity upon the risk of breast cancer between women with a family history of breast cancer and those without a family history.[42]

Studies of the effect of pregnancy on breast cancer risk have revealed complex results. Although the relationship of parity has been inconsistent, several studies have shown that among parous women, an increased number of full-term births is associated with a decrease in breast cancer risk. The influence of age at first birth may differ between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.[43-45] Of note, neither therapeutic nor spontaneous abortions appear to be associated with an increased breast cancer risk.[43,46]

Level of evidence: 4aii

In the general population, breastfeeding has been associated with a slight reduction in breast cancer risk in a few studies, including a large collaborative reanalysis of multiple epidemiologic studies,[47] and at least one study suggests that it may be protective in BRCA1 mutation carriers. In a multicenter breast cancer case-control study of 685 BRCA1 and 280 BRCA2 mutation carriers with breast cancer and 965 mutation carriers without breast cancer drawn from multiple-case families, among BRCA1 mutation carriers, breastfeeding for 1 year or more was associated with approximately a 45% reduced risk of breast cancer.[48] No such reduced risk was observed among BRCA2 mutation carriers. A second study failed to confirm this association.[43]

Oral Contraceptives

Among the general population, oral contraceptives may produce a slight, short-term increase in breast cancer risk. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Breast Cancer 6 for more information.) In a meta-analysis of data from 54 studies, family history of breast cancer was not associated with any variation in risk associated with oral contraceptive use.[49] In a study of 50 Jewish women younger than 40 years with breast cancer, those with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 high-risk mutation had a higher likelihood of long-term oral contraceptive use (>48 months) before their first pregnancy.[50] The authors concluded that oral contraceptive use might increase the risk of breast cancer among carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation more than in noncarriers. In a case-control study of more than 1,300 pairs of women, each case was matched to a woman with a mutation in the same gene, born within 2 years of the case, and in the same country, who had not developed cancer. Oral contraceptive use was associated with a statistically significant 20% (CI, 2%–40%) increase in risk of breast cancer among BRCA1 mutation carriers, particularly if use:

  • Began before 1975, a period when estrogen doses were relatively high (38% increase, CI 11%–72%).
  • Began before age 30 years (29% increase, CI, 9%–52%).
  • Lasted for 5 or more years (33% increase, CI, 11%–60%).[51]

There was no increased risk associated with use among BRCA2 mutation carriers. A Swedish population-based study of 245 women with breast cancer diagnosed before age 41 years, 19 of whom were BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers, suggested that oral contraceptive use before age 20 years was associated with increased breast cancer risk in both mutation carriers and noncarriers, though the small number of carriers limits the conclusions for this subgroup.[52]

In contrast, a population-based study of 47 BRCA1 and 36 BRCA2 mutation carriers with breast cancer diagnosed before age 40 years, matched to population controls without mutations, found no increased risk of early-onset breast cancer associated with ever use of low-dose contraceptive pills for BRCA2 mutation carriers (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02) and a significantly reduced risk for BRCA1 mutation carriers (OR = 0.22; 95% CI, 0.10–0.49).[53]

One study examined proliferation of normal breast epithelium among women undergoing reduction mammoplasty.[54] The study found a substantially higher cellular proliferation rate among women who used oral contraceptives before their first full-term pregnancy. In addition, among women currently on oral contraceptives, women with a family history of breast cancer had much higher cellular proliferation rates than those women without a family history. These findings are consistent with increased breast cancer risk among women with a family history of breast cancer who use oral contraceptives.

In considering contraceptive options and preventive actions, the potential impact of oral contraceptive use upon the risk of both breast and ovarian cancer, as well as other health-related effects of oral contraceptives, needs to be considered. With regard to breast cancer risk associated with oral contraceptive use, despite conflicting results based on small numbers of carriers, several studies have found a significantly increased risk. A number of important issues remain unresolved including the potential differences between BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, age and duration of exposure, and formulation.

Level of evidence: 3aii

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Both observational and randomized clinical trial data suggest an increased risk of breast cancer associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the general population.[55-58] The Women’s Health Initiative 7 (WHI) is a randomized controlled trial of approximately 160,000 postmenopausal women investigating the risks and benefits of strategies that may reduce the incidence of heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer, and fractures, including dietary interventions and two trials of hormone therapy. The estrogen-plus-progestin arm of the study, which randomized more than 16,000 women to receive combined hormone therapy or placebo, was halted early because health risks exceeded benefits.[57,58] One of the adverse outcomes prompting closure was a significant increase in both total (245 vs. 185 cases) and invasive (199 vs. 150) breast cancers (RR =1.24; 95% CI, 1.02–1.50, P <.001) in women randomized to receive estrogen and progestin.[58] HRT-related breast cancers had adverse prognostic characteristics (more advanced stages and larger tumors) compared with cancers occurring in the placebo group, and HRT was also associated with a substantial increase in abnormal mammograms.[58]

Breast cancer risk associated with postmenopausal HRT has been variably reported to be increased [59-61] or unaffected by a family history of breast cancer;[40,62,63] risk did not vary by family history in the meta-analysis.[49] The WHI study has not reported analyses stratified on breast cancer family history, and subjects have not been systematically tested for BRCA1/2 mutations.[58] Short-term use of hormones for treatment of menopausal symptoms appears to confer little or no breast cancer risk in the general population.[64]

The effect of HRT on breast cancer risk among carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has only been studied in the context of bilateral oophorectomy, a procedure known to reduce the risk of breast cancer. In a prospective study of 462 women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, 155 who had undergone bilateral oophorectomy (139 before age 50 years), the breast cancer risk reduction of 37% was essentially the same among the 93 women who took HRT compared with the reduction of 38% among those without HRT.[65] This finding needs to be confirmed in a larger study but suggests that HRT in this particular setting does not negate the protective effect of oophorectomy on breast cancer risk.

Level of evidence: 3aii

Risk Reduction


Tamoxifen (a synthetic antiestrogen) increases breast-cell growth inhibitory factors and concomitantly reduces breast-cell growth stimulatory factors. The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (NSABP-P1 8), a prospective randomized double-blind trial, compared tamoxifen (20 mg/day) to placebo for 5 years. Tamoxifen was shown to reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer by 49%. The protective effect was largely confined to estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer, which was reduced by 69%. The incidence of estrogen receptor–negative cancer was not significantly reduced.[66] Similar reductions were noted in the risk of preinvasive breast cancer. Reductions in breast cancer risk were noted among women with a family history of breast cancer and in those without a family history. These benefits were associated with an increased incidence of endometrial cancers and thrombotic events among women older than 50 years. Interim data from two European tamoxifen prevention trials did not show a reduction in breast cancer risk with tamoxifen after a median follow-up of 48 months [67] or 70 months,[68] respectively. In one trial, however, reduction in breast cancer risk was seen among a subgroup who also used HRT.[67] These trials varied considerably in study design and populations. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Breast Cancer 6 for more information.)

A substudy of the NSABP-P1 trial evaluated the effectiveness of tamoxifen in preventing breast cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers older than 35 years. BRCA2-positive women benefited from tamoxifen to the same extent as BRCA1/2 mutation–negative participants; however, tamoxifen use among healthy women with BRCA1 mutations did not appear to reduce breast cancer incidence. These data must be viewed with caution in view of the small number of mutation carriers in the sample (8 BRCA1 carriers and 11 BRCA2 carriers).[69]

Level of evidence: 1

In contrast to the very limited data on primary prevention in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with tamoxifen, several studies have found a protective effect of tamoxifen on the risk of contralateral breast cancer.[70-72] In one study involving approximately 600 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, tamoxifen use was associated with a 51% reduction in contralateral breast cancer.[70] An update to this report examined 285 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with bilateral breast cancer and 751 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with unilateral breast cancer (40% of these patients were included in their initial study). Tamoxifen was associated with a 50% reduction in contralateral breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers and a 58% reduction in BRCA2 mutation carriers. Tamoxifen did not appear to confer benefit in women who had undergone an oophorectomy, although the numbers in this subgroup were quite small.[72] Another study involving 160 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers demonstrated that tamoxifen use following treatment of breast cancer with lumpectomy and radiation was associated with a 69% reduction in the risk of contralateral breast cancer.[71] These studies are limited by their retrospective, case-control designs and the absence of information regarding estrogen-receptor status in the primary tumor.

The STAR trial 9 (NSABP; P-2) included more than 19,000 women and compared 5 years of raloxifene with tamoxifen in reducing the risk of invasive breast cancer.[73] There was no difference in incidence of invasive breast cancer at a mean follow-up of 3.9 years; however, there were fewer noninvasive cancers in the tamoxifen group. The incidence of thromboembolic events and hysterectomy was significantly lower in the raloxifene group. Detailed quality of life data demonstrate slight differences between the two arms.[74] Data regarding efficacy in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers are not available.

Level of Evidence: 1

Risk-Reducing Mastectomy

In the general population, both subcutaneous mastectomy and simple (total) mastectomy have been used for prophylaxis. Only 90% to 95% of breast tissue is removed with subcutaneous mastectomy.[75] In a total or simple mastectomy, removal of the nipple-areolar complex increases the proportion of breast tissue removed compared with subcutaneous mastectomy. However, some breast tissue is usually left behind with both procedures. The risk of breast cancer following either of these procedures has not been well established.

The effectiveness of risk-reducing mastectomy (RRM) in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations has been evaluated in several studies. In one retrospective cohort study of 214 women considered to be at hereditary risk by virtue of a family history suggesting an autosomal dominant predisposition, three women were diagnosed with breast cancer after bilateral RRM, with a median follow-up of 14 years.[76] As 37.4 cancers were expected, the calculated risk reduction was 92% (95% CI, 76.6–98.3). In a follow-up subset analysis, 176 of the 214 high-risk women in this cohort study underwent mutation analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Mutations were found in 26 women (18 deleterious, eight variants of uncertain significance). None of those women had developed breast cancer after a median follow-up of 13.4 years.[77] Two of the three women diagnosed with breast cancer after RRM were tested, and neither carried a mutation. The calculated risk reduction among mutation carriers was 89.5% to 100% (95% CI, 41.4%–100%), depending on the assumptions made about the expected numbers of cancers among mutation carriers and the status of the untested woman who developed cancer despite mastectomy. The result of this retrospective cohort study has been supported by a prospective analysis of 76 mutation carriers undergoing RRM and followed prospectively for a mean of 2.9 years. No breast cancers were observed in these women, whereas eight were identified in women undergoing regular surveillance (HR for breast cancer after RRM = 0 [95% CI, 0–0.36]).[78]

The Prevention and Observation of Surgical End Points (PROSE) study group estimated the degree of breast cancer risk reduction after RRM in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. The rate of breast cancer in 105 mutation carriers who underwent bilateral RRM was compared with that in 378 mutation carriers who did not choose surgery. Bilateral mastectomy reduced the risk of breast cancer after a mean follow-up of 6.4 years by approximately 90%.[79]

Another study evaluated the effectiveness of contralateral RRM in affected women with hereditary breast cancer. In a group of 148 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers, 79 of whom underwent RRM, the risk of contralateral cancer was reduced by 91% and was independent of the effect of risk-reducing oophorectomy. Survival was better among women undergoing RRM, but this result was apparently caused by higher mortality due to the index cancer or metachronous ovarian cancer in the group not undergoing surgery.[80]

Studies describing histopathologic findings in RRM specimens from women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations have been somewhat inconsistent. In two series, proliferative lesions associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (lobular carcinoma in situ, atypical lobular hyperplasia, atypical ductal hyperplasia, DCIS) were noted in 37% to 46% of women with mutations undergoing either unilateral or bilateral RRM.[81-83] In these series, 13% to 15% of patients were found to have previously unsuspected DCIS in the prophylactically removed breast. Among 47 cases of risk-reducing bilateral or contralateral mastectomies performed in known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers from Australia, 3 (6%) cancers were detected at surgery.[84] In a study from Sweden among 100 women with a hereditary risk of breast cancer, 50 of whom were BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers, unsuspected lesions were found in 18 women (3 invasive, 8 in situ, and 7 atypical hyperplasia), 13 of whom were mutation carriers.[85]

These findings were not replicated in a third retrospective cohort study. In this study, proliferative fibrocystic changes were noted in none of 11 bilateral mastectomies from patients with deleterious mutations and in only two of seven contralateral unilateral risk-reducing mastectomies in affected mutation carriers.[86]

Although data are sparse, the evidence to date indicates that while a substantial proportion of women with a strong family history of breast cancer are interested in discussing RRM as a treatment option, uptake varies according to culture, geography, healthcare system, insurance coverage, provider attitudes, and other social factors. For example, in one setting where the providers made one to two field trips to family gatherings for family information sessions and individual counseling, only 3% of unaffected carriers obtained RRM within 1 year of follow-up.[87] Among women at increased risk of breast cancer due to family history, fewer than 10% opted for mastectomy.[88] Selection of this option was related to breast cancer–related worry as opposed to objective risk parameters (e.g., number of relatives with breast cancer). In addition, self-perceived risk has been closely linked to interest in RRM.[88]

Assuming risk reduction in the range of 90%, a theoretical model suggests that for a group of 30-year-old women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, RRM would result in an average increased life expectancy of 2.9 to 5.3 years.[89] While these data are useful for public policy decisions, they cannot be individualized for clinical care as they include assumptions that cannot be fully tested. Another study of at-risk women showed a 70% time-tradeoff value, indicating that the women were willing to sacrifice 30% of life expectancy in order to avoid RRM.[90] A cost-effectiveness analysis study estimated that risk-reducing surgery (mastectomy and oophorectomy) is cost-effective compared with surveillance with regard to years of life saved, but not for improved quality of life.[91]

In contrast, in a Dutch study of highly motivated women being followed every 6 months at a high-risk center, more than half (51%) of unaffected carriers opted for RRM. Almost 90% of the RRM surgeries were performed within 1 year of DNA testing. In this study, those most likely to have RRM were women younger than 55 years and with children.[92]

The Society of Surgical Oncology has endorsed RRM as an option for women with BRCA1/2 mutations or strong family histories of breast cancer.[93]

Individual psychological factors have an important role in decision-making about RRM by unaffected women. Research is emerging about psychosocial outcomes of RRM. (Refer to the Psychological Aspects of Medical Interventions 10 section of this summary.)

Level of evidence: 3aii

Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy

In the general population, removal of both ovaries has been associated with a reduction in breast cancer risk of up to 75%, depending on parity, weight, and age at time of artificial menopause. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Breast Cancer 6 for more information.) A Mayo Clinic study of 680 women at various levels of familial risk found that in women younger than 60 years who had bilateral oophorectomy, the likelihood of breast cancers developing was reduced for all risk groups.[94] Ovarian ablation, however, is associated with important side effects such as hot flashes, impaired sleep habits, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, and increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. A variety of strategies may be necessary to counteract the adverse effects of ovarian ablation.

In support of early small studies,[95,96] a retrospective study of 551 women with disease-associated BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations found a significant reduction in risk of breast cancer (HR 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29–0.77) as well as ovarian cancer (HR 0.04, 95% CI, 0.01–0.16) after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO).[97] A prospective single-institution study of 170 women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations showed a similar trend. With RRSO, the HR was 0.15 (95% CI, 0.02–1.31) for ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer, and 0.32 (95% CI, 0.08–1.2) for breast cancer; the HR for either cancer was 0.25 (95% CI, 0.08–0.74).[98] In a prospective multicenter study of 1,079 women followed for a median of 30 to 35 months found that, while RRSO was associated with reductions in breast cancer risk for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, the risk reduction was more pronounced in BRCA2 carriers (HR = 0.28; 95% CI, 0.08–0.92).[99]

Level of evidence: 3aii

Breast conservation therapy for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers

While lumpectomy plus radiation therapy has become standard local-regional therapy for women with early stage breast cancer, its use in women with a hereditary predisposition for breast cancer who do not choose immediate bilateral mastectomy is less clear. Concern about its use, particularly in women with deleterious BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, centers around two issues. The first is the potential for an increased rate of ipsilateral cancers in the treated breast. The second is the potential for therapeutic radiation to induce tumors in BRCA1/2 defective cells. Most of the early studies that used family history of breast/ovarian cancer as a surrogate for hereditary risk failed to find an increase in ipsilateral cancers in women treated with breast conservation.[100-104] However, with the availability of clinical genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations, treatment outcomes for carriers of deleterious mutations in BRCA1/2 can now be compared with those of noncarriers.

To understand the role of germline BRCA1/2 mutations in determining outcome among women treated conservatively for breast cancer, the records of Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) women treated with lumpectomy and radiation therapy for invasive breast cancer were reviewed.[105] Archival pathology material was obtained for analysis of the three founder AJ mutations. Deleterious BRCA mutations were found in 56 (11.3%) of the cases. The rate of ipsilateral cancer for founder mutation carriers was 12% at 10 years compared with 8% for women without mutations (not statistically significant). Women with founder AJ mutations were over three times more likely than women without mutations to develop contralateral cancer, 27% versus 8% (P = .0001). The same investigators also described a separate case series of 87 women with BRCA mutations who were treated with breast conserving surgery.[106] They reported a 12.6% rate of ipsilateral breast cancer at a median of 51.8 months, and a 23% rate of contralateral breast cancer at a median of 67.4 months. No control group was included.[106]

A case-control study from the Netherlands compared women with hereditary breast cancer (identified as either BRCA1/2 positive, or by a strong family history) with women without hereditary breast cancer for treatment outcome after breast conservation therapy. Although rates of ipsilateral breast recurrence were similar at 2 years following diagnosis, by 5 years the rate was twice as high in the hereditary cases (14% vs. 7%), and remained twice as high at 10 and 15 years after diagnosis (30% and 49% in the hereditary group, and 16% and 20% in the sporadic group).[107]

A multi-institution retrospective cohort study compared outcomes after breast conserving treatment between women with known BRCA1/2 mutations and those whose family history was not suggestive of a hereditary pattern. At 10 years, overall rates of ipsilateral breast cancer were not significantly different. However, BRCA1/2 mutation status was significantly associated with a risk of ipsilateral breast cancer when those carriers who underwent oophorectomy were removed from the analysis (7.8% for noncarriers vs. 16.3% for carriers). The 10-year estimates for contralateral breast cancer were 3% for noncarriers and 26% for carriers.[71] One study reported an approximately 40% risk of contralateral breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers, a risk which is reduced by taking tamoxifen or undergoing oophorectomy.[108]

A study of selected patients diagnosed at age 42 years or younger who had undergone conservative therapy were offered genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations. Of 127 participants, 22 were found to have deleterious mutations.[109] At a median of 12.7 years of follow-up, the rate of ipsilateral events was 49% in the mutation carriers and 21% in the noncarriers (P = .007). Clinical and pathological features of the ipsilateral tumors were more consistent with second primaries than with local recurrence. Similarly, the rate of contralateral cancers was 42% in the carriers and 9% in the noncarriers (P = .001). This study has been criticized as having an unacceptable rate of ipsilateral events overall, calling into question the adequacy of the local-regional treatment.[110]

As noted above, there is a growing indication that women with BRCA1/2 mutations who are treated conservatively have an increased, not decreased, rate of ipsilateral breast cancer, occurring usually after 5 years of follow-up.

The second concern stems from the emerging understanding of the role of the BRCA genes in DNA repair activities within the cell, and the implication of the loss of these functions for radiation hypersensitivity. Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in DNA double-strand break repair, and loss of function in these genes could potentially accelerate the rate of cell kill caused by ionizing radiation. Another potentially relevant mechanism is the defect in the G2-M phase checkpoint displayed by BRCA1-deficient cells, which also alters radiation sensitivity.[111] Furthermore, murine models of Brca1- and Brca2-deficient mice have demonstrated evidence of hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation.[18,112] Clinical manifestations of these findings could include:

  1. An increased response to adjuvant radiation therapy with a decrease of in-breast recurrence rates.
  2. An increase in ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancers secondary to genetic instability.
  3. An increase in radiation-related toxicity.

In one study, the rate of local recurrence among women with strong family histories who were treated with lumpectomy was highest when radiation was omitted, suggesting that these tumors are radiosensitive.[102] Rates of contralateral disease are consistently elevated in this population, but are equal for women treated with conservative therapy and for those who chose mastectomy without radiation, indicating that the increased risk is due to the mutation, not the exposure to radiation. And finally, studies have failed to find an increase in either early acute radiation tissue reactions or late radiation reactions to the skin, underlying tissue or bone.[113-115]

These data are consistent with a model in which hereditary BRCA1/2 cancers are sterilized by radiation therapy equally well, but due to the underlying genetic predisposition, the increased risk of second primaries in the treated breast remains. The findings of a significantly increased risk of contralateral breast cancer in this population is consistent across studies, and increasingly women with BRCA1/2 mutations are considering bilateral mastectomy at the time of first diagnosis of breast cancer, regardless of stage. Finally, there is no evidence for an increase in radiation toxicity among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.

Level of evidence: 3di

Role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in response to chemotherapy

A small but growing body of preclinical and clinical literature suggests a differential response of BRCA-related breast cancers to systemic chemotherapy. This is based on the emerging understanding of the functions of these genes in response to DNA damage and mitotic spindle machinery control. As several chemotherapeutic agents target either DNA or mitotic spindle structural integrity, the lack of BRCA functions could alter response to these agents. The absence of BRCA-mediated DNA repair could potentially increase sensitivity to these agents, which induce DNA breaks. On the other hand, the failure to activate cell cycle checkpoints in response to DNA damage could allow damaged tumor cells to avoid apoptosis and survive, leading to chemotherapy resistance. In the case of spindle poisons, BRCA1 has a role in the detection of microtubule disruption and induces apoptosis to prevent aberrant mitosis. Its absence could circumvent this mitotic regulation and thereby enhance sensitivity to spindle poisons. Several in vitro studies have begun to explore potential mechanisms for a differential response of BRCA-related breast cancers to several classes of chemotherapy. There are no clinical data at this time indicating that BRCA-associated cancers should be treated with different chemotherapy than non-BRCA-associated cancers.

Cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 were generated to explore its potential role in the cellular response to various chemotherapeutic agents.[116] In the presence of the antimicrotubule agents Taxol and vincristine, expression of BRCA1 resulted in a significant increase in cell death associated with an acute arrest in G2/M, suggesting that BRCA1 expression may be an important mediator of response to antimicrotubule agents by preventing progression of the cell into mitosis. BRCA1-deficient tumors, therefore, may exhibit resistance to this class of drugs.

The ability of BRCA1 to sensitize breast cancer cell lines to G2/M arrest in response to antimicrotubule agents was confirmed in a second study.[117] In contrast, BRCA1 induced resistance to DNA-damaging agents that induce double-strand breaks in DNA. Both of these opposing effects were mediated by inhibition or induction of apoptosis.

It has been shown that cell lines deficient in BRCA1 are defective in homology-directed chromosomal break repair, and highly sensitive to the interstrand cross-linking agent mitomycin-C.[118] Additional evidence supporting a role of BRCA1 in response to DNA-damaging drugs is seen in cisplatinum-resistant breast and ovarian cancer cell lines, in which BRCA1 is overexpressed and DNA repair is enhanced.[119]

Decreasing expression of BRCA1 in cell lines has been associated with increased sensitivity to cisplatinum and etoposide, and resistance to the tubule-damaging agents Taxol and vincristine.[120] Resistance was linked to transcriptional modifications in the JNK pathway which mediates apoptosis. Increased sensitivity to cisplatinum was associated with a time-dependent and dose-dependent increase in apoptosis in a mouse mammary epithelial cell line.[121] Another mechanism suggested for increased cisplatinum sensitivity in BRCA mutant cells is the role of both BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the promotion of subnuclear Rad51 foci for DNA repair.[122] A cell culture model was used to study the interaction of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) inhibition and BRCA1 deficiency.[123] CDK2 is a serine/threonine kinase that has a role in cell cycle control. Inhibitors of CDK2 cause delays in DNA damage signaling. CDK2 inhibition was fourfold more toxic in the presence of BRCA1 mutations, suggesting that CDK2 inhibition may be a sensitive target in patients with BRCA1 mutations. Another specific pathway to exploit in BRCA1/2 deficient tumors is the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) pathway. PARP is active in the repair of double-strand breaks by homologous recombination. In vitro studies have shown that PARP inhibition kills BRCA mutant cells with high specificity. This specificity has not yet been demonstrated in vivo,[124] although phase I studies of PARP inhibitors in combination with chemotherapeutic agents are underway.

Overall, the preclinical data supports the conclusion that BRCA1 inhibits apoptosis after treatment with DNA-damaging agents, and its absence promotes apoptosis leading to increased sensitivity. In contrast, BRCA1 promotes apoptosis after exposure to spindle poisons and its absence supports survival of cells damaged by spindle poisons and thereby confers drug resistance.[125] Similarly, an animal model of Brca2 deficiency in murine small intestine showed a reduction in clonogenic survival after exposure to either cisplatinum or mitomycin C.[126]

Evidence of the role of BRCA1/2 mutations in human studies is retrospective in design and very preliminary. Among 38 women treated with neoadjuvant therapy for stages I-III breast cancer, those with BRCA1/2 mutations were significantly more likely to achieve a clinical and pathological complete response, independent of clinical stage.[127]

Thus the preclinical and clinical data are consistent with the emerging understanding of BRCA1 function in DNA-damage response as well as cell cycle regulation. While these findings raise the possibility that germline status may influence treatment choices, there is insufficient evidence at this time to support treating mutation carriers with different regimens.

Ovarian Cancer


Refer to the PDQ summary on Screening for Ovarian Cancer 11 for information on screening in the general population, and to the PDQ summary Cancer Genetics Overview 2 for information on levels of evidence related to screening and prevention. The latter also outlines the five requirements that must be met before it is considered appropriate to screen for a particular medical condition as part of routine medical practice.

Clinical Examination

In the general population, clinical examination of the ovaries has neither the specificity nor the sensitivity to reliably identify early ovarian cancer. No data exist regarding the benefit of clinical examination of the ovaries (bimanual pelvic examination) in women at inherited risk of ovarian cancer.

Level of evidence: None assigned

Transvaginal Ultrasound

In the general population, transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) appears to be superior to transabdominal ultrasound in the preoperative diagnosis of adnexal masses. Both techniques have lower specificity in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women, due to the cyclic menstrual changes in premenopausal ovaries (e.g., transient corpus luteum cysts) that can cause difficulty in interpretation. A screening trial of TVUS in 25,327 asymptomatic women aged 50 years or older or aged 25 years or older and with a family history of ovarian cancer in a first- or second-degree relative was reported. Of these, 364 (1.4%) women had persistent ovarian abnormalities and underwent surgery. Approximately 88% (320 of 364) of the lesions were benign. Thirty-five women had primary invasive ovarian cancer, nine had low malignant potential tumors, and seven had cancers that were metastatic to the ovary.[128]

Data are limited regarding the potential benefit of transvaginal ultrasound in screening women at inherited risk of ovarian cancer. A number of retrospective studies have reported their experience with ovarian cancer screening in high-risk women using TVUS with or without CA 125.[7,129-139] However, there is little uniformity in the definition of high-risk criteria and compliance with screening, and in whether cancers detected were incident or prevalent. One of the largest reported studies included 888 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers who were screened annually with TVUS and CA 125. Ten women developed ovarian cancer, with five of ten developing interval cancers with normal screening results within 3 to 10 months before diagnosis. Five of the ten ovarian cancers were screen-detected incident cases, with normal screening results within 6 to 14 months before diagnosis. Of these five cases, four were stage IIIB or IV.[129]

Other studies also demonstrate that the ovarian cancers detected by screening are frequently advanced stage, and interval cancers can develop. Another study evaluated 383 high-risk women (152 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers) with annual TVUS and CA 125.[132] Abnormal screening results were noted in 74 women (19.3%), but these resolved spontaneously in 47 women (63.5%). Of the 20 women undergoing exploratory surgery, only one had cancer, which proved to be a breast cancer metastatic to the ovary. No epithelial ovarian cancers were found as a result of screening. A similar study reported the results of annual TVUS and CA 125 in a cohort of 312 high-risk women (152 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers).[131] Of the four cancers that were detected due to abnormal TVUS and CA 125, all four patients were symptomatic, and three had advanced-stage disease. Finally, a study of 1,100 moderate- and high-risk women who underwent annual TVUS and CA 125 reported that ten of 13 ovarian tumors were detected due to screening. Only five of ten were stage I or II.[130] There are limited data related to the efficacy of semiannual screening with TVUS and CA 125.[7,138]

Level of evidence: 4

Serum CA 125

Serum CA 125 screening for ovarian cancer in high-risk women has been evaluated in combination with TVUS in a number of retrospective studies, as described in the previous section.[7,129-138]

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Statement on Ovarian Cancer recommended against routine screening of the general population for ovarian cancer with serum CA 125. The NIH Consensus Statement did, however, recommend that women at inherited risk of ovarian cancer undergo TVUS and serum CA 125 screening every 6 to 12 months, beginning at age 35 years.[140] The Cancer Genetics Studies Consortium task force has recommended that female carriers of a deleterious BRCA1 mutation undergo annual or semiannual screening using TVUS and serum CA 125 levels, beginning at age 25 to 35 years.[9] Both recommendations are based solely on expert opinion and best clinical judgment.

Level of evidence: 5

In the United States, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is conducting a large controlled clinical trial in which 74,000 women were randomized to regular medical care or research-based screening for lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. The ovarian cancer screening consisted of serum CA 125 (baseline, and annually for 6 years) and TVUS (baseline, and annually for 4 years).[141] NCI's Clinical Genetics Branch, the Gynecologic Oncology Group, and the Cancer Genetics Network are collaborating on a prospective study (GOG-0199 12) of women at increased genetic risk of ovarian cancer in which risk-reducing surgery and a novel CA 125-based screening strategy are being evaluated.

The PDQ Cancer Screening and Prevention Board has reviewed the evidence related to the efficacy of pelvic examination, TVUS and serum CA 125 screening for ovarian cancer in the general population and concluded “There is inadequate evidence to determine whether routine screening for ovarian cancer…. would result in a decrease in mortality from ovarian cancer.” (Refer to the Ovarian Cancer Screening 11 summary for more information.)

Level of evidence: 5

Other Candidate Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers

The need for effective ovarian cancer screening is particularly important for women carrying mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2, and the mismatch repair genes (e.g., MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2), disorders in which the risk of ovarian cancer is high. There is a special sense of urgency for BRCA1 mutation carriers, in whom cumulative lifetime risks of ovarian cancer may exceed 40%.

Thus, it is expected that many new ovarian cancer biomarkers (either singly or in combination) will be proposed as ovarian cancer screening strategies during the next 5 to 10 years. While this is an active area of research with a number of promising new biomarkers in early development, it is important to acknowledge that, at present, none of these biomarkers alone or in combination have been sufficiently well studied to justify their routine clinical use for screening purposes, either in the general population or in women at increased genetic risk.

Before addressing information related to emerging ovarian cancer biomarkers, it is important to consider the several steps that are required to develop and, more importantly, validate a new biomarker. One useful framework is that published by NCI Early Detection Research Network investigators.[142] They indicated that the goal of a cancer-screening program is to detect tumors at an early stage so that treatment is likely to be successful. The gold standard by which such programs are judged is whether the death rate from the cancer for which screening is performed is reduced among those being screened. In addition, the screening test must be sufficiently noninvasive and inexpensive to allow widespread use in the population to be screened. Maintaining high test specificity (i.e., few false-positive results) is essential for a population screening test, because even a low false-positive rate results in many people having to undergo unnecessary and costly diagnostic procedures and psychological stress. It is likely that the use of several such cancer biomarkers in combination will be required for a screening test to be both sensitive and specific.

Furthermore, a clinically useful test must have a high PPV (a parameter derived from sensitivity, specificity and disease prevalence in the screened population). Practically speaking, a biomarker with a PPV of 10% implies that ten surgical procedures would be required to identify one case of ovarian cancer; the remaining nine surgeries would represent false-positive test findings. In general, the ovarian cancer research community considers biomarkers with a PPV less than 10% to be clinically unacceptable, given the morbidity related to bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that while novel biomarkers may be present in the sera of women with advanced ovarian cancer (which comprise the vast majority of cases analyzed in the early phases of biomarker development), they may or may not be detectable in women with early stage disease, which is essential if the screening test is to be clinically useful.

It has been suggested that there are five general phases in biomarker development and validation:

Phase I — Preclinical exploratory studies

  • Identify potentially discriminating biomarkers.
  • Usually done by comparing gene over- or under-expression in tumor compared with normal tissue.
  • Since many exploratory analyses in large numbers of genes are performed at this stage, one or more may seem to have good discriminating ability between cancers and normal tissue by random chance alone.

Phase 2 — Clinical assay development for clinical disease

  • Develop a clinical assay that can be obtained on noninvasively obtained samples (e.g., a blood specimen).
  • Often the test targets the protein product of one of the genes found to be of interest in phase I.
  • The goal is to describe the performance characteristics of the assay for distinguishing between subjects with and without cancer. At this point, the assay should be in its final configuration and remain stable throughout the following phases.
  • IMPORTANT: Since the case subjects in a phase 2 study already have cancer, with assay results obtained at the time of disease diagnosis, one cannot determine if disease can be detected early with a given biomarker.

Phase 3 — Retrospective longitudinal repository studies

  • Compare clinical specimens collected from cancer case subjects before their clinical diagnosis with specimens from subjects who have not developed cancer.
  • Evaluate, as a function of time before clinical diagnosis, the biomarker’s ability to detect preclinical disease.
  • Define the criteria for a positive screening test in preparation for phase 4.
  • Explore the influence of other patient characteristics (e.g., age, gender, smoking status, medication use) on the ability of the biomarker to discriminate between those with and without preclinical disease.

Phase 4 — Prospective screening studies

  • Determine the operating characteristics of the biomarker-based screening test in a population for which the test is intended.
  • Measure the detection rate (number of abnormal tests among all those with the disease) and the false-positive rate (the number of abnormal tests among all those who do not have the disease).
  • Evaluate whether the cancers detected by the test are being found at an early stage, a point at which treatment is more likely to be curative.
  • Assess whether the test is acceptable in a population of persons for whom it is intended. Will subjects comply with the test schedule and results?

Phase 5 — Cancer control studies

  • Ideally, randomized controlled clinical trials in clinically relevant populations, in which one arm is subjected to screening and appropriate intervention if screen-positive, while the other arm is not screened.
  • Determine whether the death rate of the cancer being screened for is reduced among those who use the screening test.
  • Obtain information about the costs of screening and treatment of screen-detected cancers.

Finally, for a validated biomarker test to be considered appropriate for use in a particular population, it must have been evaluated in that specific population without prior selection of known positives and negatives. In addition, the test must demonstrate clinical utility, that is, a positive net balance of benefits and risks associated with the application of the test. These may include improved health outcomes, as well as net psychosocial and economic benefits.[143]

Ovarian cancer poses a unique challenge relative to the potential impact of false-positive test results. There are no reliable noninvasive diagnostic tests for early stage disease, and clinically-significant early stage cancer may not be grossly visible at the time of exploratory surgery.[144] Consequently, it is likely that some patients will only be reassured that their abnormal test does not indicate the presence of cancer by having their ovaries and fallopian tubes surgically removed and examined microscopically. High test specificity (i.e., a very low false-positive rate) is required to avoid unnecessary surgery and induction of premature menopause in false positive women.

Variations on CA 125

CA 125 Plus an Ovarian Cancer Symptom Index

An ovarian cancer symptom index for predicting the presence of cancer was evaluated in 75 cases and 254 high-risk controls (BRCA mutation carriers or women with a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer).[145] Women had a positive symptom index if they reported any of the predefined symptoms (bloating or increase in abdominal size, abdominal or pelvic pain, and difficulty eating or feeling full quickly) more than 12 times per month occurring only within the prior 12 months. CA 125 values greater than 30 U/mL were considered abnormal. The symptom index independently predicted the presence of ovarian cancer, after controlling for CA 125 levels (p < 0.05). The combination of an elevated CA 125 and a positive symptom index correctly identified 89.3% of the cases. The symptom index correlated with the presence of cancer in 50% of the affected women who did not have elevated CA 125 levels, but 11.8% of the high-risk controls without cancer also had a positive symptom index. The authors suggested that a composite index including both CA 125 and the symptom index had better performance characteristics than either test used alone, and that this strategy might be used as a first screen in a multi-step screening program. Additional test performance validation and determination of clinical utility are required in unselected screening populations.

Level of evidence: 5

Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm

A novel modification of CA 125 screening is based on the hypothesis that rising CA 125 levels over time may provide better ovarian cancer screening performance characteristics than simply classifying CA 125 as normal or abnormal, based on an arbitrary cut-off value. This has been implemented in the form of the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm (ROCA), an investigational statistical model that incorporates serial CA 125 test results and other covariates into a computation which produces an estimate of the likelihood that ovarian cancer is present in the screened subject. The first report of this strategy – based on reanalysis of 5,550 average-risk women from the Stockholm Ovarian Cancer screening trial – suggested that ovarian cancer cases and controls could be distinguished with 99.7% sensitivity, 83% specificity, and a PPV of 16%. That PPV represents an eight-fold increase over the 2% PPV reported with a single measure of CA 125.[146] This report was followed by applying the risk of ovarian cancer algorithm (ROCA) to 33,621 serial CA 125 values obtained from the 9,233 average-risk postmenopausal women in a prospective British ovarian cancer screening trial.[147] The area under the receiver operator curve increased from 84% to 93% (P = 0.01) for ROCA compared with a fixed CA 125 cutoff. These observations represented the first evidence that preclinical detection of ovarian cancer might be improved using this screening strategy. A prospective study of 13,000 normal volunteers aged 50 years and older in England used serial CA 125 values and the ROCA to stratify participants into low, intermediate and elevated risk subgroups.[148] Each had its own prescribed management strategy, including TVUS and repeat CA 125 either annually (low risk) or at 3 months (intermediate risk). Using this protocol, ROCA was found to have a specificity of 99.8% and a PPV of 19%.

Currently, there are two prospective trials underway in England which utilize the ROCA: the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening targets normal-risk women randomized either to (1) no screening, (2) annual ultrasound or (3) multimodal screening using the ROCA (n = 202,638; accrual completed; follow-up ends in 2011); and the U.K. Familial Ovarian Cancer Screening Study which targets high-risk women (accrual ongoing). There are also two high-risk cohorts using the ROCA under evaluation in the United States: the Cancer Genetics Network ROCA Study 13 (n = 2,500; follow-up complete; analysis underway), and the Gynecologic Oncology Group Protocol 199 (GOG-0199 12) (n = 1,575 screening subjects; enrollment complete; follow-up ends in late 2011).[149] Thus, additional data regarding the utility of this currently investigational screening strategy will become available within the next few years.

Level of evidence: 4

Miscellaneous New Markers

A wide array of new candidate ovarian cancer biomarkers has been described during the past decade, including HE4; mesothelin; kallekreins 6, 10, and 11; osteopontin; prostasin; M-CSF ;OVX1; lysophosphatidic acid; vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) B7-H4; and interleukins 6 and 8, to name just a few.[150-152] These have been singly studied, in combination with CA 125, or in various other permutations. Most of the study populations are relatively small and comprise highly-selected known ovarian cancer cases and healthy controls of the type evaluated in early biomarker development phases I and II. Results have not been consistently replicated in multiple studies; presently, none are considered ready for widespread clinical application.

Level of evidence: 5


Initially, mass spectroscopy of serum proteins was combined with complex analytic algorithms to identify protein patterns that might distinguish between ovarian cancer cases and controls.[153] This approach assumed that pattern recognition alone would be sufficient to permit such discrimination, and that identification of the specific proteins responsible for the patterns identified was not required. Subsequently, this strategy has been modified, using similar laboratory tools, to identify finite numbers of specific known serum markers that may be used in place of, or in conjunction with, CA 125 measurements for the early detection of cancer.[154] These studies[152,155] have generally been small case-control studies that are limited by sample size and the number of early-stage cancer cases included. Further evaluation is needed to determine whether any additional markers identified in this fashion have clinical utility for the early detection of ovarian cancer in the unselected clinical population of interest.

Level of evidence: 5

Multiplex Assays

Because individual biomarkers have not met the criteria for an effective screening test, it has been suggested that it may be necessary to combine multiple ovarian cancer biomarkers in order to obtain satisfactory screening test results. This strategy was employed to quantitatively analyze six serum biomarkers (leptin, prolactin, osteopontin, insulin-like growth factor II, macrophage inhibitory factor, and CA 125), using a multiplex, bead-based platform.[156] A similar assay was available commercially under the trade name OvaSure™ until its voluntary withdrawal from the market by the manufacturer.[Response to FDA Warning Letter 14]

The cases in this study were newly-diagnosed ovarian cancer patients who had blood collected just prior to surgery: 36 were stage I/II; 120 were stage III/IV. The controls were healthy age-matched individuals who had not developed ovarian cancer within 6 months of blood draw. Neither cases nor controls in this study were well-characterized regarding their familial/genetic risk status, but they have been suggested to comprise a high-risk population.

First, 181 controls and 113 ovarian cancer cases were tested to determine the initial panel of biomarkers that best discriminated between cases and controls (training set). The resulting panel was applied to an additional 181 controls and 43 ovarian cancer cases (test set). Pooling both early and late stage ovarian cancer across the combined training and test sets, performance characteristics were reported as a sensitivity of 95.3% and a specificity of 99.4%, with a PPV of 99.3% and a NPV of 99.2%, using a formula that assumed an ovarian cancer prevalence of about 50%, as seen in the highly-selected research population. In order to avoid biases which may make test performance appear to be better than it really is, it is worth noting that combining training and test populations in analyses of this sort is generally not recommended.[157]

However, the most appropriate prevalence to use is the disease prevalence in the unselected population to be screened. The prevalence of ovarian cancer in the general population is 1 in 2,500. In a recently published correction to their manuscript,[156] the authors assumed that the prevalence of ovarian cancer in the screened population was 1/2,500 (0.04%) and recalculated the PPV to be only 6.5%, and on that basis the investigators have retracted their claim that this test is suitable for population screening. If this test were used in patients at increased risk of ovarian cancer, the actual prevalence in such a target population is likely to be higher than that observed in the general population, but well below the assumed 50% figure used in the published analysis. This revised PPV of 6.5% indicates that approximately 1 in 15 women with a positive test would in fact have ovarian cancer, and only a fraction of those with ovarian cancer would be stages I or II. The remaining 14 positive tests would represent false-positives, and these women would be at risk of exposure to needless anxiety and potentially morbid diagnostic procedures, including bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Viewed in the context of the criteria previously described,[142] this assay would be classified as phase 2 in its development. While this appears to be a promising avenue of ovarian cancer screening research, additional validation is required, particularly in an unselected population representative of the clinical screening population of interest. A recent position statement 15 by the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists regarding this assay indicated “it is our opinion that additional research is needed to validate the test’s effectiveness before offering it to women outside of the context of a research study conducted with appropriate informed consent under the auspices of an Institutional Review Board.”

Level of evidence: 5

Risk Modification

Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Ovarian Cancer 16 for information on prevention in the general population, and to the PDQ summary Cancer Genetics Overview 2 for information on levels of evidence related to screening and prevention.

Reproductive Factors

It has been suggested that incessant ovulation, with repetitive trauma and repair to the ovarian epithelium, increases the risk of ovarian cancer. In epidemiologic studies in the general population, physiologic states that prevent ovulation have been associated with decreased risk of ovarian cancer. It has also been suggested that chronic overstimulation of the ovaries by luteinizing hormone (LH) plays a role in ovarian cancer pathogenesis.[158] Most of these data derive from studies in the general population, but some information suggests the same is true in women at high risk due to genetic predisposition.


Among the general population, parity decreases the risk of ovarian cancer by 45% compared with nulliparity. Subsequent pregnancies after the first appear to decrease ovarian cancer risk by 15%.[159] Earlier studies of women with BRCA1/2 mutations showed that parity decreases the risk of ovarian cancer.[160,161] In a large case-control study, parity was associated with a significant reduction in ovarian cancer risk in women with BRCA1 mutations, OR 0.67 (CI 0.46–0.96).[162] For each birth, BRCA1 mutation carriers had an OR of 0.87 (CI 0.79–0.95). In this same study, parity was associated with an increase in ovarian cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers; however, there was no significant trend for each birth, OR 1.08 (0.90–1.29). Further studies are necessary to define the association of parity and risk of ovarian cancer in BRCA2 mutation carriers, but for BRCA1 carriers, each live birth significantly decreases risk of ovarian cancer, as it does in sporadic ovarian cancer.

Lactation and Tubal Ligation

In the general population, breast feeding is associated with a decrease in ovarian cancer risk.[163] In BRCA mutation carriers, data are limited. One study found no protective effect with breast feeding.[160] A case-control study among women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations demonstrates a significant reduction in risk of ovarian cancer (OR = 0.39) for women who have had a tubal ligation. This protective effect was confined to those women with mutations in BRCA1 and persists after controlling for oral contraceptive pill use, parity, history of breast cancer, and ethnicity.[164] A case-control study of ovarian cancer in Israel found a 40% to 50% reduced risk of ovarian cancer among women undergoing gynecologic surgeries (tubal ligation, hysterectomy, unilateral oophorectomy, ovarian cystectomy, excluding bilateral oophorectomy).[165] The mechanism of protection is uncertain. Proposed mechanisms of action include decreased blood flow to the ovary, resulting in interruption of ovulation and/or ovarian hormone production; occlusion of the fallopian tube, thus blocking a pathway for potential carcinogens; or a reduction in the concentration of uterine growth factors that reach the ovary.[166] (Refer to the PDQ summary on Prevention of Ovarian Cancer 16 for information relevant to the general population.)

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives have been shown to have a protective effect against ovarian cancer in the general population.[167] Several studies including a large, multicenter case-control study showed a protective effect,[55,162,164,168,169] while one population-based study from Israel failed to demonstrate a protective effect.[161]

A multicenter study of 799 ovarian cancer patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, and 2,424 control patients without ovarian cancer but with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, showed a significant reduction in ovarian cancer risk with use of oral contraceptives, OR 0.56 (CI 0.45–0.71). Compared to never use of oral contraceptives, duration up to one year was associated with an OR of 0.67 (0.50–0.89). The OR for each year of oral contraceptive use was 0.95 (CI 0.92–0.97) with a maximum observed protection at 3 years to 5 years of use. This study included women from a prior study by the same authors and confirmed the results of that prior study.[55] A population-based case-control study of ovarian cancer did not find a protective benefit of oral contraceptive use in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers, (OR = 1.07 for ≥5 years of use), though they were protective, as expected, among noncarriers (OR = 0.53 for ≥5 years of use).[161] A small population-based case-control study of 36 BRCA1 mutation carriers, however, observed a similar, protective effect in both mutation carriers and noncarriers (OR = approximately 0.5).[169] Finally, a multicenter study of subjects drawn from numerous registries observed a protective effect of oral contraceptives among the 147 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers with ovarian cancer compared with the 304 matched mutation carriers without cancer (OR = 0.62 for ≥6 years of use).[168]

As noted under oral contraceptives in the Breast Cancer Risk Modification 17 section of this summary, there are conflicting data regarding their effect on breast cancer risk, with some retrospective case-control studies suggesting that oral contraceptive use increases the risk of breast cancer in women at inherited risk of breast cancer,[50,170] including BRCA1 mutation carriers,[51] while a population-based study found a reduced risk among BRCA1 mutation carriers.[53]

Level of evidence: 3

Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy

Numerous studies have found that women at inherited risk of breast and ovarian cancer have a decreased risk of ovarian cancer following risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO). A retrospective study of 551 women with disease-associated BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations found a significant reduction in risk of breast cancer (HR = 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29–0.77) and ovarian cancer (HR = 0.04; 95% CI, 0.01–0.16) after bilateral oophorectomy.[97] A prospective single-institution study of 170 women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations showed a similar trend.[98] With oophorectomy, the HR was 0.15 (95% CI, 0.02–1.31) for ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer, and 0.32 (95% CI, 0.08–1.2) for breast cancer; the HR for either cancer was 0.25 (95% CI, 0.08–0.74). A prospective multicenter study of 1,079 women followed for a median of 30 to 35 months found that RRSO is highly effective in reducing ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. This study also showed that while RRSO was associated with reductions in breast cancer risk for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, the breast cancer risk reduction was more pronounced in BRCA2 carriers (HR = 0.28; 95% CI, 0.08–0.92).[99] In a case-control study in Israel, bilateral oophorectomy was associated with reduced ovarian/peritoneal cancer risks (OR = 0.12; 95% CI, 0.06–0.24).[165]

In addition to a reduction in risk of ovarian and breast cancer, RRSO may also significantly improve overall survival, as well as breast and ovarian cancer specific survival. A prospective cohort study of 666 women with germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 found an HR for overall mortality of 0.24 (95% CI, 0.08–0.71) in women who had RRSO compared with women who did not.[171] This study provides the first evidence to suggest a survival advantage among women undergoing RRSO.

Studies on the degree of risk reduction afforded by RRSO have begun to clarify the spectrum of occult cancers discovered at the time of surgery. Primary fallopian tube cancers, primary peritoneal cancers, and occult ovarian cancers have all been reported. Several case series have reported a prevalence of malignant findings among mutation carriers undergoing risk-reducing oophorectomy to be in the range of 2.3% to 33%, with a median age of the affected women in the range of 42 to 48 years.[172-176] The wide variation in prevalence is likely due to differences in surgical technique and pathologic handling of the tissues. In addition to occult cancers, premalignant lesions have also been described in fallopian tube tissue removed for prophylaxis. In one series of 12 women with BRCA1 mutations undergoing risk-reducing surgery, 11 had hyperplastic or dysplastic lesions identified in the tubal epithelium. In several of the cases the lesions were multifocal.[177] These pathologic findings are consistent with the identification of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in women affected with both tubal and primary peritoneal cancers.[176,178-183] One study suggests a causal relationship between early tubal carcinoma, or tubal intraepithelial carcinoma, and subsequent invasive serous carcinoma of the fallopian tube, ovary or peritoneum.[184]

These findings support the inclusion of fallopian tube cancers, which account for less than 1% of all gynecologic cancers in the general population, as a component of hereditary ovarian cancer, and underscore the need for the routine collection of peritoneal washings and careful pathologic evaluation of all tissue obtained at the time of risk-reducing surgery. They also raise questions about the optimal surgical approach to provide maximal cancer risk reduction. Some surgeons have recommended hysterectomy in addition to RRSO to remove the remnant of fallopian tube tissue embedded in the uterus, but there is no consensus on this issue, and most, if not all, fallopian tubes cancers appear to arise in the more distal segments of the tube.[176] Several studies have examined whether BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers are at increased risk of endometrial cancer.[185-189] While case reports and smaller studies suggested an association between BRCA mutations and a specific histology of endometrial cancer called uterine papillary serous cancer,[186] other studies have not found an increased risk of either uterine papillary serous cancer or endometrial cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers.[187,188] One cohort study of 857 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers reported an increased endometrial cancer risk but found that this risk was largely due to tamoxifen use associated with breast cancer treatment.[189] Therefore, in the absence of tamoxifen use or other underlying uterine or cervical problems, hysterectomy is not a necessary component of risk–reducing salpingo-oophorectomy.

The peritoneum, however, appears to remain at low risk for the development of a Mullerian-type adenocarcinoma, even after oophorectomy.[190-194] Of the 324 women from the Gilda Radner Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry who underwent risk-reducing oophorectomy, six (1.8%) subsequently developed primary peritoneal carcinoma. No period of follow-up was specified.[195] Among 238 individuals in the Creighton Registry with BRCA1/2 mutations who underwent risk-reducing oophorectomy, five subsequently developed intra-abdominal carcinomatosis (2.1%). Of note, all five of these women had BRCA1 mutations.[196] A study of 1,828 women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation found a 4.3% risk of primary peritoneal cancer at 20 years after RRSO.[197]

Given the current limitations of screening for ovarian cancer and the high risk for the disease in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, NCCN Guidelines 18 recommend RRSO between the ages of 35 and 40 years or upon completion of childbearing, as an effective risk-reduction option. Optimal timing of RRSO must be individualized, but evaluating a woman's risk for ovarian cancer based on mutation status can be helpful in the decision-making process. In a large study of U.S. BRCA1 and BRCA2 families, age-specific cumulative risk of ovarian cancer at age 40 years was 4.7% for BRCA1 mutation carriers and 1.9% for BRCA2 mutation carriers.[198] In a combined analysis of 22 studies of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, risk of ovarian cancer for BRCA1 mutation carriers increases most sharply between the ages of 40 years and 50 years, while for BRCA2 mutation carriers the risk is low before age 50 years, but increases sharply between the ages of 50 years and 60 years.[199] In a population-based study of BRCA mutations in ovarian cancer patients, patients with BRCA2 mutations had a significantly later age of onset than patients with BRCA1 mutations (57.3 years [40-72] vs. 52.6 [31-78]).[200] In summary, women with BRCA1 mutations may consider RRSO for ovarian cancer risk reduction at a somewhat earlier age than women with BRCA2 mutations; however, women with BRCA2 mutations may still consider early RRSO for breast cancer risk reduction.

For women who are premenopausal at the time of surgery, the symptoms of surgical menopause (e.g., hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and genitourinary complaints) can cause a significant impairment in their quality of life. To reduce the impact of these symptoms, providers have often prescribed a time-limited course of systemic HRT after surgery. The effect of HRT on breast cancer risk among carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has only been studied in the context of risk-reducing oophorectomy, a procedure known to reduce the risk of breast cancer. In a prospective study of 462 women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, 155 who had undergone bilateral oophorectomy (139 before age 50 years), the breast cancer risk reduction of 37% was essentially the same among the 93 women who took HRT compared with the reduction of 38% among those without HRT.[65] This finding needs to be confirmed in a larger study but suggests that HRT in this particular setting does not negate the protective effect of oophorectomy on breast cancer risk.

Studies have examined the effect of RRSO on quality of life (QOL). One study examined 846 high-risk women of whom 44% underwent RRSO and 56% had periodic screening.[201] Of the 368 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, 72% underwent RRSO. No significant differences were observed in QOL scores (as assessed by the Short Form-36) between those with RRSO or screening or compared with the general population; however, women with RRSO had fewer breast and ovarian cancer worries (P < .001), more favorable cancer risk perception (P < .05) but more endocrine symptoms (P < .001) and worse sexual functioning (P < .05). Of note, 37% of women used HRT following RRSO, although 62% were either peri-menopausal or postmenopausal.[201] Researchers then examined 450 premenopausal high-risk women who had chosen either RRSO (36%) or screening (64%). Of those in the RRSO group, 47% used HRT. HRT users (n = 77) had fewer vasomotor symptoms than nonusers (n = 87) (p<0.05), although more vasomotor symptoms than women in the screening group (n = 286). Likewise, women who underwent RRSO and used HRT had more sexual discomfort due to vaginal dryness and dyspareunia than those in the screening group (p < 0.01). Therefore, while such symptoms are improved via HRT use, HRT is not completely effective and additional work needs to be done.


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Glossary Terms

autosomal dominant
Autosomal dominant inheritance refers to genetic conditions that occur when a mutation is present in one copy of a given gene (i.e., the person is heterozygous).
cancer screening
Clinical testing designed to identify the presence of a specific cancer in an asymptomatic individual or population thought to be at risk of that specific cancer. The intent is to find cancers at the earliest possible stage in their development, in order to improve the chances for disease cure.
In classical genetics, an individual who carries one deleterious allele for an autosomal recessive disorder. In clinical discussions, may refer to an individual who carries a deleterious allele that predisposes to disease.
deleterious mutation
A mutation that is documented to be associated with risk of disease.
false-positive result
A test result that indicates an individual is affected and/or has a certain gene mutation when he or she is actually unaffected and/or does not have the mutation; i.e., a positive test result in a truly unaffected or mutation-negative individual.
family history (FAM-ih-lee HIH-stuh-ree)
The genetic relationships within a family combined with the medical history of individual family members. When represented in diagram form using standardized symbols and terminology, it is usually referred to as a pedigree or family tree. Also called family medical history.
first-degree relative
The parents, siblings, or children of an individual. Also called FDR.
genetic susceptibility (jeh-NEH-tik suh-SEP-tih-BIH-lih-tee)
Increased likelihood or chance of developing a particular disease due to the presence of one or more gene mutations and/or a family history that indicates an increased risk of the disease. Also called genetic predisposition.
Genetics (Prevention) Level of Evidence: 3aii
Cohort or case-control studies, preferably from more than one center or research group with incidence as an endpoint. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Prevention) Level of Evidence: 4aii
Ecologic (descriptive) studies with incidence as an endpoint. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Screening) Level of Evidence: 1
Randomized controlled clinical trial. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Screening) Level of Evidence: 3
Cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one center or research group. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Screening) Level of Evidence: 4
Multiple time series, with or without an intervention. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Screening) Level of Evidence: 5
Opinion of respected authorities based on clinical experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert committees. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Genetics (Treatment) Level of Evidence: 3di
Cohort or case-control analytic studies with disease-free survival as an indirect surrogate endpoint. See the Cancer Genetics Overview for more information.
Level of evidence 3iiA
Consecutive case series (not population-based) with total mortality as an endpoint. See Levels of Evidence for Adult and Pediatric Cancer Treatment Studies (PDQ®) for more information.
mutation (myoo-TAY-shun)
A change in the usual DNA sequence at a particular gene locus. Mutations (including polymorphisms) can be harmful, beneficial, or neutral in their effect on cell function.
mutation analysis
Germline genetic testing method targeted to detect a specific mutation (such as a deleterious MSH2 mutation previously identified in a family), panel of mutations (such as the 3 BRCA mutations comprising the founder mutation panel for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry) or type of mutation (such as a large deletions or insertions in the BRCA1 gene). This type of testing is distinct from complete gene sequencing or mutation scanning. The latter are designed to detect most mutations in the region being tested. Current usage also applies this term to any genetic test.
An individual who does not carry a mutation previously identified in his or her family.
positive predictive value
The likelihood that an individual with a positive test result truly has the particular gene and/or disease in question. Also called PPV.
The frequency with which a test yields a true positive result among individuals who actually have the disease or the gene mutation in question. A test with high sensitivity has a low false-negative rate and thus does a good job of correctly identifying affected individuals.

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